


From: 2x10 Once Upon a Time…

You know, writers, there are ways to convey that someone is stressed or angry without having them drop a hundred F-bombs in their shouting fit. At least vary the swear words. It feels so forced out of some people's mouths *Tabitha especially), and it's really bad writing when a character's big emotional moment is 25% comprised of the same word. Makes the characters seem inarticulate.

Not a very compelling cliffhanger. I wish the show would just wrap up an arc at the end of the season instead of trying to make the beginning of the next season feel like it's "just" the next episode.

So, my verdict? If it gets renewed for a third season, I'll watch. If not, it won't take me long to forget this show even existed...


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From: 2x09 Ball of Magic Fire

Dude tossed the keys five feet away, and that means they can't leave? Just shoot the guy in the knee and leave him in the woods while you find the keys and drive away.

"You think you're the only one who's lost something?" Says the girl who killed her own brother in an attempt to relate to the man who had his father murdered as a result of HER actions...


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From: 2x08 Forest for the Trees

Only a few minutes in, and I'm already annoyed. That Randall guy is seriously trying to convince Jim that if he didn't see people get killed, they might still be alive? This newbie who knows next to nothing is running around with conspiracy theories that everyone who died is in on it. People like him are why Flat Earthers and moon landing conspiracists are still around. "If I didn't see it with my own two eyes, it could all be fake!" Someone, please kill off Randall already.

So, they had the bile and their first thought wasn't to immediately dip bullets and other weapons in them? And we're supposed to see Elgin as some kind of genius for thinking of the most obvious next step?

So, those pictures have been in there for decades and haven't even gotten brown around the edges? These writers keep forgetting how time works...


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From: 2x06 Pas de Deux
Without a Trace: 1x09 In Extremis

This episode was so uncomfortable to watch in 2023.
"Just because he's a Muslim doesn't mean it's easy for him to commit suicide."
My bones were cringing as I tried to wrap my head around that statement. And the not-so-lowkey prejudice from the main cast is almost like whiplash after the last episode...

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Without a Trace: 1x02 Birthday Boy

Gabe is played by the dude from Wizards of Waverly Place and Ted's son from How I Met Your Mother...

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Lucifer: 6x09 Goodbye, Lucifer

"Lezmagadiel"? Really?

"Check in on Father Frank" is on Lucifer's to-do list. That's precious. I wish we could have seen it.

"Team Free Will." The references are starting to get tiring now.
What's going on with Tom's makeup? He looks like someone peed around his eyes and mouth.

That was the longest day ever. The sun had to be out for at least 20 hours.

Love how Lucifer didn't even consider saying goodbye to Trixie. Or how Chloe didn't consider it at all when Lucifer asked if she wanted to spend the day with him and their daughter. It's like they stopped caring about her once her voice started to drop. On a side note, Maze taught her well.

Why the HELL would Dan leave for heaven and let a murderer remain right by his kid?

I guess the panic room is a TARDIS because it was definitely bigger on the inside...


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From: 2x02 The Kindness of Strangers

I made the mistake of thinking the season was fully released only to realize it's a weekly serial.

Anywho, this season is already looking much better than the last. A whole bus full of people rolling into town is more interesting than the "two cars", and we're jumping straight into the action instead of spending half the episode getting to know everyone's past that no one asked for. I'm hoping the season will stay like this. Those long, drawn-out, tellings (not showings) of past events in people's lives made the first season drag, especially when that person ended up dying not long after...


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From: Season 1

This season has a very sudden end. I feel sorry for people who had to wait for season 2 because the last episode feels like it cuts off in the middle of the story.

As for my overall thoughts of this show so far, it's your typical monsters in the dark/mysterious town people get trapped in story. The characters' decisions are sometimes infuriating, and there are some things that don't make sense in terms of timeline, resources, safety plan, etc. It feels lower budget because they only seem to have 4 sets/filming locations. The acting is usually good, but a few actors need some work. Graphics are lower quality than you'd expect from an Amazon Original. But the show is all right fine for a quick binge. It's just absurdly slow sometimes with a couple of entire episodes having nothing of real value happening. In a 10-episode season that's supposed to be a mystery/thriller/suspense, there shouldn't be entire episodes that can be removed without losing substance.

Good to have on in the background or just casually watch on a day off, but it's probably not going to be your new favorite show. 6/10...


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Lucifer: 6x08 Save the Devil, Save the World

Heroes reference.

What's with the theatrics? Amenadiel's never had to do all that before. Definitely trying to show off to Ella.

Imagine being a therapist and saying a book you unethically wrote about your patients is your "biggest professional achievement" and then acting inconvenienced when said patients don't approve.

"You have someone you care about as much as a sibling." Uhh, yeah, when he's not hooking up with her, I guess?

I've come to the realization that I don't really care about most of these characters anymore. Just Ella and Trixie...


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Lucifer: 6x07 My Best Fiend's Wedding

I was just thinking of how I'm surprised I didn't have anything (new) to complain about in this episode. Then they had to shoehorn in a lesson about toxic masculinity. Ugh.

I don't like Maze anymore. Linda and Ella only female characters who haven't become entirely different people. I didn't want to add to the crowd of people saying this season is a soap opera, but man, that balcony scene was a snore...


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Lucifer: 6x06 A Lot Dirtier Than That

I have a dream... That one day... Black characters can exist in multi-season, live-action shows without having an episode dedicated to the struggles of being black. It's not "representation" to act like I'm only relevant in relation to oppression.

I absolutely cannot see Trixie as a science camp kid. I'm more inclined to believe Chloe sent her there so she can further neglect her child.
Why on Earth is Amenadiel even involved in a murder case on his first day? He would've been told to stay in the car.

Love the implication that Chloe got promoted because she's white and has a famous dad. Let's ignore that she had the highest closure rate in the entire department and that she had to earn her keep after no one wanted anything to do with her after Palmetto.

Oh, I am so over this BS. They see a bleeding woman on the ground already and tell her to get down when she's clearly hiding from the guy standing behind a gun? Ugh, I can't stand when shows try to do "woke" episodes...


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Lucifer: 6x05 The Murder of Lucifer Morningstar

Chloe: I don't have another daughter.
Rory: My name is short for Aurora.
Chloe: OMG, you're really my daughter?!
This is almost on the same level of stupid as the infamous "Martha" scene in BvS.

Remember last episode when Chloe made Lucifer promise there wouldn't be any more secrets between them? Yeah.

So, a missing sock is what will lead to Ella finally being in the know. Sigh...


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Lucifer: 6x04 Pin the Tail on the Daddy

Chloe's getting on my nerves. Not telling someone something because it just didn't come up and you're busy with other things is not the same as keeping secrets.

"She met a guy online." Didn't they JUST say they didn't have access to phones or anything?
How could she NOT find Lucifer? He was only in Hell for 2 months. He's gotta be the easiest person in LA to find...


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Lucifer: 6x03 Yabba Dabba Do Me

And here's another page taken out of Fringe's book. We've now had a noir episode, a musical episode, and a cartoon episode. If that doesn't spell out the grave of a show, I don't know what does. Guess the only thing missing is an "it was all a dream" episode.

Every time I start to appreciate Linda, she goes and does something unethical again. Writing a book about a client and using the client's real name and information? Writing a book about a friend without asking them before you include details about their life? It's true to her character that she betrayed her morals for personal gain in that alternate reality episode.

I really don't like Chloe this season. And not in the way I disliked her in season 4. Here, she is unjustifiably an entirely different person.

Cartoon Chloe had the bullet necklace even though she hasn't been wearing it...


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Lucifer: 6x02 Buckets of Baggage

Did they really just do a 10-second infodump on why Lucifer is invulnerable? Lazy writing.

"You're excused." I already don't like this character. Just a copy and paste of every edgy, rebellious, bad girl who can kick butt in every show ever.

How many cases have we had now where the killer thought their lover was cheating but it turned out to be a misunderstanding? It's gotten very old.

Why is Chloe acting like she has nothing to do? She has a child who is grieving the loss of her father. The same child she hasn't seen for 6 weeks while on vacation with Lucifer...


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Lucifer: 6x01 Nothing Ever Changes Around Here
Lucifer: 5x16 A Chance at a Happy Ending

"She's with my mom and Dan's parents." Dan has parents?

Are those...really all the angels? Thought there'd be a lot more.

Zaddy is such a daddy. But in other news, Lucifer definitely lied when he said God returned and made them sing. There's been quite a few lies from him this season.
Shouldn't Lucifer, the Lightbringer, be the only one who can activate the Flaming Sword?

Mr. Said Out returns! "I don't know what the fork any of that means." Is that a Good Place reference?

What even was the plan? Amenadiel kept telling Maze to hold, but if Chloe's death wasn't intended, what were they waiting for?
Now, I see why everyone was saying season 5 is the series finale...


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Lucifer: 5x15 Is This Really How It’s Going to End?!
Lucifer: 5x14 Nothing Lasts Forever

We finally get to see some other celestials, but I doubt we'll see most of them again.
Hanjobadiel. A little on the nose.

That dog was such a good boy/girl, I had to double-check that it wasn't a doll.

So, this restaurant already had that dish pre-made? Gross.

Ella's finally made her way to Linda's couch. Only ones left are Dan and Trixie.

So, God unconsciously self-actualizes, too, eh? Also, I really wish they would explain the reason why God can't access the universe the Goddess is in.

Penelope is a wealthy B-list movie star, but she brings over a $1 box of Betty Crocker cake mix? Not even Ghirardelli? And no icing?

Why did the Goddess use Charlotte Richard's body again?
"My kindest, wisest, most perfect son." Geez, the favoritism.

"You've been helping me do my job for the last 5 years." Didn't Dan just say it's been 3 years a couple episodes ago...?


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Lucifer: 5x13 A Little Harmless Stalking

I don't ship Eve and Maze in the slightest. Maze crushing on Eve, sure. But I don't feel any chemistry the other way around. Party girl Eve also isn't what Maze needs. She needs someone to ground her and make her appreciate simpler things sometimes.

Maze can usually take down a room full of people on her own, but now she needs "help" just to give Eve a moment to shine. I hate when shows do that...


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Lucifer: 5x12 Daniel Espinoza: Naked and Afraid

Dan is very easy to peer pressure.
So, we now officially know it's been 3 years since Lucifer became a consultant.
It takes the help of three other-worldlies for Dan to solve one problem on his own.
Linda playing along was my favorite part.
I KNEW that was the same Los X girl from before...


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Lucifer: 5x11 Resting Devil Face

With how little time Trixie spends with her parents, it's amazing she didn't turn out worse. That said, with how many times Trixie has gotten in trouble at school, I'm surprised she hasn't been kicked out or had CPS investigate.

I can't see Lucifer being a boxing fan. That's more up Amenadiel, Dan, or Maze's alley. Even Linda seems like she'd be more into fighting sports than Lucifer.

Okay, so Trixie is 11 now. That doesn't match up with the timeline they've tried to establish, but at least they're not claiming a clearly preteen girl is still 9.

A couple things have been consistently irritating me ever since God showed up. 1. Absolutely zero mention of the son he lost. 2. Lucifer seems to have forgotten that God was originally going to kill him until Goddess convinced God to send Lucifer to Hell instead. That's a pretty big point of contention that should have been addressed.

Why on earth would Chloe expose her in the middle of surgery? I swear, they made everyone dumber this season...


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Lucifer: 5x10 Bloody Celestial Karaoke Jam

I thought I would hate this episode since musicals aren't my thing, but the concept of God screwing with Lucifer saved it. I also appreciate that it's not one of those musical episodes where there has to be CONSTANT singing.

I must say, I prefer Dan's singing voice to Lucifer's. Tom Ellis's voice is nice, but I rarely feel like it's the right fit for the songs in this show. (The song at the end is an instance of Tom Ellis's voice matching well.)

Words cannot express the sounds I made as cringe overwhelmed me when Amenadiel started rapping. Come now, AMENADIEL rapping??

The Devil made God cry...


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Lucifer: 5x09 Family Dinner

"You saw how they were attacking me?" Michael. Please. We're not even a minute in, and you've already got me physically cringing and wanting to wring your neck.

I find it odd that Uriel wasn't mentioned once in this episode.

"And like him..." Oh, is he going to say he shows his love through actions, not words? "I am incapable of love." Wow. Just wow. Actually, truly, sincerely wow...


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Lucifer: 5x08 Spoiler Alert
Lucifer: 5x07 Our Mojo
Lucifer: 5x06 BlueBallz
Lucifer: 5x05 Detective Amenadiel

Linda does NOT look old enough to have had a child in 1994. She looked like a full-grown woman in that picture, not a teenager.

Okay, so 17 in 1994. If this episode takes place in 2019, that makes Linda 42. Guess that adds up, but she still looked fully grown in that picture.

So, the first demon is dead. Off-screen. I'm hoping she'll pop back up later because it's a horrible decision to kill off such an important figure in lore after we say her (the real her) for all of one scene.

As sweet as it was that Dan was touched by Lucifer reading the transcript, I'm never going to like the guy again after his character reached new heights of douchery last season.

Mr. Humans-Can't-Have-Proof-of-Divinty sure was quick to bust out his wings to prove a point.

Lucifer subconsciously choosing to be vulnerable around her does explain a couple of plot holes...


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Lucifer: 5x04 It Never Ends Well for the Chicken