Shout by Felipe Ibañez

Overboard 2018

Don't understand the hate

Seems like all the other commenters haven't actually seen this movie and are just upset that it's a remake. Yes, it's a remake, but it's its own movie, too.

I thought it stood on its own, differentiated itself nicely from the original while also updating the story in a way that feels timely and fresh. I also found it surprisingly funny, sweet, heartfelt, and utterly enjoyable. A great change of pace from all the cynical, mean-spirited comedies these days and endless parade of Marvel movies.

Eugenio Derbez is a successful Mexican Comedian and Anna Farris is as cute as funny as she has always been, and the 2 of them give balance and heart to this movie. It is fun to watch and lighthearted. Not an Oscar-winning movie, but truly a fun movie to spend 90 minutes laughing.

WARNING: The jokes have a mixture of US and Mexican humor. You may not get all of them, but you will still have fun with the actors' performances.

My Score is 7/10.

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