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Welcome to the N.H.K.: 1x17 Welcome To Happiness!

Welcome to Pyramid Scheme much?

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Strange how an anime set in a futuristic sci-fi setting that adepts only the second half of the book is easily a better adaptation that the one Hollywood made.
This show is probably better to watch if you are completely unfamiliar with the story of "The Count of Monte Cristo" since this version doesn't tell you his story in advance leaving it as a mystery.

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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

I don't know what all these people are talking about endless 8 was the best part of the show :)

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Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

I quite preferred season 1 over season 2
season 1 was very adventuristic while season 2 just felt like a generic shonen power fantasy

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Pandora Hearts

With the exception of the last 3 episodes which are filler It's an excellent show with a nice mystery vibe to it, although I wish the show spent more time letting the characters interact with one another outside of the plot to have their emotional moments together hit harder.
Hope someone reboots it and gives it enough episodes so they don't end up rushing the whole thing like they did with the Shaman King reboot.

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Is this a reboot or do I need to watch the original show?

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Constellation: 1x07 Through the Looking Glass

Would've been better if I hadn't seen this episode in sneak previews throughout the first half of the show

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From: 2x06 Pas de Deux

the whole food shortage story line seems forced af, they keep saying how there are so many more people to feed because of the bus but less then 20 of the people on the bus should still be alive and when you consider the fact that 14 people died at Colony House during the party, 1 hanged himself, the bartender died and the 4 that Sara killed they should be around even
"The Storm" blew away their crops but that storm was barely even a drizzle and I've seen no farmland on the show just 1 small greenhouse
Also I'm getting tired of people getting accidentally shot/stabbed/getting their necks sliced open

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Golden Kamuy: 3x09 Revolutionary

Nothing in this episode is accurate or makes any sort of sense. Serfdom was abolished in 1861 by Alexander II 20 years before his assassination, which means that in the show the reason for his assassination was to inspire serfs to fight for their rights even though there are no serfs anymore because the guy you killed freed them 2 decades ago. And about those Russian nobles that dressed as peasants and lived among them to modernise the state and overthrow the emperor, I'm gonna have to call BS on that too, when serfdom got abolished a lot of those nobles went bankrupt because they couldn't use slave labour to enrich themselves and thus were forced to "dress as peasants and live among them" not because they were enlightened but because they were broke, which is also why they were angry with Alexander II. Honestly it would make much more sense if Sofia was a bankrupted noblewoman that had the emperor killed out of revenge. If Wilk is supposed to be John Wilkes Booth than Sofia would be some random plantation owner that didn't like the Thirteenth Amendment.

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Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic: 1x19 The Culprit's Name is Sinbad

Shout by MokiNS

So... Hakuryuu already knew that Sinbad didn't rape Kougyoku and didn't bother to tell her that?

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Vikings: 5x18 Baldur

Everyone gets a king, Hvitserk gets a King, Ivar gets a King, Bjorn gets a King, Ubbe gets 3 of them things

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Disenchantment: 3x01 Heads or Tails

How ironic that I needed to re-watch the entire show to remember what happened up until this point only to have the first new episode have a joke acknowledging that the plot was so overblown and convoluted that most people don't remember what happened up until this point.

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Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

Shout by MokiNS
BlockedParent2023-10-07T20:20:59Z— updated 2023-10-09T09:50:35Z

I find it hard to get invested into the political aspect of this show when it's actively keeping the politics as vague as possible.
We don't know who's in control of Earth, what the political system is like in space, how big the Beneric group is in comparison to the rest of space's economy or even what caused the conflict between Earth and the Space industrial complex in the first place

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Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury: 1x08 Their Choice

Promising to revolutionise medical technology despite not having any prior knowledge about medical care, Gundarm should just rename itself to Theranos

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Futurama: 8x09 The Prince and the Product

this is definitively something that exists now, for some reason

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The Returned: 1x04 Victor

A bit jarring how Simon goes from living at the Helping Hands and Adele thinking Simon might be alive to them just being together and him hiding in her attic, all within the span of 1 episode, I mean that's a lot of development that happened off screen
I hate how Thomas is just "the love interests current boyfriend" trope
Also do i need to point out how illogical the time frame is for the Jerome subplot
first he gets taken by the police then we see Lena collapse from her wound and gets taken to a hospital and then after that they interrogate him about the incident. The police had no way of knowing what happened to Lena until after they took Jerome to the station so why did they take him in the first place?

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The Rolling Girls

Me watching this in 2015: watches 5 episodes, rates it a 5 and ditches the show
Me watching this after a shity 2019 and 3 years of Covid: Perhaps I Treated You Too Harshly

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The Rig

Show jumped the shark when they introduced Coake, they had a tense setting with the mysterious SiFi aspect and then decided to shift the plot so that the Oil drilling company they work for is the antagonist while having no indications or hints that said profit driven normal company is also some Illuminati type organisation with a fleshed out plan on how to kill this universes version of Cthulhu.

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Kaleidoscope: 1x05 Orange

Nazan: The governments are generally better now.
Ava: You think any of them are good? proceeds to list horrible actions committed by past governments thus proving Nazan's point

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Alice in Borderland: 2x07 Episode 7

Shout by MokiNS

Great action sequences in this episode but personally the main cast of characters had too much plot armor, Ann is the only one I think died this episode, Chishiya survived being shot twice, Niragi survived being shot with a rifle while vomiting blood , Kuina survives multiple stab wounds, Aguni survived being shot in the head (twice I think) and Akane survived getting AKed in half. Honestly the King of Spades didn't feel like a real threat untill he unloaded that AK clip into Akane it just felt like everyone had plot armor and now that we have only 1 confirmed death it still feels like they have it and that the only thing the King did was make sure only Arisu and Usagi can play the last game.

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DOTA: Dragon's Blood: 2x06 The Hyacinth Girl

Shout by MokiNS
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-03-15T21:54:01Z— updated 2022-03-17T12:28:26Z

Mirana: The oracles prophecy is not yet fulfilled, Selemene has fallen but Mene has yet to rise, the Elven empire is still in it's infancy.
ah yes i remember all of these things and haven't totally forgotten about them just because the writers have prioritised action sequences and shocking scenes. Also despite what Davion or rather the writers using Davion as a hand puppet might think I get to decide what I think about a character and won't be told what I should think about a character and I've decided that if a character sets people on fire and calls it spontaneous human combustion in a humorous manner then they are a PSYCHO.

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The Legend of Vox Machina: 1x02 The Terror of Tal'Dorei (2)

well.... I was kinda expecting the fight with the dragon to be the season finale, that they were so overpowered in episode 1 that they would spend the entire season figuring out how best to approach fighting a Dragon, getting weapons, info etc. This kinda fells like a let down to be honest, that they got rid of an enemy they hyped up like beating it won't be as simple as showing up.

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Zombie Land Saga: 2x12 The Greatest SAGA in History

Aliens... What?
well that was unexpected.

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Narcos: Mexico: 3x10 Life in Wartime

An underwhelming ending, Victors characters ended up being pointless, i get that they wanted to talk about the femicides in Ciudad Juárez but they should have found a better way to do that then to just have a new character stare into empty space or photos a few minutes every episode, Amado's ending was also a disappointment, Alex's and Walt's storyline were in the show to remind us that there are no good guys, which was made clear in season 1 of Narcos, and the newspaper organisation story fells unnecessary because all they really did was expose the general and talked about how corrupted Carlos Hank González was (could have done that in a few scenes)
The show just has too many things going on at the same time for me to get attached to any one of them, they should have just kept the focus on the cartels and drugs, at this point I'm convinced they completely replaced the word "cocaine" with "product" and I don't know why.

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Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol: 1x06 Diophantine Pseudonym

Shout by MokiNS
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-10-22T22:09:16Z— updated 2024-03-18T11:58:37Z

Really... really...
If it was that easy for them to escape than the villains are a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously.
This type of lazy writing is the fastest way to kill all suspense in a show.
Also did the show just gloss over how Sato indirectly gets the janitors wife killed, just so the writers could find a convenient way to get them where they need to be for the plot without putting in much effort, and then the show still wants us to be sympathetic towards her?

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Shout by MokiNS

Getting really tired of animes killing off characters episode 1 for no reason other than shock value.

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Shout by MokiNS
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-04-22T11:57:39Z— updated 2021-04-26T07:29:33Z

movie sucks and is boring and the ships gravity is kind of inconsistent,
strong enough to make a person crash down onto the ship but not strong enough to keep a door or oxygen canister from falling out into space

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Shaman King: 1x03 Anna and Tao Jun

Yea, calling it now 52 episodes isn't enough to flesh out the story properly, for context we are at episode 7 from the 2001 anime, the plot moves so fast that there is no time for the plot or character development to have any real weight to it. If this is how rushed the character development is then I don't want it not for Jun or Pyron and definitively not for Horo or Lyserg.

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The Man in the High Castle: Season 3

So almost nothing happened this season, many characters end up in the exact same place they ended last season
Tagomi averted war again, Frank died again, Joe might as well have been killed of after he was arrested, John is trying to save his family while having strangely specific options (can't stop a medical checkup but can assassinate a former superior officer in Cuba)

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Snowpiercer: 2x02 Smolder to Life

what bad timing to introduce that three finger hand sign

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