

Grodno, Belarus


Cheesy fun episode about aliens invading a small town. Not the worst way to spend 80 minutes. It's like a popcorn movie.

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Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

So Ramon goes to fight in Vietnam and it's supposed to be a happy ending?! What the fuck kind of military propaganda is this? Is his story arc supposed to be "growth" from a disgusting peace loving draft dodging hippy coward to a brave American fighting for freedom and his friends. I liked the movie, but that ending put a bad taste in my mouth. Also, the backstory of Sarah felt underdeveloped, like she was a side-character and not the main villain. The movie is very pg-13 and it shows. This is the kind of horror that would probably scare me at 10 years old. But now it feels more like a monster(s) feature (which may scare a lot of people I guess, but I unfortunately couldn't find it scary). The monsters are not exactly hiding and are clearly visible most of the time, almost like under a spotlight. The designs are cool, the practical effects are cool for the most part. But the second to last monster, Jesus fuck. It has the most screen time (more than Sarah, yeah) and is the most video-game CGI monster in this film. Looks like a cutscene from outlast.

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My Valentine

I actually enjoyed the episode up until the ending. Sure, the editing is really wonky. But the story was good enough to make me feel invested. The ending however... It's a complete U-turn and a huge out of character moment. Pretty much the same ending as the one in "new year, new you", beat for beat. Another example of how you can ruin a perfectly fine episode with a dumb ("twist"?) ending. If like me, you hated the "new year, new you" episode's ending, you'll probably hate that one too.

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Midnight Kiss

Felt like I was watching a teen drama, or a boring soap opera, an episode of the OC maybe. Took me 3 tries to finish the episode. And also, do cops not exist in this episode's universe? What the hell?

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Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later: Season 1

I was not expecting a second season. Was excited for a moment, and disappointed for 8 episodes.

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The Walking Dead: Season 7

That's like the first time in years that I'm actually able to enjoy this show. All thanks to Negan. I have no idea why people call this season boring.

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13 Reasons Why: 1x07 Tape 4, Side A

"I yelled at you. Big deal. You should have let it go."
Damn, that was very hypocritical, Hannah.

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Prison Break: Season 5

Why? Just why? Who wants this?

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Crazy, Stupid, Love.

I was going to write about how the movie is chock-full of stupid unrealistic clichés that I hated, but half-way through the film there were to many of them to list. So I'm just going to write this: it's still a fun movie even considering all of that. And even though on paper I should've hated everything about it I've still found a few moments that made it fun to watch. (And half-way through the movie it gets better!) Also: amazing soundtrack!
And I did not like the message of the Hannah & Liz storyline, which is basically "don't settle for ugly or dull looking people, they suck, looks are everything". And why's Josh Groban's character suddenly a douche? Are we supposed to hate him or something? There were like 2 scenes with him, seriously! Hannah's reaction at the dinner was totally uncalled for.

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Westworld: 1x08 Trace Decay

In the earlier episodes they could easily spot every deviation from the script (even the smallest one) and any suspicious host behaviour. But now hosts just go about they business becoming sentient unnoticed. They openly admit knowing of the outside world, use "cheat-codes". But security just doesn't care for the most part. That makes me think that the so-called "real world" is a also a park. Also, I find it suspicious that we weren't shown any of the outside world, only the park and it's staff facilities. It feels like none of the characters have any backstory or life outside of the park (except for a few, but even then those backstories are just clichés or a few compact lines of the script). Maybe it's poor writing, or perhaps it's very clever foreshadowing. And maybe this whole "hosts going sentient" thing is also just a story to make the guests feel special (hence no one from the staff noticing it).
Oh, and I don't think there is an Arnold. Probably Ford's name before he became a host or simply his alter-ego. Or maybe Ford is the original Bernard.

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

Shout by Nerve33

Ok, at first I was like "They're dragging on the reveal of this dumb gimmicky cliffhanger for 12 minutes? WTH? Got to be honest, that kind of ruins the season premiere for me." But that other kill was brutally unexpected (or at least the timing of it).
And when Negan gets out this bottle of hydrogen peroxide or whatever that was, I'm thinking "Oh shit is he going to cut of Rick's arm?". Well, almost. Negan is surely one of the most amazing antagonists on TV.
But then Negan left and its back to the same BS we've seen for almost 6 seasons. Obviously, I can't know for sure what the rest of the season is gonna be like, but it feels like it's gonna be more of the same, except for the Negan scenes, and I'm not sure there will be enough of them.

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Breaking Bad: 5x16 Felina

"Guess I got what I deserved"

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You know that feeling you get when you pick up a family photo album and start reminiscing about the past. This movie is that feeling.

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Scream: The TV Series: 2x12 When a Stranger Calls

Shout by Nerve33

Called it! Guessed it by S1E6&8. I mean he was basically a Billy Loomis cosplayer. It was however a pure guess, since you can't really logically figure out who the killer is, after all you don't have a lot of evidence to go on. The only thing you can say is "That guy, he looks dodgy. He's probably the killer". But damn, it feels awesome to be right :) Sorry for getting too cocky.

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Heroes Reborn

To quote Conan O'Brien: "Heroes: Recancelled". Shame, I actually enjoyed this season.

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Preacher: 1x10 Call and Response

Shout by Nerve33

To quote fake-God: "Balls!"

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Mad Dogs

Good show, fun to watch, especially in the beginning. But it gets more and more ridiculous with each season.

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Preacher: 1x09 Finish the Song

Wow, the Cowboy is a real dick in this one.

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Orange Is the New Black: 4x06 Piece of Sh*t

The Twilight Zone episode that Healy and Lolly talk about is called "5x30 Stopover in a Quiet Town". If anyone was wondering.

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Game of Thrones: 6x05 The Door
The Walking Dead: 6x10 The Next World

Surprised that Jessie's death wasn't even acknowledged. She obviously meant a lot to Rick, but except for the initial shock while she was being devoured by walkers he didn't even mention her AT ALL. In fact, no one has mentioned her ever since, like she was just an extra, like she didn't even exist.

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11.22.63: 1x08 The Day in Question
Adventure Time: 7x23 Crossover

I thought of a new game. You need to guess if a quote is from Adventure Time or Game of Thrones.
"-What dimension is this?
-All of them.
-That's great! Then we can live everywhere.
-Everywhere you will die. You, your family, everyone will die over and over. Mountains of broken bodies beneath the wheel."

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Friday the 13th: A New Beginning

Shout by Nerve33
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-02-16T19:29:49Z— updated 2023-10-26T13:00:49Z

Everyone hates this part because Jason is technically not in it. But it is actually one of my favourites. Who cares if someone else is wearing the mask? There are some great kills, some nudity, some funny moments. A great slasher overall.

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Scream: The TV Series: 1x10 Revelations

And the final kill count is: 8 (9 if you count Piper and 11 - if you count the couple from the flashback in episode 3). That's truly pathetic. It's the same number as in the first scream movie. Yet the show ran 4 times longer than the movie. I'm really disappointed. The season was okay, but nothing more.
Also, the pilot episode's cliffhanger (with blood on Noah's forehead) is still unresolved. Wtf?

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Scream: The TV Series: 1x08 Ghosts

Shout by Nerve33

The reporter theory looks more and more plausible. But I still think Emma's boyfriend is somehow involved.

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Scream: The TV Series: 1x06 Betrayed
Scream: The TV Series

I think this quote from the show itself sums everything up quite nicely:
"You can't do a slasher movie as a TV series. Slasher movies burn bright and fast. TV needs to stretch things out. You know, by the time the first body's found, it's only a matter of time before the bloodbath commences."

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Doctor Who: 10x01 The Three Doctors (1)

"Oh. I can see you've been doing the Tardis up a bit. Hmm. I don't like it."

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Fear the Walking Dead