


Dexter: New Blood
Dexter: New Blood: 1x10 Sins of the Father

A show notorious for an awful ending comes back from the dead and has an even worse second ending. I need to rewatch the old seasons to wash the taste of awful out of my mouth.

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The Wheel of Time

I have not read the books and I found the first episode so slow and boring I don't know if I want to go on. This whole episode should have been done in 20 minutes. None of the characters grabbed me and the acting is so poor. I wanted to like it, as I'm a huge fan of fantasy, but this is so bad.

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Avengers: Endgame
His Dark Materials

As someone who has never read the books the show comes off as surprisingly dull. It is certainly beautifully made, you can see the story has tons of potential and there is probably a lot of information (too much perhaps) missing compared to the books. But the storytelling in the show is clunky at best and most of the characters are just not very engaging to me. I think this more because of the writing than the actors, most of whom do well with the material they are given.

I don't know how (un)popular of an opinion this is, but I kind of liked the movie adaptation better. I found Lyra a much stronger character in that one.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x06 One World, One People

Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2021-04-23T21:04:47Z— updated 2021-05-29T19:36:01Z

Overall I liked the series a lot. But this episode, I think, was the weakest. The fight scenes were the least interesting part of the episode and final confrontation with Karli was underwhelming. The following scene of Sam lecturing the politicians was cringy, like something out of a Saturday morning cartoon and doesn't really fit with the realistic spin they are going for. I thought the Falcon/Captain America costume was ugly af and it looked too big for Anthony Mackie,it just didn't fit him properly. The design looks ok in comic book art, but they didn't adapt it well. I also didn't like that Walker got a kind of a redemption arc. The rest of the episode was fine, but I think Bucky could have benefited from a little more character development. His arc seemed unfinished/rushed, like they sidelined him the last few episodes.

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The 100: 6x13 The Blood of Sanctum

Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2019-08-07T19:44:37Z— updated 2021-03-26T19:06:45Z

That ending ....this show has officially jumped the shark. Also I can't believe how poorly Abby's death was handled.

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The 100: 5x05 Shifting Sands

I hate that they're making Octavia the villain.

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

The MCU's Spider Man countinues to be an immature idiot and Tobey and Andrew are the only good thing about this movie. I wish we had seen more of them.

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As a big fan of the books, I honestly prefer the 2000 mini-series and the '84 film to this. Good casting choices and some interesting visuals, but that's about it. I barely finished the movie, it's too slow and boring compared to the books and the other two adaptations, plus I really disagree with some of the character interpretations and plot changes.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x01 New World Order

I liked it, the show is off to a good start. I don't understand the comments saying it was slow, since this is the first episode, it's setting things up and we're getting to know the characters better. It had the right amount of action and plot. I for one am happy it's not a missions-of-the week, explosions-every-five-minutes type of show and we're actually going to learn more about the characters too.

Bucky is one of my favourites from the MCU and I always felt he had a lot of potential. It was frustrating the movies didn't do more with the character, considering what interesting comic book material there is to go off of. I'm looking forward to the show exploring Bucky and Sam more, both characters will benefit from it. I have zero interest in Sam so far and since he's supposed to be taking the CA mantle I feel they really need to beef up his character development.

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Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2020-02-22T21:44:57Z— updated 2021-10-24T20:52:38Z

Not scary at all and the plot was non-existant. There is virtually no explanation where the kid came from or why he decided to turn his back on humanity. The basic idea behind the movie had potential, but was let down at every turn by a pretty bad script. Waste of time.

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Final Space

I'm surprised at how much I hated this. I have followed Olan Rogers for years and I liked the pilot for this that he released on his YouTube channel a lot. I was very excited to start watching and to my very unpleasant surprise I couldn't even get through the first episode...Gary was so annoying, the humour too cringy and I could barely understand what was going on because the show just couldn't keep my attention. I'm not sure I'll keep watching.

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Lucifer: 3x25 Boo Normal

This was a terrible follow-up to the previous episode. And I didn't like Azrael one bit, I felt the actress wasn't very good. I remember the showrunners said that if Lucifer had been renewed the previous episode would have been the season finale and ep 25 and 26 would have been moved to be the first two eps of the next season. If this really was supposed to be the next season's premiere...wow, I have no words. I sincerely hope what other fans are saying about this episode being cobbled together from cuts and filler is true.

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The Boys: Season 3

Imo this was the weakest season so far. It ended before it really got started and the plot didn't really progress much.

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Shadow and Bone

Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2021-12-03T17:34:18Z— updated 2021-12-12T17:18:52Z

Ben Barnes is the only good thing about this show, the rest of the cast is terrible. The characters are flat, the plot is boring and the great visuals can't make up for it. I can't say I'm surprised though, the books have all the same issues.

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Mayans M.C.: Season 3

This season was different from the previous two in all the wrong ways. Storylines from last season were dropped for no reason and the characters were given new (unlikable) personalities. If these issues are not fixed I don't see this lasting beyond season 4.

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Supernatural: 10x01 Black

Demon!Dean is kind of a disappointment...

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Joaquin Phoenix' performance makes this movie, it's impressive what he's managed to do with a character that's paper thin. Beyond that the movie's not really as deep as it's been made out to be, though it's entertaining all the same.

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The Favourite

The movie features great performances, gorgeous costumes and beautiful sets. But the story is awful, the characters loathsome, it has incredibly annoying music, as well as some of the ugliest camera angles. The many sexual and nude scenes were also off-putting. Much pretentiousness, little substance.

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Terminator: Dark Fate

Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2019-11-02T22:01:24Z— updated 2021-07-06T22:20:47Z

This is the best Terminator movie since Judgement Day. Although the plot is not the most original, it's miles better than any of the last three movies. The actors were good, the characters well-written. I was beside myself with excitement to see Linda Hamilton play Sarah Connor again. However I am decidedly not a fan of what they did to Sarah and John (especially when you consider Dani seems just an upgrade of John for a more woke modern spin on the character). I like the idea of returning the focus on Sarah as the main character (because it has always been her at the heart of the story), but it was not executed well enough. I hated seeing Sarah in so much pain and I hated the Connors being made obsolete. It feels disrespectful, makes all the suffering they went through meaningless and it soured my enjoyment of an otherwise good flick quite a bit. The Sarah Connor Chronicles remains my favourite version of the story post-Judgement Day.

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Castle Rock

Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2019-06-30T15:33:44Z— updated 2021-08-01T21:20:30Z

Castle Rock strarts off well, setting up multiple intriguing mysteries, but in the end delivers almost no payoff. Not a good start to an anthology series. If you have not watched this, I would skip it. There is one excellent episode (The Queen), but overall it is very frustrating to go through multiple glacially paced episodes that are setting up more and more questions, only to arrive at an end that answers none of them. And it makes the main character seem like a complete douche. I know they were going for an ambiguous ending and it would have been better executed if they had left 1-2 of the bigger mysteries with no clear answer, instead of leaving all the mysteries unresolved (with a couple of vague suggestions). I will not be returning for S2.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

Someone needs to explain to D&D that foreshadowing does not equal character development. Dany's turn to madness is completely unearned. D&D themselves have previously said that she is brutal, but not mad. Her brutality has been targeted only at her enemies until now and for every chilling moment there are much more where Dany has been kind and compassionate. Her suddenly deciding to commit mass murder of innocents makes no sense whatsoever.

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Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2018-11-02T16:42:40Z— updated 2018-11-14T19:30:39Z

I think this show meanders way too much. When something is actually happening plot-wise it's really good and interesting, but it overall feels like 3-4 episodes worth of plot were stretched out over 8, padded out with artsy cinematography and the same scenes/flashbacks repeating multiple times. And some just bizzare and out of place things, like the dance scene in ep 6. It intentionally tries to be confusing and mysterious, but it gets annoying when the plot is moving at a snail's pace. I don't find the characters particularly relatable either (I mean Syd's a rapist apparently?? David at least has the excuse of having someone messing with his mind, but her? You can't brush off her actions against her mother's boyfriend with "who teaches you to be normal when you have powers".). David is the most interesting one, Lenny is tons of fun when she is on screen; the others are just sort of there. I hope they will get better developed as the series progresses.

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Atomic Blonde

The action is the best part this movie, the visuals are great and Charlize kills in the role. Other than that the plot was a bit simple, I didn't enjoy the hypersexualization of the only two female characters and the final twist pretty much ruined the movie for me.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 2x13 AKA Playland

Trish has become so insufferable, I wouldn't care if they killed her off. I hate that she'll probably be getting superpowers.

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Interesting concept, I really liked the first half of the movie. But there's no way I can sympathise with Anon, after she deleted Sol's memories of his dead son and made him watch his child dying constantly. I'm honestly disappointed she got off scot free at the end.

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Vanishing on 7th Street

Promising premise, ultimately let down by a very poor ending.

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Worth every second.

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