


Lucifer: 5x16 A Chance at a Happy Ending
Lucifer: 5x10 Bloody Celestial Karaoke Jam

I hate episodes with a musical theme. Shoving in the story in the songs is annoying, and I skip these songs. Luckily the main story plot was not part of these songs.

Episode wise, meh. I am giving this a 6/10 only for the Lucifer brand. Doesn't have the charm though, and God's "acting" seems really fake, not gone lie.

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The Flash: 7x10 Family Matters (1)

I can't remember the last time Flash or his team defeated an enemy using their powers, rather than just talking down their enemies. It's getting ridiculous. Absolutely destroying my love for the flash.

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The Blacklist: 8x03 16 Ounces

Ressler, seriously, what will it take for you to arrest or just stop Liz from doing something stupid. The amount of stupidity that followed after Katarina's death, is just mind blowing.

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Lucifer: 6x09 Goodbye, Lucifer

I've binged all the episodes in 1 sitting. But just this one episode felt much longer than all the previous episodes combined. The scene with Maze & Lucifer, my god was it heavy.

Can't give it a rating of 10, the last scene makes no sense. She is a celestial, he's a mortal, should never be a reason for Lucifer to go.

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Lucifer: 6x10 Partners 'Til the End

Oh, Netflix trying to go out the same way how I met your mother did. With creating a ridiculous last episode. What a terrible episode to end on. In my mind, this season is 9 episodes long, where the last scene from the 9th episode didn't happen. The show was great till then, so I'll consider that as the real ending. All the other supporting characters were already done with their parts, there was no need for this episode.

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The Blacklist: 8x22 Konets

Nope, not as dope as the other comments suggest. Sure it was kinda unexpected, the ending, but this season has been such a disappointment. Elizabeth wants to kill Reddington, then a few episodes later she is fine with him, then again pissed that he doesn't share the secrets, then suddenly everything is all good in this episode suddenly.

The introduction of an old character to nudge Liz in the direction she ended up choosing. What rubbish. Any normal headed person would have just said screw this I'm done and I can finally leave with my kid so I will. The writing has gotten as bad as it can get during this season. I'm horrified to think of what they're going to do next season. At least no more horrible acting by the person who ended up dying.

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Lucifer: 5x13 A Little Harmless Stalking

Not bad, but not great either.

What's with this constant need that these characters feel to keep running away from their true feelings. I know you love me but for some stupid reason we can't be together. Can anyone in this show like ever get together?

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Lucifer: 5x14 Nothing Lasts Forever

Finally, the story we've been waiting for this season begins. I'm hyped for the remaining episodes of the season.

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The Flash: 7x11 Family Matters (2)

Since the writers are going for this being the worst season ever, this is definitely the best episode to prove that.

Edit: I wrote the review while I had finished some 15 minutes or so into the episode, damn it just got worse. Just horrible. Terrible. These words don't do justice, so so so bad.

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Lucifer: 5x09 Family Dinner

A slightly dull episode, I'm sure the rest of the season will pick up.

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Season 1

Mostly cringe. Just trying way too hard to fit it jokes. Also the story is so lame. Could have portrayed it better.

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Lucifer: 6x06 A Lot Dirtier Than That

The writers have done a fantastic job this season I feel. Another character from the previous seasons brought back, and I don't think their role is done yet.
Eve's role is still minimal, which I don't mind, because her acting ever since she got together with Maze has been only okay, but I really think Maze's character is not as well written this season. Maze has always been one of my favourites on the show, and I feel something missing from her character this season. Great going so far, though.

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The Flash: 7x14 Rayo De Luz

Keeps getting cringier episode after episode.

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The Blacklist: 8x14 Misère

Literally a filler episode. Showing us clips from previous episodes, except it's from Liz's perspective. Don't bother downloading, waste of time.

Nothing we didn't already know. Literally bringing back an old character, who has no reason being in it.

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Lucifer: 6x07 My Best Fiend's Wedding

Had to write the comment mid-way through the episode. I love that the story writers brought in Adam as well. The kiss, with Maze showing the middle finger what a scene. Gotta love Ella's meltdown as well. Another great episode.

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The Flash: 7x16 P.O.W.

So Barry can phase through ground now? He can use some tech from Dig to stop a Godspeed, but not keep it activated back at Star labs? Ok. Smart. Sure the assumed good guy Godspeed will think Barry is the villain thanks to the frequency omitted from his suit, but once seeing his red suit, won't the Godspeed know it's Barry? Now there's a Bart to screw things up more. The writers write this crap when they're drunk, I'm sure of it.

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The Blacklist: 8x16 Nicholas Obenrader

So now Liz is friends with the FBI again. Talk about the FBI not having a backbone.
Liz, and Ressler stupid enough to communicate on Ressler's FBI issued phone. It's been 8 years, and you're still so stupid to not use a burner? Cool.

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Lucifer: 6x02 Buckets of Baggage

Ohh this one was awesome. The whole Chloe Maze thing. The whole Ella thing. Just great. And the ignorant Lucifer that I love. Linda's role was better this episode than the first, although a slightly shorter part in the episode. Dan screwing things up as usual. Overall, great episode.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x08 Renewal

I finally laughed out loud for the first time this season. Rosa & Cheddar things. Hopefully we get the old B99 flare back in the remaining episodes.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x05 PB&J

A disappointment of an episode on a disappointment of a season. How the writers have screwed up even a Doug Judy episode is mind blowing. Everything is so forced in the episode.

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The Flash: 7x15 Enemy at the Gates

Cecile continues to be an absolute disappointment. Absolute filler character at this point.

The episode starts off so so badly, that I am surprised it didn't get worse.

I was so excited to finally read that this was gonna be a Godspeed episode, finally seeing a good Speedster for the first time since Savitar (yes ignoring Nora). Horrible. Shameful that they ruin Godspeed episodes as well. The slowmo fight. The barely 10 seconds of CGI speedrunning. I miss the show being about speed, it's all emotions and feelings now, and the one episode that actually has speed finally, ends up with such a disappointment. Not that this episode lacked any emotions and feelings crap. The way the story tried to include Iris even though she's not there the whole episode, so cringe.

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The Blacklist: 8x21 Nachalo

One of the lamest reveals to a long time story build up. 8 seasons of waiting, and the episode ends up with more than half of the story being things we already knew from previous episodes with a small twist. And it was obvious that they would not reveal the identity, it's just a trend among most of the mystery & thriller shows. You have to wait to the season end for, till the very end, I'm sure.

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The Flash: 7x12 Good-Bye Vibrations

I cried. Not because the guy left team flash. Because of how bad the show continues to be.
I totally agree btw that that's exactly how you turn a blimp, that exactly how angles work. Initially I gave the episode 2/10, then I watched the episode's ending.

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The Blacklist: 8x20 Godwin Page

Shout by Shraa
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-06-05T13:21:02Z— updated 2021-09-14T22:40:59Z

Meh. The part about Reddington abducting Liz, rather than Townsend was so obvious. I'm surprised Harold is as naive as he is. Even Cynthia is smarter than Harold for crying out loud.

Reddington, having so stupidly put Liz next to Godwin, with no hidden camera or hearing devices in her cell is also so stupid. Really, this guy stays ahead of the FBI for years? Liz is obviously pissed at him and she'll do anything to betray him, the obvious play was Reddington intentionally letting her listen to the conversation about the chip, and then him actually having had a second chip in Godwin as well.

So Raymond doesn't really tell anything to Liz on the car drive, about the secrets, but he's still too busy to answer Harold. Wonderful. And if he can't answer if he's got something so important to tell her, why isn't Dembe picking up the phone? Goddamn the writers are bad.

The semi reveal about the Blacklist was underwhelming. Having read that the show was renewed for season 9, I'm just sad that they're not ending the story this season. Absolutely senseless at this point.

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The Blacklist: 8x17 Ivan Stepanov

Finally an episode worth watching. This season has been an embarrassment till now, along with a couple more lame seasons, but not this episode. I saw some hope for this show again. But I still think the show has run it's course, and I really believe they should end it now.

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The Flash: 7x09 Timeless

"Iris, I'm trying to save people"
Isn't that the problem. Doing half-thought out plans, especially even after having done the same mistakes before.

And creating a new Flashpoint, what could go wrong, right? I mean it went wrong once, but that was just a fluke, right? You can only be perfect now. :person_facepalming_tone1::person_facepalming_tone1::person_facepalming_tone1:

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Billions: 7x12 Admirals Fund

No kiss between Wendy and Bobby, would have loved closure on that. The governer being a plant was expected, but Sacker, yeah surprising. Liked it enough, but the closure part not so cool.

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The Flash: 7x17 Heart of the Matter (1)

I didn't realise this in the last episode, but where are all the time wraiths. They conveniently went away. Too difficult to animate.

So Barry and Iris decide midway that yeah it's not safe for Nora, but yeah let's take Bart's help. Not like he's the younger sibling, is it.

When 1 GodSpeed is trying to kill/take Bart's power, and Nora decides to distract GodSpeeds, all of the remaining ones decide to chase her, and leave Bart + Flash alone against 1 GodSpeed.
Also, Jay is unconscious one second, and all ready to fight and give them "heck". Cisco is back too? Kill me now.

I've never done drugs but I really wanna start so that it numbs out my brain when watching this.

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Lucifer: 5x11 Resting Devil Face

Much better than the last two episodes.

Trixie is properly back in the episode, so I like that. The episodes are getting really heroes-heavy, so there's not much screentime for Maze, who has been an awesome actress, but this episode saw a decent chunk from her, so also loving that part.

I think Dan was horrible in the first half of the season, but he has done a great job in the second part so far, and Linda has been a really cool character again, who has also lost a little screentime in the recent past, just like Maze. All in all, hopefully the season gets better and better. And I hope we get to see more of Maze & Linda & Trixi.

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