Shout by PrisonMike

Die Hard 1988

I love this movie but one thing always bothers me.

At the beginning when Bruce Willis gets to the building. He says “I’m here to see holly mcclane.” The guard replies, “Just type it into the kiosk.” He does and it says she’s on the 30th floor. The guard then says, “The party, their the only ones left in the building.”

Well jackass, if they’re the only ones left in the building, why did you have him type it into the kiosk!

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@mediacenterkodi This always gets me too.

Agreed. After 30 years of anger, I have decided it is merely to see if she is still one of the people left in the building. She may not even have been working that day...

he did a little bit of trolling.

I'm more bothered by the lack of privacy policy.
