Felipe Ibañez


Quillon, Chile

Murder Mystery
Top Gun

*One Of The 'Coolest' Movies Ever*

Top gun, loved and loathed by many alike. The film that launched Tom Cruise's career. I'm a student and watching Top Gun for me is an amazing uplifting experience. A 'feel good' movie that could lift the worse of moods. The film executes cheese to perfection, yes there are some silly lines but there are some real good ones too! The aerial action sequences are truly amazing, and for 1986 nothing short of magnificent.
Top Gun is a film that achieves its objectives, to entertain. If you're looking for intelligent writing or mass thought provocation, this film isn't for you. Top Gun is best suited to those who desire to switch off their brain and enjoy.

My score: 7/10.

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The Wandering Earth

*China's first big science fiction movie, so beautiful!*
This movie is adapted from his novel of the same name. To be honest,it didn't disappoint me.I'm sure you've never seen a science fiction Chinese movie like this!.
The idea of running away with the planet is so crazy, but so beautiful!
The film shows the Chinese people's unique feelings towards their home,family and land.And it does not display individualism like the Hollywood superhero movies, nor does it publicize any political idea, but only the courage and unwilling to be destroyed when facing a desperate situation.
Although I don't like Jing Wu's "Wolf warrior", as far as his performance in "Wandering earth" is concerned, well done! I recommend you to watch it. You'll never forget it.

My Score: 6/10

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Don't understand the hate

Seems like all the other commenters haven't actually seen this movie and are just upset that it's a remake. Yes, it's a remake, but it's its own movie, too.

I thought it stood on its own, differentiated itself nicely from the original while also updating the story in a way that feels timely and fresh. I also found it surprisingly funny, sweet, heartfelt, and utterly enjoyable. A great change of pace from all the cynical, mean-spirited comedies these days and endless parade of Marvel movies.

Eugenio Derbez is a successful Mexican Comedian and Anna Farris is as cute as funny as she has always been, and the 2 of them give balance and heart to this movie. It is fun to watch and lighthearted. Not an Oscar-winning movie, but truly a fun movie to spend 90 minutes laughing.

WARNING: The jokes have a mixture of US and Mexican humor. You may not get all of them, but you will still have fun with the actors' performances.

My Score is 7/10.

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Red Lights
True Lies
Our Souls at Night

Explores beautiful psyche of old age human.

Robert Redford and Jane Fonda are perfect for their lonely and flawed characters. What a sweet unfolding of two complex lives that crave connection and love. It begins simply with wanting to simply sleep through the night and then we get to know all the good and the hard parts of their lives and in the end it is about talking to each other.

There is a bit of all of us in these characters. Film is adapted from the novel of same name by Kent Haruf, who died just few weeks after publishing his last novel.

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Terms of Endearment

What can I say about this film other than it is, in my opinion flawless. Every performance, every character, every scene... Debra Winger should have shared the Oscar with Shirley MacLaine. Few movies can make you laugh and cry OVER and OVER again, but this one does it for me. Even when I catch a scene on cable, I find myself drawn in emotionally and grabbing for my box of tissues. The mother-daughter relationship is so true-to-life and the chemistry between Debra and Shirley and Shirley and Jack is palpable. It is one of the greatest films ever made and should be required viewing for all mothers and daughters. This is an AMAZING and moving film!

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Love, Simon
A Fantastic Woman

Marina Vidal: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

*A great movie, a great director, and great performances.*

It's hard to even talk about LGBT matters in a country like Chile, so is exactly right there the significance of Sebastian Lelio's work. The characterizations are so well performed by the actors and actresses, that you can feel the anger and frustration of Marina, the love that Orlando feels for her, the everyday struggle of Marina in a society that rejects her sexuality, the hate from Orlando's family, etc.

Is necessary a movie like this, is necessary a more open-mind society, is necessary to stop discrimination, is necessary to stop the hate.
A fantastic woman, is ready to show the audience that there is no differences between a transgender person and a heterosexual one, the strong main character of Marina, will make you feel her never-ending fight to gain some respect, and how bad we, as society, make her feel.

Thanks to Sebastian Lelio for bring this taboo to the light. Excellent work.

My Score: 8/10.

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The Lake House

*If you love a great romantic movie you don't want to miss this movie!*

All I can say for those of you who have not seen the movie yet.. Sandra and Keanu are fantastic together on screen. The chemistry is definitely there. This is a romantic/drama you will want to see again and again. i I have seen it a few times. I've seen "Somewhere in Time" and I think this tops that by far. Don't miss out on some truly wonderful acting. I watched "Speed" released in 1994 12 years ago, which was the last movie these two starred in to be prepared for the development I knew I would see on screen. They both proved equal to the task. I laughed, I cried and left the theater totally satisfied. It was well worth the wait. I wish these two could do more film projects....together, they definitely seem comfortable with each other.

My Score: 8/10.

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Mission: Impossible III

Fast-paced action thriller

Well, this was straight to the point. Good old Cruise returning as Ethan Hunt is what you will see here. Action consisting of explosions, clever bombs, helicopter chases, flashbacks to True Lies without spoiling too much, evil villains, heartbreaking stunts and a pretty okay script is what you can expect.

Some predictable scenes, but the fast paced action made the effort worth it with some very welcome ideas. You also got to love the scenery. Berlin, Vatikan and China is refreshing to see.

007 look out, hard to match this one!

Long time since I had such fun at Home. 7/10!

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Meet the Parents

Great Comedy

Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) is a male nurse, poised to propose to the woman he loves, Pam (Teri Polo) but the right thing to do would be to ask her father's permission first. During a weekend of getting to know them, he manages to make a strong impression; for all the wrong reasons. Her father (Robert De Niro) isn't quite what Greg has been led to believe, and right from the start he seems to have it in for his daughter's partner.

De Niro and Stiller play off each other brilliantly, and both of them give fine comic performances, with a surprising level of depth for comedy characters. This film is packed with slick gags, hilarious scenes and it has a really fun story; it's a comedy film that you don't want to miss.

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The best adaption of a Parker novel so far (although he is called "Porter" here) and a great Neo-Noir. This is one of Gibson's best roles as he's not playing the same old charming guy, instead being a not so nice guy, particularly for a protagonist. There are two versions of this movie and they are very different with a totally different third act which had a different cast of antagonists. Both versions are great and can be enjoyed as separate movies.

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Two Weeks Notice

I see this movie on Netflix and have got it in my normal rotation (along with others I like). I thought that the pairing of Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock worked very well. I did not enjoy this movie for it's social significance, that's not what I watch movies for. If you enjoy adult humor and can appreciate the nuances then you will find this quite enjoyable. It is Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant at their best. Some of my favorite scenes include the one where Sandra Bullock has eaten too much and has to go to the bathroom while they are stuck on a bridge in New York City. Adding the music "Taking Care Of Business" was really a stroke of genius. The "Bobcat Pretzel" scene was equally funny. The interjection of the appropriate music adds much to the results and norah Jones cameo I loved.

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It's a game of cat and mouse, but while it proceeds as expected in the grand scheme - killer stalking a victim who tries to stay a step ahead - the thrills are in the details.

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The Incredibles
Big Hero 6
The Pacifier

*Funny and heartwarming.*

The Pacifier is a funny family friendly movie that the whole family will enjoy. It is appropriate for all age ranges while still remaining humorous and compelling. I usually do not sit through entire films and was able to easily watch The Pacifier starring Vin Diesel.
Vin Diesel is hired to protect a family of high energy children while their mother goes away for a short time. The film is easy to watch and I found myself smiling several times. Vin Diesel allows himself to be vulnerable but still show a strong heart and compassion. Its worth a watch and we all enjoyed it!

My score 6/10.

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Silicon Cowboys

*Surprisingly Enjoyable.*

Really good documentary, notionally about Compaq, but also about managing companies through growth, changing corporate cultures, and the development of the PC industry generally.

Really good research before they filmed. LOTS of footage of the facilities, company gatherings, the factory, ads, and more. And interviewed simply everyone.

Then edited together very well. Hardly any infographics, no voiceover, told very seamlessly by the voices of the interviewees.
I always love these documentaries about tech companies and the Internet and so forth. Having grown up in the 1980s, this feels like such an integral part of my life. I was more computer literate at 14 than I am now at 36...

And Compaq is an important part of that story. Doors were opened for other companies (such as Dell) and really ended the way we think about PCs. I do not equate IBM and PC, and almost never have, due in part to Compaq. Whereas we have never seen this same thing happen to Apple... which strategy works best?

My Score 7/10.

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*It could/should have been so much better...*
I actually enjoyed Outbreak from the start although form the first few minutes you could tell it's a B+ movie at the very best.
However the enjoyment diminished dramatically when the good old fashioned Hollywood recipe of the one man army/hero who ignores laws, regulations, procedures, and simply does what comes to his head prevailed.

It did not come as a surprise because it seemed rather odd the fact that you have a VERY GOOD cast (Hoffman, Sunderland, Spacey, Gooding) and whilst I was holding the case at the DVD retailer I noticed the complete lack of press appraisal…or at least there's none in the UK packaging of the film. It might seem an unusual thought but it is very true.

Apart from that it was enjoyable in the very mild sense of the word. Another example that proves how good ingredients (director + cast + storyline) do not always make the perfect recipe.

My Score 5/10.

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Falling Inn Love

Come on you guys with the low ratings -- don't be so critical and snobbish. Enjoy the sweet love story and beautiful scenery of New Zealand. The village and the residents were charming. Makes you want to live there. So what if it was somewhat predictable. The lead couple was attractive and made you root for them. The story was simple, entertaining, and satisfying, with a happy ending. As for the film overall, I found it refreshing because there was no swearing and vulgarity.

My Score 6/10.

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The Avengers

***Movie is good. But overrated.***

Seriously guys. Its a great action movie, but this should not be in the top 250 list.

*The action was great.
*The story-line, though, was not consistent with the comic books, was decent.
*The special effects were great, as expected.
*The characters were believable.
*On and on, it was an acceptably average movie. Worth spending money.

Watching in 4K TV, but It certainly does not deserve to be in top 250 list and be rated above 8 because its just an average movie.
I am beginning to loose faith in IMDb rating system now.

My Score 7/10.

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Lady and the Tramp

A fun and light-hearted reimagining with convincing and cute dogs that doesn't recapture the magic of the original. Great CGI work too.
Makes me want a cocker spaniel and I love the diversity in the cast.

Great remake and glad to see it give opportunities to other actors who are not white for this rendition.

My Score 7/10.

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Beautiful Thing

I loved love all the characters :heart::rainbow:
My Score: 7/10.

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The Thomas Crown Affair

*Legitimately scary*

This movie is honestly scary from beginning to (close to) the end. The tension and dread build until the film reveals its end game which unfortunately bows to more familiar horror movie tropes (jump scares, sped up motion, impossible physics, etc). Great score, direction and performances. Toni Collette give a raw, revelatory performance. Director Ari Aster is one to watch!
Overall, an excellent movie I thought - and well worth the two hours :-)

My Score 6/10.

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Miracles from Heaven
The Bridges of Madison County