


The Promised Neverland

We need more anime like this. This show is a dark, mysterious, psychological thriller without a single filler episode. Despite only possessing a sliver of a heart, there were times when I almost got emotional. This show won't make you laugh. It's not something casual to watch for a few minutes before flipping to something else. It's a show that hurts yet you want to watch as much as you can. It leaves you thinking after almost every episode. Looking forward to the second season so I can learn more about this world and see what the characters are able to accomplish...


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From: 2x10 Once Upon a Time…

You know, writers, there are ways to convey that someone is stressed or angry without having them drop a hundred F-bombs in their shouting fit. At least vary the swear words. It feels so forced out of some people's mouths *Tabitha especially), and it's really bad writing when a character's big emotional moment is 25% comprised of the same word. Makes the characters seem inarticulate.

Not a very compelling cliffhanger. I wish the show would just wrap up an arc at the end of the season instead of trying to make the beginning of the next season feel like it's "just" the next episode.

So, my verdict? If it gets renewed for a third season, I'll watch. If not, it won't take me long to forget this show even existed...


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Supernatural: 15x20 Carry On
Supernatural: 14x19 Jack in the Box
Lucifer: 4x09 Save Lucifer

Maze develops a crush on anyone who shows her kindness. It's really sad, actually.

What's with nephilims being named Jack?

Eve dressed as Chloe is even creepier than Lucifer's Devil Face.

I really wish they would have done a voice effect for Lucifer. If he can't even control his "mojo", how is he still controlling his charming British accent?

If a hashtag had been at the beginning of this episode title, it would have been a nice reference yo how badly fans wanted this show to continue. Well, just 1 more episode left this season. Hopefully, it won't end on a giant cliffhanger...


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Lucifer: 4x06 Orgy Pants to Work

Second episode this season we get to see Tom Ellis's bubble butt.

Chloe knows how to put the Devil in his place.

So, Eve is almost kind of like Maze's step-mother.

I'M SO SICK OF DAN DOUCHE!! It's been months, and he's still whining and blaming Lucifer for everything...


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Lucifer: 4x02 Somebody's Been Reading Dante's Inferno

Why is Maze wearing so much makeup? She certainly doesn't need it.

Ending each episode on a cliffhanger, Netflix knows what it's doing. I have a ton of work I need to do tonight, but I am so tempted to binge-watch this. I wish this season could be just a little longer...


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Supernatural: 15x17 Unity
Supernatural: 15x12 Galaxy Brain
Lucifer: 4x10 Who's da New King of Hell?
Lucifer: 4x07 Devil Is as Devil Does

Lucifer has a devil and an angel on his shoulders.

I actually yelled "EW!" when their fingers touched. Come on, Ella. I thought you had better standards than that.

For that last reveal, I was hoping they would be blackened, blood-stained, or even set ablaze...


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Supernatural: 15x19 Inherit the Earth
Supernatural: 14x17 Game Night

Oh, yeah, I just remembered. Whatever happened with Garth? We never got an update on him after he was tossed in the trunk almost 10 episodes ago.

What a cheap cliffhanger...


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Lucifer: 4x03 O, Ye of Little Faith, Father

It actually shocked me when the new Devil Face popped up.

'Bout time she showed up. It shouldn't have taken this long when she's in half the season 4 trailer...


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Supernatural: 15x15 Gimme Shelter

"Can we wear matching ties?"
If Chuck won't protect this child, I sure as hell will.

Why is it taking him MONTHS to nuke the other worlds? That's just absurd.

Is this season finally back on track now? Are we past all the filler...?


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Supernatural: 15x14 Last Holiday

Am I the only one feeling no sense of urgency? The show keeps telling me how they don't have time because Chuck can end the world at any moment, but I don't feel that at all. It almost feels like Chuck wants to be defeated and is giving the gang time to do so.

It is confirmed that Dean Winchester is a Luigi fan. Noted.

Jack would actually be Gen Z. Sam and Dean are millennials.

How convenient that Cas wasn't in this episode. The writers don't even bother trying to come up with an excuse for his absences anymore.

They...really couldn't have tried breaking the door down some other way?

Best episode of the season. The first episode that didn't feel like a drag. It was filler, unfortunately, but at least it was good filler. While it doesn't quite earn a 9/10, I'm giving it one since it's the only episode this season I've enjoyed start to finish...


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A Whisker Away

Entertaining with Studio Ghibli vibes. I was really into the first half of the movie but lost some interest with the latter half. I have my issues with the "romance" and with more or less the entire last 20 minutes, but all right film overall. Worth re-watching, but I wouldn't go out of my way to do so. A low 7/10...


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Supernatural: 14x18 Absence

They've gotten way too comfortable with resurrecting people without regard for consequences. It's really disturbing.

I really hope she's gone for good this time. Jack doesn't even have a soul, and he felt 80 times worse about it than I do...


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12 Monkeys: 2x10 Fatherland

I'm sooo over Cassandra. Season 2 has made her an insufferable, selfish, bloodthirsty hypocrite. She's a completely different character. There is no redeeming her anymore. Ramse isn't far behind either. Although I knew it wouldn't happen, I was hoping Cole would kill them both in this episode...


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The Lobster

It's not awful, but it's rather underwhelming, especially in hindsight. Very disappointing considering how much people rave about it. Would have benefitted from more world-building and follow-up to characters' actions... 4/10


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Criminal Minds: 15x02 Awakenings
Criminal Minds: 13x22 Believer

Shout by SophieFilo16
BlockedParent2020-02-10T01:58:25Z— updated 2020-07-13T00:49:16Z

"What year is it?"
(instantly tries to kill self)
Heaven forbid Reid had said "2019".

[Edit: Make that "2020".]

13 seasons later, and Reid and J.J. moments are still as precious as can be.

Best season finale we've had in a while. This season started off unspectacular and bland, following the pattern of recent seasons. However, around episode 13 or so, it started to feel like classic Criminal Minds again. I hope next season and the final season do this as well. Having Criminal Minds not be Criminal Minds was honestly more depressing than any case this show could ever have...


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Grimm: 1x02 Bears Will Be Bears

Marie needs to stop teasing and just outright tell the man everything he needs to know.

Well, too late now... :T


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Grimm: 1x01 Pilot
Living with Yourself: 1x07 Piña Colada

Paul Rudd's hair is incredible. It visibly transforms him into a different person depending on whether it's messy or neat.

With just one episode to go, it feels like this show has completely lost track of what it's supposed to be...


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Heroes: Season 1

I watched this season religiously as a kid. I watched it so much, my sister ended up just giving me her DVD collection. I rewatched it about two years ago and it wasn't quite a spectacular. It may be because I watched it so much, nothing was a surprise to me. Or it may be because this show is from 2006 and served as a role model for a lot of sci-fi shows to come that have since imitated Heroes (some doing it better, some doing it worse). Even so, it is still a great watch. To this day, if the show had ended after this first season, this is the show I would name as my favorite if someone asked me. But alas, there's the other 3 sub-par seasons and that "Reborn" mistake. If you're on the fence about watching this show because of the other seasons and the "reboot", just give the first season a try. It's perfectly acceptable to stop after that, especially since there are only a few loose ends. 9/10 for me (which is exceedingly rare)...


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Supernatural: 15x06 Golden Time

Eileen was in Hell, too, huh?

Grace from Travelers. That's how I'll forever know this actress.

That "kid" looks like he's 20.

Wow, that woman looks almost exactly like her mother. And I feel sorry for the little girl. It could've worked in such a way that she became the new Rowena, but alas.

Of all these Winchesters' fallen allies who would've liked a second chance at life, they give it to Eileen? After Kevin already had to be told his only options are Hell and insanity? I mean, I'm not saying Eileen isn't worth it, but the spell is one-time use only. There are so many others in Eileen's position. Is it really fair to give it to her and let everyone else suffer? What about Ketch? What if Rufus is around somewhere? Charlie? What if they all come back and have to be told "oh well, too bad" because Eileen got the one and only loophole? It just isn't fair to everyone else...


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Supernatural: 15x04 Atomic Monsters
Supernatural: 14x10 Nihilism

Michael's a smooth talker.
Aww, Cas still feels guilty about Pamela.
Castiel is such a dad.
I still miss Death...


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Lucifer: 4x05 Expire Erect

I forgot Eve was the mother of Cain.

Snake costume? Oh, Lord...


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