


Halo: 1x06 Solace

yes, please, no more Kwan storyline.

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This Is Us: Season 4

The year is 2032, the show This Is Us is on season 17. We follow the 12th generation of Pearson, the setting is in science-fiction somewhere around 2200.

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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

after two episodes, the series feels very weak. The pace is slow and the acting bad.

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For All Mankind: 3x02 Game Changer

The best last five seconds ever :smile:

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x10 One Way Out

That speech by Luthen was everything I needed :fire:

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Halo: 2x05 Aleria

Everybody is the main character except the Master Chief.

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Ms. Marvel

It's so weird to see Muslims being represented in the media, not negatively. It's so refreshing, and it allows sharing some traditions people don't get to see. Even though I'm not Pakistani, it's very welcoming to see something positive for a change. I'm learning to about south Asian culture at the same time. Great show and something original for once!

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Stranger Things: 3x08 Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt

Joyce Byers is a bitch to uproot her family. Okay, all her previous partners from the town either left or died in front of her but she's breaking up two couples of recently traumatized teens. It's not like she has a big opportunity elsewhere and the mall has closed, her shop will rise again.

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Stranger Things: Season 3

This season relied too much on jump & sound scares.
Will was just a Captain Obvious with his "danger incoming". The soviet villain is so cliché but serves its purpose. But I don't like the way it handles the relationships with Hopper and Billy. The pacing in general was off.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x11 Perpetual Infinity

These last episodes are blowing me away. I love it. Spock is starting to grow on me, his supportive behavior was great. Mom Burnham was cold at first but it was the only defense mechanisme to have when you see your child die a hundred times. In these final moments, she softened at last.
Not to forget the expectionnal acting all around, this series is taking it to the next level each season.

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This Is Us: 3x17 R & B

Randall is so exhausting. Always have to be the victim or the guy who tell the stories. He loves too much to be the center of attention and seen as perfect.
Beth is suffering from so much little things and the mom syndrome where you have to look after everyone. So difficult to conjugue that with your own ambition.

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Into the Badlands: 3x09 Chamber of the Scorpion

I hate mid-seasons, I forgot a lot of the plot and the storyline

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Halo: 2x02 Sword

they don't have flashlights in Halo ?

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Westworld: 4x08 Que Será, Será

I put it on *2 speed to get through it.

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This Is Us: 5x01 Forty (1) / Forty (2)

if his new therapist has anything to do with his mom, I'm done with this show, it's ridiculous

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Shout by Orphan
BlockedParent2019-04-06T23:55:14Z— updated 2019-06-10T14:29:36Z

My take on the first episode : I really like it. The ambiance is sold very well, it reminds me of Hell of Wheels. The fights are well choreographed so far. The dynamics are setting well too between the different groups with charismatic characters. Maybe too much clichés but it's often the case in shows like this.
Edit :
After 7 episodes, the series became very weak. There is nothing to tell really.At first, it's the story of a immigrant who came in search of a certain person. After founding it, he wanders aimlessly. The production even is cheap at some points.

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Westworld: 4x02 Well Enough Alone

Even though I went through a recap on Youtube, I don't remember which consciousness is in which host. I don't even understand why this show exists anymore.

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Shōgun: 1x08 The Abyss of Life

You get seppuku! You get seppuku! Everybody gets seppuku!

It's becoming a little on the nose and ridiculous... Otherwise, super episode and show!

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

The CGI is awful but when you read how they treat their workers at Disney and Marvel, you understand.

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The only downside of this show is the character Ramy so it's quite problematic... lol. He's so annoying, I don't feel any connections to him even though we have the same background. He is a privileged man and a coward, it's infuriating. He never evolved since the beginning of the show.

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The 100: 7x02 The Garden

In this series, they use comparison like airplane's black box to people who lived in Dark Ages where they never even heard or seen a plane haha

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This Is Us: 4x01 Strangers

Maybe one day I will watch an US TV show where a veteran of the armed forces is not portrayed mentally unstable, suffering from PTSD or alcoholic. One day

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Westworld: 4x04 Generation Loss

I'm sick of the twist inside the twist, and everyone is a host now. I'm no longer surprised by their attempt of a surprise...

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x09 All Those Who Wander

1 mission, 3 dead. The track record of Pike is getting bad. I wouldn't go with him lol

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Warrior: 1x01 The Itchy Onion

I really like it. The ambiance is sold very well, it reminds me of Hell of Wheels. The fights are well choreographed so far. The dynamics are setting well too between the different groups with charismatic characters. Maybe too much clichés but it's often the case in shows like this.

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The Terminal List: 1x08 Reclamation

I don't understand why WARCOM had to be bribed by Horn if the order to test the drug was legal ? Because if they are not involved, there is not any cover up needed...

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S.W.A.T.: 4x06 Hopeless Sinners

Zoey head looks like she's an alien lol

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Chicago Fire

This is a show about the worst fire house and the worst commanding officer in Chicago where more people dies under his command that anything else

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Carnival Row

Overall, I like it.
The cast is very hit and miss. Delevingne couldn't act even if her life depended on it. Bloom is a little too old for the part and there is no chemistry between them. Delevingne had always impeccable hair and makeup. She didn't look as a refugee or an impoverished immigrant for one bit.
The last episode is full soap opera with some revelations, it was really bad.
The music was a nice touch but it lacked the epicness of a Max Richter or a Ramin Djawadi.
I thought they didn't explore the universe or second plotlines enough. Because of the focus on a single story, it was very stretched especially with the flashbacks.

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The Boys

The casting is something else, outstanding! Great tv show, really recommend it

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