Reiko LJ


Midlands, UK

The Boys: 2x04 Nothing Like It in the World

Oddly disappointed that he didn't bang himself

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The trailer massively undersold this show. It's not a crappy rom com. It's a female led story with some great prospects. I'm excited for it to begin.

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Moon Knight: 1x03 The Friendly Type

Shout by Reiko LJ

Still struggling to care about this one. Also a whole room of gods couldn't see what Arthur was really up to? Instead they were talked out of it by him saying that Khonshu's host had 'issues'. Bit wishy washy imo.

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The Boys: 1x04 The Female of the Species

Super effective use of the Spice Girls

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Killing Eve: 1x02 I'll Deal With Him Later

Great dual moment at the end with them both realising they have met. And so the game of cat and mouse begins!
I like how flawed they both are, it's such a rarity to have layered female characters written well. Really liking this show.

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Killing Eve: 1x04 Sorry Baby

Why do I still find myself shocked when Villanelle does something terrible?
That reverse move was so unexpected. Silly me for thinking we were seeing a softer side of her with the ex. Top episode as always. This show is fantastic

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Orange Is the New Black: 4x11 People Persons

Oh man this season is not fucking around. Those guards are out of control! Suzanne's back story was heartbreaking and the ending got me too :/

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The Umbrella Academy: 3x01 Meet the Family

Shout by Reiko LJ
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-22T17:22:17Z— updated 2022-06-30T17:17:27Z

Oh damn that scene with Vanya and #1. Lay it out plain - don't fuck with her!
Will be interesting to see how she becomes Viktor but damn they could have given Elliot a better wig for the start of this. It's really good he was comfortable enough to play out the Vanya parts of the season though.

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Russian Doll: 1x08 Ariadne

Shout by Reiko LJ

Wasn't expecting this show to pull off a satisfying ending in the space of an episode but it did it.
Loved the reveal of that final loop and how they both realised what they needed to do. Also glad that they didn't take this in a romantic direction/conclusion. Yes the slept together once but it was just sex.

The latter section of the episode, with Alan and Nadia both resisting the help of the other. It reminds me of those intense friendships where there might be times when one pushes the other away. But they persist coz even though there is a bump now, you both know you're better with the other person in your life. If anything that's the message we should take away from this. If someone truly gives a shit, let them in. Coz it's rarer than you think...

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The 100: 3x04 Watch the Thrones

Continually blown away by Alicia Denham Carey. She brings such subtleties to the role. Lexa was amazing this episode.
The Pike storyline is frustrating but unfortunately realistic, and the scary thing is people are easily led by strong talkers like him. This will not end well at all.

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Mythic Quest: 2x07 Peter

There was a point during this episode where I wondered if the whole thing was going to be CW acting like an ass at Peter's and I hoped they would wrap it up and have the rest of the ep back in the office maybe.
I'm glad that it didn't. That ending deserved the build up of this episode and the last one. Mythic Quest continues to hit these perfect notes. Dealing with those complexities within us all.

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The Half of It

At the end of it all, this is a really sweet film. It became more than a rom com and showed us all the forms of love. And that's damn beautiful.

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The Office: 9x04 Work Bus

Damn, Andy's character has gone a complete 180 this season. They've turned him into a right knob. What's the point of that?

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Black Mirror: Special 1 White Christmas

Quite possibly my favourite Black Mirror episode so far. Most episodes leave me a bit melancholy at both the subject and the possibility of us having a future close to it one day. This one, definitely having the latter also left me very impressed. Solid writing and acting from all. Drew me in beautifully and delivered a damn effective ending. Bravo!

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Mythic Quest: 2x06 Backstory!

And now we know why CW never hit the success of his first book again. A great tale of ego and never being quite good enough (and/or not acting on the advice of others trying to help!)

Another solid side step episode. That last shot was beautiful.

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Orphan Black: 4x08 The Redesign of Natural Objects

The way Rachel said 'Yo' back to Cosima made my week.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 4x08 Legends of To-Meow-Meow

SO much fun. Meta sillyness the way only Legends can manage.
Annual crossover slam, custodians of chronology, sirens of space time! (Gideon aka Hard Drive cracked me up). Love how much they mashed the timeline in this one. Also Zari the cat was adorable. Pressing the buttons and comforting John ♥

The show never takes itself seriously but still manages a strong message and solid character development underneath it all. I feel sorry for people that don't 'get' it.

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Ted Lasso: 3x07 The Strings That Bind Us

Never thought I'd be the one commenting this but the political stuff was heavy handed and a bit much this episode. On the other side of it though I really liked Sam's dad and he looks like the type of person that would be amazing to get a hug from.

I was worried they were rushing the Keeley x Jack stuff but it ended up quite realistic. I can be quite over the top when I really like someone and gifts are definitely a love language of mine. If I had the resources that Jack does I'd be terrible! Glad it was handled well and they talked it through. That's all it takes, good communication.

And I'll reiterate that it's frustrating they're trying to soften our view of Nate as the season goes on. He can fuck off and doesn't deserve the cute restaurant host.

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The Umbrella Academy: 3x02 World's Biggest Ball of Twine

A decent way to handle Elliot's transition and the Vanya/Viktor character.
Thing is about Elliot, he never did look comfortable in his own skin. When he did make that announcement in 2020 suddenly it made so much sense to me why. I like how they wove that into the show. Viktor's conversation with Allison felt very authentic. I bet that was emotional for the actors to film as well.

Also, do we think the ball of energy in the basement is tidying up the paradoxes?

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Severance: 1x06 Hide and Seek

So seems like the woman Devon met was severed for her childbirth experience (or even more). Some twisted shit going on there for sure.

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Our Flag Means Death: 1x08 We Gull Way Back

Okay that last moment with the foot was super cute.

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The Office: 2x14 The Carpet

That ending melted my ice cold heart

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The Haunting of Hill House: 1x08 Witness Marks

Some interesting pieces coming together. No tree house... Mrs Dudley asking what room the game room was. So many little details we took for granted coz the kids experiences were actually unreliable narration by the sounds of things.

Another strong monologue too, this time from Theo. This show is superb.

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The 100: 4x01 Echoes

I'm glad they didn't totally forget about Lexa and her legacy. It was a short but sweet moment between Abby and Clarke acknowledging their love too.

The 'enemy' they face now is pretty damn daunting. Struggling to see how they're going to best this one at all.

Finding it hard to have any sympathy for Jasper. His whining has gotten really old and honestly would have made for a more hard hitting storyline if he'd managed to kill himself like Kal Penn's character in House.

I'm happy to continue watching the show and supporting the cast. But one whiff of Bellarke and I'm out!

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Killing Eve: 1x03 Don't I Know You?

Shout by Reiko LJ

Oh Bill, no :(
Great push and pull this episode with Eve so blissfully unaware she was being persued/watched. Villanelle's fixation is already fascinating. Amazing cast.

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Black Mirror: 4x04 Hang the DJ

This episode did such a good job of keeping me wondering what the hell this world was. Some dystopian future where everything is decided by the system?

About the time she became fixated on the skipping stones I was sure it was a simulation (big fan of Person of Interest). Was unsure of the end goal though. A societal conditioning thing? Right before the reveal I was sure it was a relationship test couples go through. Then bam, glorified OK Cupid/Tinder style algorithm. Brilliant.

The two mains had great chemistry and really enjoyed the ride of this episode.

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Russian Doll: 2x02 Coney Island Baby

Shout by Reiko LJ

When it comes to time travel you have a few options but the most straightforward approach will always be making a paradox. So Nadia will never be able to change the past or she wouldn't exist in the first place to go back and change the past. Exist as she is today anyway. Since her whole timeline would have changed.
In short, my prediction is she'll always lose the gold and might take a few tries before she realises that.
Maybe that's why her mother seemed so messed up to her? Did she experience time loss when Nadia was in control and think she was losing her mind? That's dark if so!

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Killing Eve: 4x01 Just Dunk Me

The show hasn't been the same since PWB left the project. Wondering now if that was over difference of opinion on how long you can string this all out. A good writer/creator knows when a story is finished being told - fleabag had the balance just right on that.

It's good to see characters grow and change like I suppose Eve thinks she has but everything feels watered down now. Feels like we've been meandering and the core of the show - the fire between Eve and Villanelle isn't even there anymore.

Make us care again!

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x01 The Good Ones

It is funny that the whole Terry x Boyle interaction was to point out when someone goes over the top to signal how supportive they are of a cause. Then the whole episode did just that.
I know they shelved the show for a while to decide how best to approach the issues of police brutality but this just felt like everything was crammed in and came off as cringey.
The Amy x Chief conversation was the best part.

P.s. I can say with 100% certainty though that if they didn't address these issues in some fashion then there would be out cries. Hard to please everyone but definitely could have handled it better.

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Visually impressive. Nothing else is though.
Tries hard to be deeper than it is.

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