Shout by rhaeneris

Legion 2017


Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2018-11-02T16:42:40Z— updated 2018-11-14T19:30:39Z

I think this show meanders way too much. When something is actually happening plot-wise it's really good and interesting, but it overall feels like 3-4 episodes worth of plot were stretched out over 8, padded out with artsy cinematography and the same scenes/flashbacks repeating multiple times. And some just bizzare and out of place things, like the dance scene in ep 6. It intentionally tries to be confusing and mysterious, but it gets annoying when the plot is moving at a snail's pace. I don't find the characters particularly relatable either (I mean Syd's a rapist apparently?? David at least has the excuse of having someone messing with his mind, but her? You can't brush off her actions against her mother's boyfriend with "who teaches you to be normal when you have powers".). David is the most interesting one, Lenny is tons of fun when she is on screen; the others are just sort of there. I hope they will get better developed as the series progresses.

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