

Omicron Persei 8

Creepshow: 3x06 Drug Traffic / A Dead Girl Named Sue

For them to make a Creepshow episode about the ap/krasue flying head creature from South East Asian folklore and starring Michael Rooker is astounding, and personally probably the most memorable for me of season three. Glad to see an anthology series going the distance to cover such an obscure topic that's only been done in a few films. :ok_hand:

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Slotherhouse is possibly my favorite of the year
I give it three toes up!

#RushSloth #KillerSloth

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Influencer was a decent indie spooker, fresh faces, nice soundtrack reminiscent to some of the 2012 era songs I would find while browsing Soundcloud, makes use of trendy tech of now, parts of it reminded me of Shutter and Cast Away, I'd give it a Yes

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Kids vs. Aliens


Kids vs Aliens was a blast! It was everything I was expecting from the V/H/S/2 segment with even more neon, Nickelodeon slime, monsties, and post-The Goonies/The Gate/Fire in the Sky/Stranger Things action! :space_invader: Expect a lot of F-bombs and practical effects. It would be cool to see Sam meet up with Sienna (from Terrifier 2) within a crossover realm of indie spookers ⚔

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Knock at the Cabin
  • knocks on door seven times * :door:

Knock at the Cabin was alright for me, simple but still an interesting topic; good to see on a Sunday as it taps on certain beliefs, but I probably won't see it again for a long time.. a couple of amusing moments though, and mentions of Boston/Massachusetts, and I noticed Shyamalan's been using those second-person shots lately like in Old and Servant

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There were moments where it reminded me a bit of American Ninja (1985) and the Hannibal TV series, and then Bryan Fuller's name scrolls up during the Special Thanks credit hah, pretty fun but okay watch :deer:

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Catching the original classic '54 Godzilla on Shout! Factory TV just now hosted by John Carpenter as part of the Masters of Monsters marathon for Godzilla Day! (November 3, 2022).
I've seen the US cut with the typical inaccurate English dub back when it aired on TV in the early 90s which I believe was a marathon on the TNT channel. Really neat to see it again in its original uncut Japanese form, thanks to the recent remaster/edit from Criterion. As Carpenter mentioned, it's a great representation of the post-war "somber" portrayed on film. :popcorn::dragon_face:
We're continuing Masters of Monsters on ShoutFactoryTV's Twitch tomorrow with Rodan (1956) and Carpenter commentary!

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Terrifier 2

Loved it! Gore, lore, Art, and music from The Midnight and Miami Nights 1984 :sunglasses: I paired Terrifier 2 (currently on Screambox) along with the new Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XXXIII (on Hulu) tonight and found a couple of coincidences :clown::knife::gun::hamster::jack_o_lantern:

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Halloween Ends

These Halloween films will always be a mixed bag, like a bag of Halloween candy. I thought it was fine; plot-wise probably not everyone's cup of tea, and I recognized a few surprising faces that appeared in Ends that probably would fly over folks' heads (original actor for The Shape and Darcy :wink:), some neat little details and references sprinkled in there (transition of the jack-o-lantern pumpkins in the classic style intro, The Thing '82 on TV, old photos from the '78, reflections on the knife and blood, key notes on the piano, camerawork). Overall, I still think the trilogy of sequel films is a nice alternative timeline told by Blumhouse, and it was just neat to see one way of how one would tell an ending to this story.

Lock the doors or let him it evil inside :knife:

Anyway, I'm already waiting for there to be a Season of the Witch trilogy! :jack_o_lantern::mage::skull:

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Prey was prey-ty decent and met my expectations knowing the premise. I would place it at third, Predator '87 still best and Predator 2 at number two (big fan of them as a kid), then the others after, and there's one cool connection in Prey to the older film that I'm glad about that most probably won't catch :gun:

Watching in Comanche language reminded me of another similar film with native action, The Dead Lands (2014), got it on Blu-ray, which I think was one of the first in Maori language. This one's definitely different, but I didn't notice it using the iconic Predator theme at all, could be the audio selection. One scene also reminded me of The NeverEnding Story (1984), you'll know once you get to it :wink:

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Stranger Things: 4x09 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback

That was a BOMB season finale! :boom::pizza:
Also, for the record, I am a pro pineapple pizza person! I've had all kinds of pizza, including Hawaiian style (ham and pineapple), for as long I've eaten pizza!

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Stranger Things: 4x07 Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

WOW after episode 4 and onwards to episode 7, my heart and mind are blown.. best season so far I think, definitely rivals season three! :exploding_head: Some of my favorite 80s hit songs made it in this season, Tarzan Boy, OMG @ Robert Englund, also Lite Brite was genius! :upside_down:

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x09 Jibaro

They musta saved the best one for last. The motion capture is insane! :exploding_head:
Very unique look and display of dance and performing arts :ok_hand:

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Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles: 1x05 Common Sensei

About halfway through season one now, and I like where the story is headed. Also, Spot, Usagi's dino companion, is a regular in this, and I love it! :sauropod:

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Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles: 1x01 The Big City

Finally, after so many years, it's so good to see Usagi getting its own animated series! I paired up half of season one to go along with another Netflix film released this week called Bubble, and coincidentaly both have an Usagi character hah :rabbit:

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All of Us Are Dead: 1x12 Episode 12

A lot packed into one season, has its ups and downs, but the first half is most exciting for me, while second half is lots more of the drama, very The Walking Dead, #Alive and Kingdom (also on Netflix), though I'm satisfied with how this ended. :zombie:

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All of Us Are Dead

All of Us Are Dead has all the feels you'd expect from Train to Busan (unrelated) in the teen drama/school setting. It's finger-lickin' freakin' good! :poultry_leg::sweat_smile:

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Archive 81: 1x04 Spirit Receivers

dang this some good shit, halfway through and lovin' it so far! :vhs: saving the other half for next Sunday spooks :ghost:

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Good thing I decided to watch Rumble today as I solved today's Wordle! Owe it to this King :dog: #RumbleMovie #ParamountPlus

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The Summit of the Gods

The Summit of the Gods is a definite yes for me :white_check_mark: I've always been fascinated by French animation, and this one offered something different with a great message at the end, left me teary-eyed. The art/animation style and soundtrack are great. It features an old-fashioned camera (obscura?); at least I think it's a more compact camera obscura since I've been replaying a Fatal Frame game as of late. :camera: It also reminded me a bit of Cursed Mountain, the survival horror game on Wii, that I played and live-streamed on an old streaming site (Ustream) back when the game launched in 2009 and was among the first to upload gameplay footage of it (on YouTube). But yeah, this one pairs nicely with A Boy Called Christmas, both are on Netflix. There was also the 2015 Everest if you want more like this story and feel (in live-action) starring Jason Clarke, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Josh Brolin - the three J's! :sweat_smile: and the 2016 live-action take on the manga that this was based on called Everest: The Summit of the Gods :snow_capped_mountain:

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Dead & Beautiful

It's a slow one, more on the drama side with close to no action, some pop references thrown in (Bram Stoker's Dracula, Blade), nice visuals though and lots of neon, so unless that's what you're looking for, have at it. Two of these actors could go well as Leon and Ada Wong for the live-action Resident Evil movie. Night Teeth is another one to pair this up with, kinda similar, but not sure if I should.. sink my teeth into it hah. Meanwhile season three of What We Do In The Shadows tho :eyes:

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Arcane: 1x03 The Base Violence Necessary for Change

Man, all these rooftop scenes remind me of escaping City 17 in Half-Life 2. I'm liking this so far, very nice animation style similar to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse and Love, Death & Robots. Heimerdingle's voice is how I'd imagine he'd sound like! Looking forward to more episodes next week ⚙:gem::boom:

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He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: 1x05 We Have the Power

I'm super glad they're working up the "We have the power" motto now with these current Masters shows.
haha Kronis' reaction to Skeletor's... bones ☠:sweat_smile:

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The Superdeep

Superdeep definitely had The Thing vibes and reminded me of other similar ones like The Void, Alien vs Predator, and a little bit of Pandorum. I'm super glad Shudder picked this up 'cause the premise sounded super intriguing. The directing style and soundtrack was interesting, and the practical special effects were very well done. Expect a lot of dark scenes and lots of red. Be warned, it's a slow-paced sci-fi spooker (all the S'! :sweat_smile:), but still an interesting and solid one from Russia. The English dub matched the characters well though.

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The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It

I watched this new Conjuring on June 6th, 6PM :smiling_imp: thanks to HBO Max! It has a more detective-y mystery vibe going here kind of like what they had in The Conjuring 2 film except it takes place in Massachusetts (my area :sweat_smile:). At least you get to see more of the Warrens and a peak of the couple's history in this. I noticed a lot of reds used in this whereas the first Conjuring was yellow, and the second Conjuring was blue, primary colors, which is quite symbolic for the trilogy. The red may have symbolized the love/passion, and I noticed some of that in the characters here. There was an under-the-house scene that made me think of Dead Silence (2007), the James Wan film. Objects that spawned the spin-off films can be spotted in the cursed objects room of course. A popular 80s song by Blondie is played in one of the scenes too. :telephone_receiver::wink: Overall, this was alright! I think my favorite of the series is probably still the first or second one.

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Sweet Home: 1x07 Episode 7

The origin of the manhwa/show's title is within this episode.
Ji-su plays her guitar, and I really like the chords because they sound similar to a song I just uploaded to Twitch Sings before it shuts down ("My Only Love" from Sailor Moon). Even humming the verse melody matches the chords, just in a higher key. :guitar:

Anyway, this is where it gets more survival-y and The Walking Dead-like.

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Bob's Burgers: 11x07 Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid

I loaf this Thanksgiving episode! The Breadator bit was the butter one of stories :croissant::wink:

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The Simpsons: 32x07 Three Dreams Denied

Whatever show that Bart took part in voicing the princess character in, I want a crossover of that and Disenchantment :fireworks: :unicorn:

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I watched this yesterday and live-tweeted along with the producers and cast of the film with hashtag #RunFilm. Run is a decent suspenseful thriller about a mother and (a disabled) daughter; that reminds me very much of Castle Rock season two (both of which are Hulu originals) and a little bit of Curse of Chucky. There are plenty of neat references to other Stephen King related things within this film that you might catch on your own. :wink: Having just finished watching The Queen's Gambit (Netflix) and seeing Run, I noticed the use of green pills again making it a great segue between the two (one of those coincidences again, I tells ya!). Also, note that there's a deliberate use of the colors green and purple too, so keep a look out on that. :purple_heart: Sarah Paulson (mother) was wonderful in this, and so was new-face, Kiera Allen (daughter).

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Lovecraft Country: 1x10 Full Circle

This show had gone in so many different directions, but it paid off in the end. It's quite the ride; definitely worth the watch for this spooky season. :fire::octopus::fire:

Life could be a dream, sweetheart~ :notes:

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