

Aberdeen, UK

I, Tonya

This was cracking entertainment. Wickedly sharp and funny. I love movies where you can't really trust what any of the protagonists tell you, leaving you to peace together the truth for yourself. This was that.

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Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

All round brilliant performances of a razor sharp script. I loved it.

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Lady Bird

Got to be one of the best movies of 2017. Powerful and heartwarming, but best of all, laugh out loud funny. I'll get a load of repeat viewings out of this.

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The Death of Stalin

It's ace to be able to sit for 100 minutes and watch massively talented actors have so much fun with such impressive writing.

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Murder on the Orient Express

I really was impressed by the consumes. Unfortunately, it seems they got the costume designers to write the script too.

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Justice League

I managed to get to the end...what do I win?

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Gloriously rich, both in colour and emotion. This is Pixar at it's best.

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Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters

Holy crap this was dark and miserable. Looks lovely though. I hope the sequels have a little more hope in them.

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A Futile and Stupid Gesture

I found this interesting and enjoyable despite it's many flaws.

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Thor: Ragnarok

Taika Waititi adds his trademark humour (and all the saturation) to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I had a blast.

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The Dirties

I really enjoyed this, though it's not easy to watch likeable characters go off the rails.

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Wreck-It Ralph

I keep coming back to this to watch "with the kids". Nice balance of compelling drama and wacky races. Packed full of nods and winks for gaming nerds in there too.

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The Young Offenders

Upbeat, daft and extremely funny.

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Good Time

I had a little trouble balancing the grittiness with the implausible plot. Otherwise it was entertaining enough.

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First off...I really enjoyed this. It's solidly entertaining. The cast were spectacular and the production was amazing. I just...felt...that the writing wasn't up to scratch. I may change my mind on a second viewing.

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Die Hard

Spectacular action movie, set at Christmas.

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The Long Kiss Goodnight

Advocates of Die Hard being the best Christmas movie have clearly forgotten about this. For a start, it's a proper Christmas movie rather than a movie set at Christmas.

And if you don't know, now you know!

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The Polar Express

The Polar Express has all the hallmarks of a great movie, without actually being any good. Give it a miss.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The Last Jedi tore a lightsaber through my expectations, but delivered in so many ways. It's very rare these days for a movie to be backed so packed full of storyline and intrigue...especially one that runs at 153 minutes.

The cast were universally brilliant, but Adam Driver's stand-out performance was masterful, and Kellie Marie Tran was a surprise hit for me.

There were some strange comedy beats that didn't quite sit right for me, but I suspect this was still when my assumptions about The Last Jedi were still being screwed with.

Rian Johnson's direction was wonderful with so many beautiful visual treats woven together by an utterly captivating story. I can't wait to see what he has in store when he gets his own Start Wars trilogy.

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I loved this, but this is the first watch in decades.

It's...problematic. An old man creeping on a young teen girl doesn't feel so funny any more. Yes, he's supposed to be a creep, but it was just uncomfortable. Who knows how it'll go down in another ten years.

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Elf is a delightfully slapstick Christmas caper that almost always stays ahead of the saccharine sweet competition. Hilarious holiday fun.

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Arthur Christmas

I keep coming back to this every Christmas. Properly British humour that hits the spot for me.

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Doctor Strange

I enjoyed this a little more the second time around.

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The Battle of the Sexes

I suspect that Bobby Riggs fella seems less of a dumb chauvinist that he wanted us to think.

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Home Alone

Dumb, corny and a load of fun. Against the odds, Home Alone actually seems to be getting better with age.

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This is gloriously warm and fuzzy.

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Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Nearly held my attention on a number of occasions.

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The Disaster Artist

I'm struggling to keep up with all the levels of meta involved in bringing the story of the making of Tommy Wiseau's The Room to the big screen, but James Franco, with his astute and respectful direction really pulls it off. I laughed hard throughout, both with and at the cast who were clearly in love with the material and with Wiseau himself.

I've not seen The Room, but I'll change that as soon as I can.

Oh...and the soundtrack was immense!

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Planes, Trains and Automobiles

I forgot the end of Planes, Trains and Automobiles goes full John Hughes and ended up blubbering like a baby.

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Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond

Jim Carrey's self analysis is devastatingly touching.

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