I'm sorry but WTF? Is everyone gonna ignore the fact that he just left the love of his life to marry her abusive husband just because a crazy man told him so? It doesn't make any sense! [flips the table]
Why the heck would Sadie die? If she didn't die in the original timeline then wouldn't her dying be the change that the hat guy says is impossible? And btw - we do know that it is possible to change the past (i.e. Sadie's death) - Jake DID save JFK! Goddammit, Stephen!
In all honesty, the ending seems unfinished. It's like Stephen King just went "Eh. Good 'nuf." Although I sincerely hope that the book ending was better fleshed out.
And yeah, I know that Sadie's husband "dies unexpectedly in a car crash" (real convenient btw) and that she's lead a good life all things considered. But it just seems like a shame Jake doesn't want BOTH of them to be happy. I mean if that is a possibility. And I also do get the main idea about the dark and the light. But this little titbit just ruins it for me. Such a positive message ruined by a small incongruity in the plot. I actually really enjoyed the mini-series right up to that point.
P.S.:Oh, and one more thing, the part with the alternative future was kind of ham-fisted. I mean, we get it: don't mess with the past too much. But the apocalypse? I mean, really?

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