


Long Shot

Charlize Theron and Seth Rogan oddly have really good chemistry in this movie. I love both of them for many reasons and this defintely isn't a normal role for Charlize if ya ask me but she pulled it off with little effort it seemed. Great uplifting overall story too. Probably the best rom-com if not straight comedy I've seen in a while. Defintely the funniest Seth Rogan has been in a few years.

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Shout by PrisonMike
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-09-04T16:19:21Z— updated 2023-03-19T20:35:57Z

This movie is dumb.

Something else needs to be pointed out as well. They never show her getting off the dam tower. Lame ending.

Why didn't she just stuff the phone in the bird

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Halo: 2x03 Visegrad

THIS SHOW IS STARTING TO SUCK REALLLLLLY QUICK! Remove Kwan's side story and every other side story and focus on master chief's story. People watch halo to watch master chief, not all these dumb ass side stories.

Kwan: Take the helmet off, they'll notice you. Kid takes helmet off and holds it. There is no way they can see the helmet when he is holding it....... dumb.

I do not like the "new" cortana. Stop fixing shit that ain't broke.

Unimpressed with the "build up" to the covenant attack. THIS ALL SEEMS SO DAM CHEESY!


Dam Liberal Hollywood has to make every white role an ethnic one. So old!

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Halo: 2x04 Reach
Jungle Cruise

I long for the days where cgi was only used when it was really needed. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Level 16

Better then i was expecting! Not amazing but better then most thrillers I have seen lately. Worth watching once.

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Halo: 2x08 Halo
The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die

Initial thoughts.... This is what happens when you try to cram a seasons worth content into a 2 hour segment.

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Avatar: The Way of Water

Shout by PrisonMike
BlockedParent2022-07-08T16:40:08Z— updated 2022-12-30T02:24:05Z

The first one sucked. Why they are adding two more is beyond me. Hollywood just plain sucks these days. I literally have no want or desire to watch this.

One can only hope this bombs so bad that they cancel the third one.

Has Sam Worthington even been in another movie since this??? There’s a reason for that. Terrible actor.

James Cameron should stick to terminator and alien movies like he is good at. Avatar franchise is trash.

Just saw this.... I have no idea why. There was so much fluff. They could have condensed the movie to an hour and half and had the key points landed. After the 2nd hour, i found myself continually looking at my watch. Was basically the first one but now the bad guys aren't human... just dumb. Sam Worthington's voice was even creepier in this one than the first. Great idea for a lead James Cameron... no one has ever said that. Make another Aliens movie, F this crap.

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I can’t begin with to tell you how dumb this movie is. About half way through i decided I had been subjected to enough of the terrible story and turned it off. Don’t waste your time on this.

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Child's Play

Such a disgrace to the original

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Halo: 2x07 Thermopylae
Yellowstone: 3x06 All for Nothing

Monica's character is becoming way too self righteous....

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Halo: 2x05 Aleria

OMG this show is boring af!

F___ Kwans dumb ass story.

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Scream VI

If you look at Courteney Cox, this is why you don't get plastic surgery.

Jasmin Savoy is obnoxious.

They are just gonna drag this franchise out and out and out.

Why is Billy Loomis' kid latina? He was white lol

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Do not waste your time on this completely pointless movie. The shit Hollywood endorses these days is just sad. I literally have no clue what the hell the point of this movie was.

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Die Hard

I love this movie but one thing always bothers me.

At the beginning when Bruce Willis gets to the building. He says “I’m here to see holly mcclane.” The guard replies, “Just type it into the kiosk.” He does and it says she’s on the 30th floor. The guard then says, “The party, their the only ones left in the building.”

Well jackass, if they’re the only ones left in the building, why did you have him type it into the kiosk!

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These must be the two dumbest people ever caught in a blizzard.

It didn't seem like they were truly devoted to getting out. I mean why wouldn't you take shifts trying to break out of the ice, instead of the husband just doing it and not doing it well to top it. I mean come on, there is what 12 inches of ice/snow between the window and the road based on seeing other vehicles lights through and they were in the car for over 20 days. I'm perplexed.

2 idiots in a car during a blizzard

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Halo: 2x06 Onyx
Obi-Wan Kenobi

Shout by PrisonMike
BlockedParent2022-06-03T16:00:44Z— updated 2024-02-04T20:14:08Z

I couldn't make it thru this series due to Moses Ingram's terrible acting skills. It was just too much to endure.

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The Boss Baby: Family Business

Why does this movie exist? The first wasn’t even good

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Yellowstone: 4x08 No Kindness for the Coward

Jimmy is like the Forrest Gump of Yellowstone.

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This movie is horse shit! I blame jordan Peele. What, he makes one decent movie.... And now we are subjected to all the shit he has any affiliation with. Sad sad world.

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Fixing the code so it says Harry instead of jerry would have changed any instance of H,J,E and A. Thus making most of the previous conversations with “jerry” unreadable. This is the biggest flaw in the movie. You would think the genius mathematicians in the movie would have known this too.

My name is jerry

Would read as

My nema is harry

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Its just so bad. The acting, the story, the cgi and the sound track. It's like Monty python meets hellboy but not in a good way. Don't waste your time on this crap. I turned it off at the half way point when I realized I dont care what happens in the rest of the movie...

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This movie was awful! It started off great, thought they had a good plot, then they go into the "shimmer." It became very hard to follow, the story was going back and forth and sideways. I found myself wishing the end would just come lol. There are way better "end of the world" movies out there. How does this director go from 28 days and 28 weeks later, and Dredd to this crap. Will never watch anything with this director again, I should have known, wasn't that impressed with ex machina either. And Natalie Portman?????? Hasn't she been downgraded to a "B" movie actress yet? I can see that her acting as not improved at all since her days in "Star Wars."

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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: 1x04 What We

If only they took the love story out of this, it could have been a good show.

By far the worst episode so far. I could have gone a whole lifetime without seeing these two get physical.

This episode was BORING! It felt like a cheesy soap opera no one asked for.

I skipped over the three minutes of Rick crying like a littler girl.

When we said we wanted Rick back, who the hell said anything about Michonne! If any woman ever had a man face, its this woman. I cringe every time they make out.

UGHHHHH I can't stand Michonne. Dead City is the only watchable spinoff.

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Silent Night

How many fucking times are they going to remake the same movie with different plot points and put on a different title. This is literally John wick, peppermint, death wish, salt etc with a new cast a maybe 10 different plot points. No Hollywood! No! I will not watch this trash

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Jurassic World Dominion

Original Jurassic Park, believable story line, believable action sequences, etc.

Jurrassic World 3, horrible CGI, terrible story and super unbelievable action sequences. A woman villain who apparently has no fear of bullets and just walks away while people are shooting at her.

If you never watched this, you wouldn't be missing anything

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Not terrible/not great. Just like all movies these days.

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