Ross R Vincent

1 follower


This Is Us: 6x04 Don't Let Me Keep You

This is a ROUGH episode to watch.
When you are the protector of a mother, you feel a great responsibility. You become more than the Son.
But when she goes....
It is hard thing to accept. Very hard.

I felt everything Jack was feeling at the end. "I dont have a Mom" - yeah, that is hard to accept. VERY HARD.

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The Impossible
Hachi: A Dog's Tale

OMG- this movie should have an Surgeon General's Warning - "WARNING: Can do damage to the FEELS"
I watched this film with my dogs, during a rainy afternoon. By the time it was over, I was balling like a toddler, holding both dogs in my chest, petting them and telling them that I promise NEVER to die on them. EVER.
(To be honest, I think they were pretty happy for the attention).

It makes you cry, to think that for the rest of that dog's life, he waited and waited for the return of the greatest person in his life, not understanding that it will never happen. I am afraid that my one dog (the other one passed away last year) will be like this - he is so attached to me, and doesnt really bond with anyone else.

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The Walking Dead: 10x21 Diverged

These "exra" episodes sort of feel like they are COVID filler episodes - one to 3 actors, socially distanced, and telling stories that, honestly, dont move the story along more than just give filler "a day in the life" of a character.

This one is another one of these. It's the Carol and Daryl show. (Many years ago, when Carol was the cookie making housewife of Alexandra, I said I could see her and Daryl having a 1960's style comedy - the happy couple. She cooks and cleans and gets blood stains and oil out of the clothes, and Daryl is fighting Zombies at the door and fixing up his bike in the garage....). They part ways (I love how Dawg goes with Carol. He knows where the soft home life is). Carol goes back and wants to be helpful in some way. And Daryl is just being Daryl - scavenging, surviving and look cool doing it.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks: 4x01 Twovix

5 minutes into the episode and I was thinking that the end of the season, we might see a La Forge cameo, thanking the crew for help bringing Voyager back, for the Starfleet Starship museum.
"You've demonstrated how you can handle an internal threat, while still managing to bring back the ship in one piece. :mutters: which is more than I can say for certain fellow officers and friends.....
I have big plans for you in the future."

And Boimier was right - there are some deep Voyager cuts.
And Kudos for acknowledging the "Pike incident"

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Abbott Elementary: 2x02 Wrong Delivery

Watching this episode, it realizes that this is "Parks and Rec", but set in a public school.
A Positive, Upbeat One
A realist who mugs for the camera and has a secret crush
A delusional, self-centered one.

This episode of Abbott Elementary version of "Eagleton" - a better, nicer, more positive school just down the road from them.

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The Wonder Years: 1x19 Love & War

And now we know how THIS Wonder Years is connected to the Original Flavor Wonder Years

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Succession: 3x03 The Disruption

WOW- Talk about a BAD day for 3 of the Roy family - Kandall throws Shiv under the bus, so she strikes back, and then Logan realizes he can avoid the DOJ forever...
Meanwhile, Roman is dealing with trying to be a normal family, when he is anything BUT...
Tom continues to show why he is a dick (giving Cousin Greg "suicide pills"), and hopes to make his own way into the good graces of Logan.

The more I watch the show, the more I think we are going to end up Connor and Cousin Greg sharing leadership of the whole enterprise...

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For All Mankind: 2x05 The Weight

Wait - Spock dies in Wrath of Khan!?!? Spoilers!!!

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9-1-1: Lone Star: 1x02 Yee-Haw

Not sure what amused me more about this episode:

1) The sweet old Racists, who goes through all the EMS, trying to find one she likes to give her CPR during her "heart attack"
2) The Overlords are watching.
3) Bald Rob Lowe
4) The Bird Box victims (this is why you treat the Temps the same as the employees)

But I did have a "eeeeeewwww" moment, when Liv Tyler mentioned how hot Bald Bruce Willis is. (Brain: "Ummmm he played her Dad" Me: "I KNOW!!! I was there too")

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The Bear: 2x03 Sundae

The Food Porn episode.
After watching the first episode, I make it a point to watch the show while having a sandwich for lunch. (As close as I can get to having one of their sandwiches).

But this one - it takes the "food to pair with the show" to the next level.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 2x07 Time Fugitives (1)

During a rewatch of this and the 2nd half of the story, I was reminded how, when watching it when it was being broadcast, how timely it was, as relating to the events of the comics. How the mutant plague was an ongoing threat to the X-Family, and was taking its toll on various members.
For comic book bases cartoons, this was a new thing, compared to the the cartoons of the past.

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4400: 1x07 Empowered Women Empower Women

This is the 7th episode of this reboot and I am just about at the point where I am about to give up. (If it hadnt been for the previous episode glimpse at the more extreme gifts, I would have given up).
I loved the original series - it was interesting.
This one - well, I am hoping to see some Caucasian males who are NOT racist, bigots, or sadists. I realize this show is to show the fridge and repressed as the the 4400, but come on - throw in a socially bullied nerd boy or the spectrum guy who is into things like books. (Maybe his 4400 gift is he can phase into a book or other medium and retain total knowledge from the book).

And speaking of 4400, I am wonder if one of the members of the 4400 might be causing the polarizing behavior of the male guards.

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Riverdale: 5x18 Chapter Ninety-Four: Next to Normal

So far, this week alone has seen 3 different musical episodes. The 1st was the Simpsons. Ⅱ was great north. And now Riverdale. I'm hoping that this TV season is not going to have any more musical episodes

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FBI: Most Wanted: 3x01 Exposed (II)

One line. They set up a season cliffhanger that is resolved with ONE LINE!! That's it - the FBI series is going on the back burner, for Summer 2022 viewing. ...... One Line.

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Riverdale: 5x15 Chapter Ninety-One: The Return of the Pussycats

And thus we have the episode that killed my desire to watch this series. Felt like a backdoor pilot for a spin-off - one that I haven't any desire to watch. About the best scene was the reunion meet up "How about them apples" that Jose did.

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Supergirl: 6x01 Rebirth

A part of me REALLY hopes there's a Bloopers/ Extra for the DVD scene where Lex is singing "Try a Little Tenderess," by Otis Redding...

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Call Me Kat: 1x06 Gym

You know you've watched WAY to much television over the decades when the main star sings a parody version of Salt n Peppa's "Let Talk about Sex" and you remember when the same star once sang the same song with SnP 30 years prior on another show of hers. #FromBlossomToKat

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The Way

I am sort of wondering if this was Emilio Estevez's way of getting back at his dad for being grounded as a kid?

"Dad - got this great movie I am making. And I want you to be the star. You will get to see all kinds of sights in Europe - Mostly France and Spain."
"Sure, Em. What do I have to do"
"Oh you know - be in some shots with pretty backgrounds. Think "Dancing with Wolves"."
"Ok. Wonderful"

240 walking miles later...
" Char.......lie my new.....favorite,....... Duck.....Boy!"

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The Rookie: 6x05 The Vow

Shout by Ross R Vincent
BlockedParent2024-04-09T00:42:05Z— updated 2024-04-11T22:15:26Z

And now we can add ANOTHER actor from "The Suicide Squad" to the list of guest stars on the show.

(I almost want them to have a series finale where James Gunn yells "CUT" and we learn that the whole show was a project of his, which he was making while waiting on the final take over of the DC entertainment franchise. Maybe have Fillion ask "So, when do I get to play Green Lantern?
Gunn: "....."
Fillion: "That a no... ok, how about Booster Gold?"
Gunn: "cast already...sorry"
Fillion: "Youre going to put me in make-up or CGI again, arent you..... "
Gunn: "How does OA grab you? I would say Clayface, but Alan beat you too it....")

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The Iron Claw
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
Special Ops: Lioness: 1x04 The Choice of Failure

Oh man, the moment they caught the attempted rapists, and Joe said "Spread him" I was thinking they were about to pull an "Immortals" on the guy and use the butt of their rifles to ruin the guy.
But nope - it was much more justified for Joe to do the damage. But I have to wonder - did she break just his tailbone with the stomps, or his hip bone? And surely there is some permanent damage to soft tissues as well.

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Class of '09: 1x08 Graduation

Getting some real "Return of the Jedi" vibes from when the Rogue Agents stormed the storage center for the A.I. Up to and including when they came out.

All that was missing was Ewoks.

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Reservation Dogs: 3x02 Maximus

A part of me wonders if Bear isnt destined to be a Shaman for the reservation - that the visions he experiences are just the first signs of him having a higher purpose.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks: 4x06 Parth Ferengi's Heart Place

Once again, Lower Decks takes a DEEP DIVE into Past Trek shows, and pulls out another winner.

I am starting to think that, unlike "Star Trek Picard", we are going to see Trek Reunions in animation, more than in live action. Which is fine - the actors are starting to look like Kirk' crew, circa the early 90s, but with animation, it means they can look like they've aged only a few years. Plus, we can get characters from the past (Like what they did with Prodigy) return and get updated storylines.

Not to mention, if SNW ever is cancelled (perish the thought), we know that animated can come in to the rescue.

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The X-Files: 1x03 Squeeze

It's been 30 years since this episode was broadcast.
Time to be on the look out for Tooms - he's due to make a liver run.

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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon: 1x01 L'âme Perdue

Before Seeing the Episode: "Take a fan favorite character, who is known for having dialogue which barely breaks 100 words in a episode, and send him to France, with french speaking characters. On this is going to be interesting..."

After seeing the Episode: "Oh yes please!!! Mais Oui, svp!!!

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Fantasy Island: 2x10 War of the Roses (and the Hutchinsons)

Another reunion episode.
Shame that the show was cancelled - it would have been interesting, to see what other reunions could have happened. (Image the Facts of Life Girls, taking part in a "Grandmas Gone Wild" fantasy. Or a "Happy Days" reunion.

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Futurama: 8x01 The Impossible Stream

Welcome Back, Gang. It's been a long 10 years for us.
Plus, how many shows an brag about being cancelled 2 twice and still get a come back.....

As for this first episode - it was amazing. Sure, there were plenty of meta jokes - but they had the same thing when they came back on Comedy Central. And let's face it- many of these animated shows like to poke fun of their parent networks.

What I found highly amusing is that Bender, a Robot with A.I. was responsible for the writing of the show on Fulu. The very thing that the current WGA strike is against - A.I. written shows/ series. But then again, it's Bender. So that A.I. is drowning in booze and hookers

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