Ragnar Danneskjöld


The Satellite of Love

Flash Gordon
Europa Report
The Replacements

If you are a wanna-be, a has-been or a never-have, THIS is the movie for you. Celebrating the Everyman who never got his shot, The Replacements takes the Mediocre and gives them their chance in the spotlight.

The movie starts out with the Professional Football players going on strike, mid-season, to demand even more money to play a kid's game. The league owners decide to finish out the season with whatever players they can acquire (mirroring the 1987 NFL strike). The Washington Sentinels' owner goes a completely different direction by re-hiring one of his old coaches and giving him complete control of the team. Coach McGinty then goes about putting together his Dream Team of Wanna-Be's and Never-Were's who, if the stars aligned just right, might just reach their full potential.

An EXCELLENT popcorn movie that would have received 5 stars if there had been more football in the football movie. Nevertheless, it is packed full of great one-liners (He's Wiry) and will have you tossing off non-sequiturs the next day all day long. That'll do pig. That'll do.

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Ready Player One
Behind Enemy Lines

The Hollywood crowd loved to make movies in the 90s where Muslims were being "oppressed." However, just like the Crusades, they ignored the fact that it was retribution for what had happened prior.

The simple fact of a 2-Star Admiral being told something he wanted couldn't be accomplished was mind-blowing. After serving for 6 years in the Navy, I never saw a mere Captain not get exactly what he wanted, no matter what the situation. Having a Rear Admiral, in control of a Carrier Task Force, the most powerful naval force in the history of human civilization, wouldn't be so meek and accept defeat so quickly of interference with NATO.

Owen Wilson might not have been the right man for the role, but he did bring legitimacy to his part. Hackman is Oscar worthy once again. The plot is solid, the action keeps you on the edge of your seat and the errors are excusable. A popcorn worthy entertainment endeavor.

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True Romance

For the amount of Grade A and High B actors in the movie, along with the top o' the line writing cast, producers and director, you would think this would be nothing less than a 5-Star film. Unfortunately, the movie just never gathers any traction and seems to be nothing more than a collection of cameos without any cohesiveness, even with the story running in the background. Not a terrible flick, just a disappointing one.

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Charlie Wilson's War
The Colony
Dazed and Confused

D&C attempts to be the Boomer version of American Graffiti and fails miserably. It's almost the exact storyline: last day of school, seniors moving on...however besides a kick-ass soundtrack and some pretty sweet rides, there is no comparison of quality. The brutal hazing that goes on for the incoming class is unbelievable and besides the "Party On" message, there really isn't much to offer. The majority of the cast are forgettables who never did anything of interest, the story weaves back and forth like a drunk driver without any real direction and the character development is just below Cheech and Chong. Matthew McConaughey is the only redeeming factor, and his "Alright, alright, alright" is the only notable quotable. Don't be mislead by the hype. There really isn't much to see here. At least with Fast Times at Ridgemont High you get to see some boobies...here, the sexist thing you see is Wooderson's GTO.

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Terminal Voyage
Thriller: A Cruel Picture

A raw, bold, dark view of the modern-day sex slave market. This is a movie that Hollywood and the hypocritical #metoo movement never would have the balls to make. A revenge film that makes both volumes of Kill Bill look like a High School Christmas Pageant. It includes hardcore adult scenes, so you should be aware of them before looking to educate the kiddies on the hard behind-the-scenes life this movie portrays. Thriller is a slow burn with a very satisfying ending.

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A rather cleverly camouflaged retelling of the life and times of Jimmy Hoffa. Of course, all the names have been changed, but the story is obvious if you know the background. They even included a recreation of the Life magazine cover with Hoffa looking at you via the truck mirror and the bumper sticker on the truck tailgate at the end of the movie. Not quite up to the quality of the 1992 film with Jack Nicholson, but still worth the price of admission.

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Raise the Titanic

Probably the best movie of 2002 that nobody actually saw. A hard-hitting, realistic look at the undercover police world with a bitter taste of the cases that they work. Jason Patric and Ray Liotia play the parts of two Detroit police offers tasked with bringing the killers of a fellow undercover officer to justice.

Dark, gritty and overwhelming, Narc doesn't sugarcoat law enforcement but somehow keeps the experience real without turning the opinion of the viewer against the officers, who often bend the rules as far as they can without going over the edge.

Excellent drama, along with some very realistic dialog and some top-notch acting brings this title to the forefront of its niche. I guarantee you won't figure out "who done it" until the very end. Definitely not a date night movie, or something to watch while the kids are around, but something perfect for a rainy afternoon flick with the guys.

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A thinly veiled docudrama based on the lives of radical black activist Angela Davis and Black Panther and prison inmate George Jackson. Bernie Casey plays the role of David Thomas, a man who was convicted for a crime he didn’t actively participate in. Vonetta McGee plays the role of the activist professor who takes up his case and looks to right a racial wrong. Ron O’Neal (Super Fly) has a powerful supporting role in the education of Thomas in the ways of life. The movie is a very slow burn with very little action but sends a powerful message in the finale. Overall, it gets a 6 out of 10.

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Chopping Mall

Less of a slasher flick and more like a Sci-Fi terror, Chopping Mall brings the future into the now. A shopping mall installs 3 track-driven robots to perform security once the facility closes down for the night. A group of teens decide to have an after hours party in the bedding store and that's when things go wrong. Lightning strikes the server unit on the roof and the Johnny Fives (Short Circuit) begin running amuck and killing anyone they can catch.

With a cast of names nobody will be able to pick out, except for legendary Dick Miller (Gremlins, The Terminator) and a couple of quick hit wonders Kelli Maroney (Night of the Comet, Fast Times at Ridgemont High) and Mary Woronov (Deathrace 2000), terror runs rampant with actually some decent acting. Pure 80s cheese. It gets a 7 out of 10 for not taking itself too seriously and just bringing the fun.

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Mars Attacks!

Based on the Topps trading card property, the world gets visited - and invaded - by Martians. The cast is VERY impressive with Jack Nicholson playing dual roles along with Glenn Close, Tom Jones, Jim Brown, Martin Short, Danny DeVito, Michael J. Fox, Annette Bening, Sarah Jessica Parker, Pierce Brosnan, Rod Steiger and many many more. Plenty of action and comedy, along with a cheer out loud moment when the aliens blow up Congress. It gets an 8 out of 10.

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Blue Thunder

The government is designing a new crowd control special helicopter that can hear through walls, see in the dark, travel whisper quiet and carries an arsenal big enough to take out an entire city. Testing in Los Angeles before the upcoming Summer Games, the developers of the machine look to create enough havoc in the ghettos to have the people demand the 'copter be put into service. Frank Murphy (Roy Scheider) is chosen to be the test pilot. They had the ultimate weapon and the perfect plan but Murphy stole their Thunder! This film contains some of the wildest helicopter stunts ever put on film. Warren Oats, Candy Clark, Daniel Stern and Malcolm McDowell lead an all-star cast. An 8 out of 10.

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The Boss' Wife

Starring a bunch of people whose names you won’t recognize…with Martin Mull and Christopher Plummer in supporting roles. This comedy(?) really scrapes the bottom of the barrel. Obviously intended as a break out production for most of the cast, it falls flat with little to offer for the viewer. It gets a 4 out of 10.

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Welcome to aerial warfare of the future. Code name “Tin Man,” this AI-run advanced warfare plane is being introduced into our military. Included in a 3-person flight team, Tin Man gets hit by lightning and begins to evolve, taking the war to the enemy against orders. It is up to his teammates to either bring him back or take him down. Jessica Biel, Josh Lucas, Jamie Foxx and Sam Shepard bring this Sci-fi action adventure to life. A 6 out of 10.

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Based on actual events, Tony Scott and Denzel Washington team up once again to bring this edge-of-your-seat action adventure to the big screen. Washington plays the role of an aging train engineer being forced out of his job by the company simply to cut payroll expenses. Chris Pine plays the young and upcoming conductor who is struggling to find himself. These two opposites are scheduled to work together the day that a runaway train occurs on their route. This train, traveling at 60+ MPH, contains 8 tanker cars carrying toxic chemicals and is endangering the town of Stanton, PA.

This movie proves that not all superheroes wear capes. It is a solid 8 out of 10.

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Avenging Angelo

Stallone plays a mafia bodyguard charged with protecting the mob boss’s daughter from assassination in retaliation for murders that the boss sanctioned. Stallone seems hamstrung and never really develops the character and Stowe plays a woman who goes from innocent bystander to Mafioso hard-case just too easily. This could have been much, much more with a different director (who never worked with Stallone again) or if Stallone had been given the reigns with the writing, production or direction. This only gets 6 out of 10 stars.

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Miami Vice

The sole problem I had with this movie is that it attempted to recreate the dynamic of the Crocket/Tubbs partnership. Yes, I realize Jamie Foxx was the hotter commodity for Hollywood when this movie was made, but it spat in the eye of the TV series it was created to emulate. The movie had the Flash, but it lacked the bang of the series. It drags down the middle and doesn't keep up the intensity of the series. Honestly, I felt as if the writers of this movie never watched the series and only were running on Youtube promo education videos to make the film. There was no 80s vibe at all. No excess neon. No excess blue/pink colors. Finally, there was no 80s style of dress. Too many grays and dark atmospheres. Even the cars were blandly colored. The movie lost that generational feel, while still asking for the Gen Xers to embrace the effort. Change the name of the title and you have another Hollywood loser. Sorry Colin Farrell, you are no Sonny Crocket and Jamie Foxx, you are also no Detective Tubbs.

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Charlie Says
Cleopatra Jones
Battle Beyond the Stars

Shout by Ragnar Danneskjöld
BlockedParent2022-11-09T07:40:34Z— updated 2023-08-17T23:50:23Z

Everyone in their comments seems to have missed the origins of this movie. This is the Space Version of the Magnificent Seven, which of course is the recreation of the Japanese classic Seven Samurai.

Robert Vaughn gets the award for playing a role in two movies that recreate the Japanese Classic film playing the exact same character in both. Roger Corman's production brought many big names to this rendition including George Peppard, Richard Thomas, Robert Vaughn, John Saxon, Jeff Corey and Sybil Danning. Almost every space ship somehow was a recreation of some sort of animal: Moose, Hammerhead Shark, Frog, Large-Mouth Bass, Dragonfly, Flea, Tick, Manta and Octopus. Even the Nestor's ship resembles a jellyfish without the hanging tentacles. The Valkyrie plays the part of Chico (Horst Buchholz). If you have about 5 hours to kill, watch The Magnificent Seven and this movie back-to-back and you'll easily see the comparisons.

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