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Marvel's Daredevil: 2x03 New York's Finest

and the award for worlds slowest elevator goes to...

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The Expanse

Shout by MokiNS
BlockedParent2015-11-26T10:03:26Z— updated 2022-01-28T00:20:59Z

this better not end up being another "Ascension"
Edit: well it didn't end up being another "Ascension"

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x10 We're Bad People

well im 99.99% sure that Fraink didnt do it, watched this show for far too long to believe anything the characters say or do.

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The Walking Dead: 9x08 Evolution

I really dont understand how people can still justify dumb teenagers just being dumb teenagers in a setting in which they would have died a long, long time ago. I mean cmon its been 5-7 years since the apocalypse and we're expected to believe that there are still people that would sneak out of their zombie hord proff camps during the night for some fun as if they were sneaking out of their houses to go to a party?

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The 100: 5x02 Red Queen

can we stop going back to the" theres too many people so some have to die" plot point over and over again.

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The Man in the High Castle: 2x03 Travelers

that moment when you realise you sought asylum in Nazi Germany

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just me or does this show have the same poster as 12 monkeys

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Vikings: 4x14 In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning

I just staried in awe at the town as they cheered for Lagatha who invaded their town and killed their people, just out of spite of something that happened over 20 years ago, not to mention that they were ok with her taking over from a ruler during whos rule "Kattegat became a mayor trading center in the region" according to Ubbe.
also if anyone deserved to kill Aslaug it was Bjorn, shes the reason his daughter is dead.

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The 100: 3x11 Nevermore

so why didn't they just gag raven?

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The Mist: 1x01 Pilot

Like most other King adaptations this has ridiculously over exaggerated characters including a overprotective mother that knows that teens are going to have sex sooner or later yet still thinks that keeping her daughter under a magnifying glass is a better precaution then actually teaching her how to take care of herself at parties, but you know maybe shes just not knowledgeable about peer pressure and that sort of thing despite teaching SEX ED.
And the fact that they try to justify her paranoia by what happened is just pathetic.
This seems like a start to a new Under the Dome.

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Hunter x Hunter: 1x13 Letter x From x Gon

a recap episode for events i literally watched the same day

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Constellation: 1x07 Through the Looking Glass

Would've been better if I hadn't seen this episode in sneak previews throughout the first half of the show

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Ugh,the twist at the ending kind of made the rest of the movie pointless for me, I mean I want to feel sorry for J1 and J2 but now that I know they never really existed, I can't. The ending made the entire movie feel like it never even mattered whether or not George succeeded nor did the way he treated J2 have any consequence

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Prison Break: 5x07 Wine Dark Sea

I fucking knew it, PB is too old school to give up on such a cliche as "the boyfriend of my love interest is the badguy".

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Taboo: 1x05 Episode 5

How not to behave when someone falsely accuses you of being possessed by a demon.

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Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo

What exactly is the point of having spoiler alert if the first sentence of the description has spoilers?

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Alice in Borderland: 2x07 Episode 7

Shout by MokiNS

Great action sequences in this episode but personally the main cast of characters had too much plot armor, Ann is the only one I think died this episode, Chishiya survived being shot twice, Niragi survived being shot with a rifle while vomiting blood , Kuina survives multiple stab wounds, Aguni survived being shot in the head (twice I think) and Akane survived getting AKed in half. Honestly the King of Spades didn't feel like a real threat untill he unloaded that AK clip into Akane it just felt like everyone had plot armor and now that we have only 1 confirmed death it still feels like they have it and that the only thing the King did was make sure only Arisu and Usagi can play the last game.

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The Mist: 1x08 The Law of Nature

please just dont have a season 2, when you have to put a new psychotic (doctor, patient, church goer, cop,sex ed teacher that knows nothing about sex ed, random grama etc)in each new episode just to have some drama in it and know of no other way to make the show thrilling then you shouldn't really be making a show.

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I loved season 1 but after it finished the show had a sharp decline in quality.
The tense mysterious atmosphere had been raplaced by a human experimantation plot intertwined with a undeveloped political conspiracy that no one even tries to explain. Among the new characters we have a stereotypical corrupt politician, stereotypical junkie delinquents, a killer whoes shamanic rituals and beliefs were also never explained and one of the main characters of the first season was turned into a demonic boogeyman. At this point I feel as if Fortitude is geting the Wayward Pine treatmant, as if Sky atlantic wanted to continiue the show but non of the directors and writers did, so they got an entirely new crew.
My recomendation is watch Season 1 and pretend it ended there if you can.

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Vikings: 4x13 Two Journeys

Shout by MokiNS

Just me or did the show go pg-13 on us during Lagathas invasion, also really she decides "these are my people" after she slaughters a bunch of them, couldnt she decide that at any given time before that, the creators of the show have become so bias that its painfully obvious.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 2x05 Meet Bonnie

Annalises way of handling things: don't tell anyone anything until they get paranoid and do something stupid.
Just you watch, by the end of this season someones gonna do something stupid and all she had to do was talk to them for 30 sec to prevent it.

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Altered Carbon

I immediately regreted watching this, the show is so lazily writen with unlikable generic characters one of which commits multiple counts of police brutality and body theaft just to get the plot going. That wasnt ok in 24 after 9/11 do the writers really believe its gonna be acceptable now after the black lives matter movement. Also the dialoge is garbage.

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Vikings: 4x09 Death All 'Round

this episodes shouldn't be called Death All 'Round
it should be called Uncaring Mothers All 'Round
Siggy died because no one cared about her.
Lagerthas baby died because her image in front of her men meant more to her then the well-being of her child.
oh and Torvis son is going to die as soon as any of Erlendurs men find out what happened, all for the sake of a cringey love affair with Bjorn.

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The 100: 4x13 Praimfaya

didnt know Clark ages backwards

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Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail brings nothing new to the table
DBZ style fighting with arcs that look just like the one before and fan-service that even gets in the way of whats going on in the series and the writer doesn't care how many plot holes it makes (especially since its one of the main reasons why people buy his manga)
im hoping that the tournament arc will be epic but i wont be surprised if it ends up being something a elementary school kid can make up
if anything FT is not a serious Anime/Manga and if this keeps up it never will be

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Disenchantment: 3x01 Heads or Tails

How ironic that I needed to re-watch the entire show to remember what happened up until this point only to have the first new episode have a joke acknowledging that the plot was so overblown and convoluted that most people don't remember what happened up until this point.

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Futurama: 8x09 The Prince and the Product

this is definitively something that exists now, for some reason

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Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol: 1x06 Diophantine Pseudonym

Shout by MokiNS
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-10-22T22:09:16Z— updated 2024-03-18T11:58:37Z

Really... really...
If it was that easy for them to escape than the villains are a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously.
This type of lazy writing is the fastest way to kill all suspense in a show.
Also did the show just gloss over how Sato indirectly gets the janitors wife killed, just so the writers could find a convenient way to get them where they need to be for the plot without putting in much effort, and then the show still wants us to be sympathetic towards her?

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His Dark Materials: 1x08 Betrayal

that was disappointing, Rogers death felt so telegraphed in the fist half of the episode that it didn't even leave any kind of impression
which is a common problem with the writing, they seem to do the story by an episode by episode basis leaving plot exposition and character development for the very last minute like Iofur's desire for a daemon or character development between Lyra and Roger making it feel as if his only purpose in the story was to be a sacrifice and not be an actual character

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Castle Rock: 1x10 Romans

now that was just sloppily executed

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