Juan Ignacio Sánchez


Santiago, Chile


Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2019-03-20T02:03:30Z— updated 2019-03-22T15:50:51Z

If you think the trailer spoiled you the movie, then you are dead wrong. Jordan Peele has created a new masterpiece of horror, dark comedy and the bizarre. A non stop and absolutely creepy nightmare on its own that continues to unravel and twist till the very end. Praise for all the cast and their tethered versions (specially Lupita, Elisabeth and the kids) Excellent musical choices, great comedy moments among all the insanity and a chilling score by Michael Abels!

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American Horror Story: 8x06 Return to Murder House

A supremely directed episode by Sarah Paulson that will give you ALL the feels. Unexpected turns of plot and surprise guests. Simply one of the best episodes of the entire anthology.

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Escape Room

As an overall, its a wild and entertaining film. Kudos to the production design on this one for those crazy rooms and clues (my personal favorite and the most anxiety-fulling was the upside down bar). Still, the ending is pretty rushed and with a cliffhanger absolutely NOT WORTH IT.

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The Hunt

The thing about THE HUNT is that is an absolute blast of a horror comedy. Demented, violent and a bit times shocking; this film is an example of the twisted mind of Hollywood's writters (Damon Lindelof has even more twisted tricks up his sleeve) and a highly political satire of violence, racism, social superiority, guns and nasty comments on social media. The plot catches you straight from the beginning and twists the knife (see what I did there?) into a non stop frenzy of comical violence and a hero in Betty Gilpin's insane performance.

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Euphoria: 1x01 Pilot

A grounded vision of modern teenagers... what shows like 13 Reasons Why or Skins struggled to portrait but HBO dared to exhibit without much censorship. Very stylish photography and Zendaya's character is beyond WOW. Also, not suitable for underage viewers... very triggering (yet also, extremely relatable content).

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Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2018-11-21T20:40:10Z— updated 2019-01-24T23:01:42Z

The film has a strong potential worthy of a Black Mirror episode yet the technology presented in the film is not even explored at its finest. The ending felt bleak but is an interesting choice to make the audience come up with their own theories.

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I May Destroy You

Michaela Coel sets the table for a necessary conversation about the true nature of drugs, sex, rape, identity, friendship and the complex moral and psychological issues surrounding victims of sexual abuse. Raw, brilliantly written and fulled with daring performances by the complete cast, I MAY DESTROY YOU invites audiences to talk about it and take action.

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Saw X
Rick and Morty: 4x03 One Crew Over the Crewcoo's Morty

The heist to END all heists. What a hillarious and mind bending episode!

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Chernobyl: 1x05 Vichnaya Pamyat

In just 5 episodes, Chernobyl managed to make you want to know everything from the story, the tragic events and the poor characters involved in the disaster. HBO really went for the gold on this one and could be the start up for other thematical miniseries about human-made disasters. Brilliant, terrifying and supremely well-acted.

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An LSD-fulled nightmare of dances, violence, delusions, betrayal and desire by the one and only Gaspar Noé. The dance sequences are quite stunning to watch while the descent into chaos and madness makes the movie a bold, striking and nightmarish trip into hell that you cannot unsee.

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The Leftovers: 3x08 The Book of Nora

All the answers I wanted were here...and they weren't. Very satisfying finale and also an emotional roller coaster the entire season.

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Solar Opposites

Not your typical show yet a hillarious, delirious, extremely hysterical, at times insanely violent animation. Another monstrous creation from the mind of Justin Rolland that is just as chaotic, dark and meta as Rick and Morty! Filled with glorious references, all-stars guest voices and dramatic musical cues that only make the show better, Solar Opposites is just a triumph for streaming animation.

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Close Enough

If you like Regular Show, Close Enough takes the comedy tone and insanity of that show and takes it into a whole new level of insane comedy gold. With no restrictions and more adult language, common stories for parents are twisted into unexpected and wild places, leading to hillarious settings and moments. Really funny characters, brilliant guest stars and sneaky easter eggs to other works from Quintel. A nice option to just relax and get involved with simple and very comical stories.

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Sharp Objects

This looks promising! The cinematography seems impecable. Plus, we finally get to see another Gillian Flynn novel come to life.

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Ingrid Goes West

Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2017-11-01T04:27:52Z— updated 2018-10-11T22:42:03Z

Imagine a social network stalker, only 10 times worse in modern days. That's Ingrid. Plaza's performance on this one is another proof of her dark acting skills. The movie often goes into really dark places, which works excellent on the plot- yet the ending changes the atmosphere for worse.

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

No Way Home is an spectacle from start to finish... Its everything you want it to be and SO MUCH MORE! With so much fan service, excellent visual effects and a wildly emotional story, this new entry in the MCU is glorious in every way. Just sit back and enjoy the ride!

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Frozen II

Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2019-12-11T17:48:43Z— updated 2020-02-26T17:54:10Z

As narrative and mythology imply, this second installment in the Frozen franchise, expands the backstory of the two sisters and offers answers to huge questions from the first movie while also expanding their magical world. Frozen 2 is a visually stunning adventure focused on righting the wrongs of the past to have a better future. A more mature and at times, dark plotline drives the characters into the unknown (no pun intended) to uncover a hard truth about their family and their kingdom. For the kids, this is a story about family and bravery; for the parents, a tale about dark secrets, past mistakes, finding redemption and embracing your true nature.

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Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2018-10-09T18:41:21Z— updated 2018-10-11T22:38:01Z

MANIAC is really not for everyone, given its weird premise and multiple realities, but at its very core is a multi-layered and complex story of friendship, family, loyalty, mental illness and addictions. A mini series with a smart message about hope and finding true forgiveness within.

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Final Space: 2x13 The Sixth Key

"Always meant to be together, but never meant to be."
DAMN. This show really brings you to tears in every. damn. episode.
Can't wait the direction it takes on the third cycle.

Chookity pok pok POOK!

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Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2019-09-30T22:18:25Z— updated 2019-11-15T16:19:34Z

A unique, disturbing and quite beautiful horror film with trippy visuals, grotesque violence and graphic moments that once you see them, YOU CAN'T UNSEE THEM. Ari Aster continues to shock and amaze with a detailed exploration of pagan rituals, mysterious communites and heartbreak inside a dying relationship; through the running time, this film bringing cathartic moments of psychological (and at times physical) pain, delusion and insanity. At its very core, Midsommar is a perfect nightmare experience that gets even better once you unheart the demented horrors hidden in plain sight.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 1x05 Animal Control

The rescue attempt was just hillarious (plus Laszlo talking to the cats) but Nadja and Jeff/Gregor stole the entire episode tho

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Channel Zero: 2x04 The Exit

This episode totally embodies the phrase "You have to go through to go home." Also, amazing cliffhanger for next week!

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Loki: 2x05 Science/Fiction

Loki having his Infinity War moment was just insane. But I feel like erasing timelines is much worse than erasing half of all life. The scene at the bar was special and the vinyl shop scene felt incredible anxious and mind-bending in the best way possible. Science/Fiction is easily one of the best episodes Marvel has ever done and one of the best moments in the entire MCU's history.

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We Are Who We Are: 1x01 Right here, right now #1

It's a... start? Well, it's hard to explain but coming of age stories usually start off like this pilot episode with introductions of characters and establishing their dynamics. You can definitively see Guadagnino's signature filmmaking on this one. Strange troup of characters but I'm really interested to see where this goes.

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Archer: 11x01 The Orpheus Gambit

Of course Jamie Lee Curtis would be a go-to choice for a guest star in an episode that goes bananas from the very beginning. Loved seeing the gang back together in a new, fresh dynamic but back into my personal favorite format of secret missions, spies and sploosh insanity.

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The Invisible Man

A brilliant twist on the classic supernatural story; Elisabeth Moss goes for the win on this one, proving once again that she can play a damaged yet strong woman with impecable skills. The story goes into shocking places, mixing domestic violence, murder, paranoia and horror in your own home. Many will be divided into the mystery of the Invisibility, but I think it's a nice twist on what we know as supernatural.

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Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2019-12-20T19:03:20Z— updated 2020-02-26T17:52:20Z

PARASITE explores the survival instinct and the centuries-long clash of the classes in one of the most unconventional ways in cinema history; the plot follows a street-smart family taking hold of a wealthy family using lies and pretentions with brutal consequences leading to an unimaginable twist. From the very beginning, PARASITE is a tale of greed embued in the worst aspects of the social classes with a selection of brilliantly written characters, raw acting and excellent locations; this is a story that goes into extremely dark places when the plot reveals a shocking twist, but in the end, that very same darkness that surrounds this story creates a macabre masterpiece and one of the best films of 2019 and hell, even the decade.

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Black Mirror: 5x01 Striking Vipers

Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2019-06-06T01:38:14Z— updated 2019-06-12T00:36:32Z

You can say all you want but as Charlie Brooker himself said, the ending is not ALL happy if you think about it: It was supposed to be a win-win situation for all parties but it wasnt really that because at the end, Karl was trapped in a loop of waiting for Danny every year (and I think they both lied about not feeling anything when they kissed IRL) and Danny choosed to mantain his family dynamic just to get a hall pass with Karl on his birthday and allow her wife to have a one night stand the same day. The only way to worsen the situation was if Theo falled in love with one of her new lovers. So, in true Black Mirror fashion, is a sad ending with a light tone to it... As an overall, is a strange subject of matter to portrait in this BM Universe, given that is almost a recycled story with elements of other episodes but you have to admit that has all the elements of twists and surprises that you would not have guessed by looking at the trailer or reading the main plot.

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Now Apocalypse: 1x01 This Is the Beginning of the End

Surreal, hillarious, bizarre and absolutely HOT start to this promising show. If you ever wondered what a Gregg Araki tv show would look like, well just mix a lot of nudity, playful colors, insanely hot actors and a dark yet very comical humour and BOOM: you get this first episode.

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