

Aberdeen, UK

The Death of Stalin

It's ace to be able to sit for 100 minutes and watch massively talented actors have so much fun with such impressive writing.

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Planes, Trains and Automobiles

I forgot the end of Planes, Trains and Automobiles goes full John Hughes and ended up blubbering like a baby.

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Icarus played a little trick on me. It made me think in was one of those daft wee 'how much can I fuck up my body' docs when really it was a massively tense international sport/politics conspiracy with added old-man nipples.

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Gloriously rich, both in colour and emotion. This is Pixar at it's best.

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Arthur Christmas

I keep coming back to this every Christmas. Properly British humour that hits the spot for me.

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Atomic Blonde

I'm a real sucker for high styling and good fight choreography, and this really hit the spot for me. Pink and blue neon lighting contrasted beautifully with Berlin's stoic architecture and the fight scenes were uncompromising and brutal, culminating in a 10 minute single shot climax which was no less impressive for being a fake.

Downsides; the obvious needle drops distract you like a hit from a two-ring hotplate, and the never ending double crosses ended up being a bit of a mess.

Despite this I had an absolute blast with Atomic Blonde. Charlize Theron's transformation to Action Hero has been impressive, and I can't wait to see her next project...and also what is in store for this particular character in the future.

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The Revenant

Frontiersman has a comically shit year against an overwhelmingly beautiful backdrop.

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Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond

Jim Carrey's self analysis is devastatingly touching.

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Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

All round brilliant performances of a razor sharp script. I loved it.

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Murder on the Orient Express

I really was impressed by the consumes. Unfortunately, it seems they got the costume designers to write the script too.

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The Disaster Artist

I'm struggling to keep up with all the levels of meta involved in bringing the story of the making of Tommy Wiseau's The Room to the big screen, but James Franco, with his astute and respectful direction really pulls it off. I laughed hard throughout, both with and at the cast who were clearly in love with the material and with Wiseau himself.

I've not seen The Room, but I'll change that as soon as I can.

Oh...and the soundtrack was immense!

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This was a great documentary. Williams is a very sharp, single-minded man, but this doesn't shy away for one minute about his flaws. The frank conversations with his family, friends and colleagues, especially his daughter Claire, gave this a tantalising edge without ever falling into a mire of gossip.

I did feel there were obvious gaps in the Williams story, most glaring of all was Senna's death, but with so much other material out there, I can see why Morgan Matthews looked elsewhere for material.

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Entertaining Friday night fodder. Banderas is suitably gruff, and Kingsley is suitably Kingsley. Goes perfectly with alcohol.

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Léon: The Professional

Leon is the movie Luc Besson makes when he has no budget and no time. It is pure filmmaking; compelling, styling and brilliant.

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Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

If it was just a massive print of the War Room set, this would be a clear five stars...but it isn't. While the use of farce may have worked to make what was a real fear to audiences in the '60s a little more palatable, it just felt stretched to me.

I've put off watching this for far too long, and while I'm glad I now have, I'll probably not revisit Dr. Strangelove.

That set though. Kubrick is a genius.

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Mad Max: Fury Road (Black & Chrome Edition)

This looks amazing. The high contrast black and white makes is far easier to see the cinematographer's artistic decisions, without the distraction of all those pretty colours.

I love both versions of Fury Road, and I can't say this was any better, but it is well worth checking out. I reckon I'll likely watch Black & Chrome as often as the theatrical version.

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The Incredibles

The Incredibles is beautifully made. It's heady mix of good looks, sharp whit and heart of gold mean you can't fail to fall for it's charms. The futuristic nostalgia grabs the attention throughout.

The slightly disappointing third act stops this being an absolute classic, but this is an extremely good film.

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Doctor Strange

As with most Marvel movies these days, I struggled to give much of a fuck. Doctor Strange is well made and looks great, but there is little depth past what you see right in front of you. With more engaging writing, this could have been brilliant.

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Train to Busan

The train currently sitting at Platform 4 is the 101 service to Busan. During this journey, please keep all limbs close to your torso as flappy arms may result in biting and zombiefication.

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I, Tonya

This was cracking entertainment. Wickedly sharp and funny. I love movies where you can't really trust what any of the protagonists tell you, leaving you to peace together the truth for yourself. This was that.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The Last Jedi tore a lightsaber through my expectations, but delivered in so many ways. It's very rare these days for a movie to be backed so packed full of storyline and intrigue...especially one that runs at 153 minutes.

The cast were universally brilliant, but Adam Driver's stand-out performance was masterful, and Kellie Marie Tran was a surprise hit for me.

There were some strange comedy beats that didn't quite sit right for me, but I suspect this was still when my assumptions about The Last Jedi were still being screwed with.

Rian Johnson's direction was wonderful with so many beautiful visual treats woven together by an utterly captivating story. I can't wait to see what he has in store when he gets his own Start Wars trilogy.

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Home Alone

Dumb, corny and a load of fun. Against the odds, Home Alone actually seems to be getting better with age.

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Boy is packed full of Taika Waititi's signature charm and melancholic humour, finding it's depth in what's not said, rather than what is said. Not only was James Rolleston stunningly natural in the titular role, but Waititi himself playing his father was also unforgettable.

Taika Waititi is a brilliantly talented director. Content for a story to play out in the viewers head rather than spoon feeding them schmultz, his visual styling as iconic as Wes Anderson or Tim Burton.

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George Michael: Freedom

I was disappointed with this I'm afraid. While it didn't shy away from the hard times that George endured, it tried to portray him as somewhat saintly, and I just didn't believe that he was that perfect.

I think there was probably a more interesting story to be told, and the producers played it safe. That doesn't seem to me like the choice George Michael would have made.

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The Dark Tower

All the features of a good film without actually bothering to be a good film. Proof that movie making is a lot more than chucking stuff into a blender.

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Long Shot

A nice wee tale. Nothing dramatic that the trailer hadn't given away.

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Blade Runner 2049

The most cinematic experience I've had since I was a kid. Beautiful, loud, intelligent and exhilarating.

I'm not sure I'd ever used the word 'enthralled' out loud before I walked out the cinema last night, but it was the only one I could get out my big grinning face.

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Martin Scorsese's masterclass in modern cinema is still as fresh as the day it was released. Engaging storyline, crackling dialogue, beautiful cinematography and expertly directed.

You've watched it many times it again.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

This is how you round off a trilogy. Film making as fierce and strong as it's subject.

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Tropic Thunder

One of only a handful of comedies of this millennium that are actually funny.

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