M. Rivera


Washington State

Falling Inn Love

It's funny how all these romance movies are exactly the same and yet we still keep watching them. The truth is, we all know what is going to happen before we even watch the movie. But we still watch and still somewhat enjoy them even though they're overly cheesy and predictable. My biggest take away: I want to go to New Zealand!

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13 Going on 30

I loved this movie. But most of all I loved Jennifer Garner and her character. She had such an innocent joy and brought so much life to the character that it was fun just to watch her. And this is one of those movies that you can watch over and over again and enjoy it every single time.

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The Wizard of Oz

If you ever only watch one old movie, this should be it. The switch from black and white to color, the characters, the music, the actors, it's all so well done. And this is one of Judy Garland's most memorable performances. It's fun and exciting and the music will have you singing and dancing along.

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Some Like It Hot

This is one of the funniest movies and is really the epitome of Monroe's career. Despite becoming such an iconic figure, she wasn't considered much an actress during her life. For many, her acting and singing weren't up to par with her counterparts and she often sought for dumb blonde roles or roles as a sex symbol. But this movie broke the mold for her. Even though her character was true to the type cast this was one of the first Monroe movies to receive such reknown at the time of the release rather than after her death. Her role here one her a Golden Globe as best actress and was one of her first roles where she wasn't underpaid. In fact, many people argue that this movie has the best movie ending ever made and it is truly considered a classic in all rights. And it definitely earned its spot as its witty, fun, well-written and overall very well done.

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This movie is Humphrey Bogart at his best. He plays the typical cool guy like no one else ever could. Add to that a jilted romance and a backdrop of World War II and you have the makings of an unforgettable movie. There are lots of high rated classics that I found myself disappointed by, but this movie doesn't disappoint at all.

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Gone with the Wind

This is a classic movie and it's one that everyone should see at least once. Now having said that, I must also admit that this is a hard movie to watch. This movie is heavy on the drama and while that is part of what it so popular, the drama can get old after a while (remember, the movie is almost 4 hours long!) There are amazing parts and it does a great job catching the ups and downs of life and the roles are very well played, but after the first two hours things can start to drag a bit. I like this movie and I even own it, but its just not a movie that you watch for fun or that you really watch very often.

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The Little Mermaid

Audrey is as amazing as ever as Sabrina, the chauffers daughter. She really shines in this movie. The only thing that with this movie is that the romance with Bogart is not quite as believeable. Part of that is just because his character is not expressive emotionally so I kind of forgive that, but it would have been perfect had there just been a bit more chemistry.

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Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans

Ok, I'm going to be honest, the Teen Titan Go characters annoy me to no end. I like the Teen Titans but not the GO versions. I watched this for my kids and they found it hilarious but I found it more weird than anything. I meam, that song? What's with the 80's rap?

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Ralph Breaks the Internet

While this was a fun movie to watch, the story itself was a bit lacking. The showdown was odd and a bit creepy and the resolution was rather cheesy. And while it was still fun, it doesn't live up to the first one which I loved. The princess scenes were great and probably the best part of the movie but honestly some of the best part you've already seen in the trailers. Overall it was good, it just wasn't the great movie that I was expecting.

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My Fair Lady

I loved Hepburn in this movie. Her character, her horrendous accent, it was all so well done and so believeable. The transformation and all the head-butting along the way is so much fun to watch. My only frustration with the movie is the ending. I could understand her falling for the professor, but she was such a strong, lively character and for the ending to be her going to obediently get his slippers just made me mad. The professor treated her so badly and even if she had chosen to stay with him, I wanted her to keep her backbone. To say she'll stay but that he better get used to getting his own slippers because she wont be staying as his servant!

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Roman Holiday

This is one of my favorite Audrey Hepburn films. While her later work is also great, this film is just so fun. Audrey is classy and beautiful and yet also does a great job embodying the naivete and that intense desire for a normal life. There plenty of fun moments and a sweet romance. This will always be an unforgettable Hepburn classic.

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Wonder Woman: Bloodlines

If we're being honest, DC's cartoon movies are basically what we wish the lice action movies were. That being said, this one wasn't my favorite. The timeline felt off. It starts in Themiscyra, but the sequence of past movies put her already in the modern world, dating Superman then not dating Superman. And while this movie does skip ahead and even mentions the whole dating Batman thing, it gives a sense of so little time passing that everything seems off. And then she's trying to reconcile with her mother bit a previous movie has the Amazons fighting along side her in the modern world so are we pretending that didn't happen? And then the villain storyline jusy wasn't super strong. This just wasn't my favorite. Especially that post credit scene. Why confront her if you're not going to do anything about it?! She confessed, at least arrest her!

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After hearing so many rave reviews about this movie I will admit to being a little disappointed. Yes, the fighting and tricks, agility in general, was amazing, but the rest of the movie wasn't. The plot was so-so, parts of it were super cheesy and some of it seemed so random. Then I read up on the history and it all made more sense. This was a Thai movie not aimed for international review. It was the first movie they'd ever done, they paid for it themselves and made it themselves. The fighting was impressive enough that an international company bought the rights to release it internationally and edited put some of the plot points that would have made certain points make more sense. So, if it feels cheesy and amateur, it's because it was made by amateurs, amateurs with amazing fighting skills who got a huge break and made it big. And props to them.

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Captain Marvel
An Affair to Remember

Remember that scene in Sleepless in Seattle where Rosie O Donnell and Meg Ryan are talking about an old movie they love where the characters promise to meet on top of the Empire State building and they start crying because it was so romantic? Well, this is the movie they were talking about. Two passengers on a ship fall in love but once they're off the boat, the twists of life seem to pull them apart. This is the height of romantic movies and is one that everyone should watch at least once.

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Top Hat

This is one of my favorite Fred Astaire and Ginger Roberts movies. In a case of mistaken identity Roberts mistakes Astaire for his married friend and believes that he is trying to take her as his mistress while being married to one of her best friends. There is lots of hilarious twists and turns for all involved and most importantly, the dancing is just amazing.

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The Lost Husband
Toy Story 4

Sure, it was cute. Sure, it was fun. But I still don't know why we needed it. The trilogy ended perfectly and I thought that for them to add a 4th movie it would have to be big. There would have to be a good reason. And this whole movie essentially focuses on Woody getting his girlfriend back, and that to me just didn't justify a whole new movie. Buzz wasn't the same old Buzz, there wasn't the humor of the 3rd one, and I'm just not convinced we needed this one. And, I was secretly hoping a married Andy would show up at the carnival with a pregnant wife and take Woody home for his kids.

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Bringing Up Baby

I must say that I felt exhausted for David. Poor guy. But what a fun romp. This movie is all over the place, straight from one madcap plan to another with Katherine Hepburn taking us all along for the ride. It was funny and exhausting all at the same time.

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It's funny but I didn't particularly like it much the first time around but my daughter loved it. And, I will admit that it has grown on me over time. She's watched it over and over and memorized the songs. She's bought the clothes, loves the style and has read the books and graphic novels. And in the end the world it builds kind of pulls you in and you get to see new characters. And in the end, you get over the cheesiness and even come to enjoy it :wink:

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Justice League vs. the Fatal Five

While this was a good movie, it wasn't as good as some of the other justice league movies they've done. The story itself was more about the Green Lantern Jessica than anything. It just didn't quite have the excitement of some of the other movies

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The Princess Switch

This movie would have been enjoyable had it not been a clone of a dozen other movies we've all already seen. The look-a-likes, switching places, improbably falling for a prince. It's all been done over and over again, the only difference is this one happens to take place during Christmas. And of course, everyone magically falls in love over a period of just 2 days. But, the cheesiness and instalove could have been overlooked as with most Christmas movies had there been even an ounce if originality or even some kind of lesson learned.

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Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation

The first one was really fun, the second one was okay, this one was blah. I actually fell asleep part way through which says a lot because I rarely ever sleep through movies. And the movie was more about romance so there's less interaction between the main characters and it was all cheesy. Which I guess is expected but the last movies had this ironic, dark humor that made them stand out and this movie was completely lacking in that.

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The problem this movie has long before you ever walk into the theater, is that there's so much riding on it. Sony is essentially trying to create their own MCU and everyone knows it, so everyone expects MCU quality and it just wasn't there. It's not a bad movie per se, it just doesn't live up to the hype. I didn't find the love interest believable because there just wasn't much chemistry. And Venom himself is turned into a hero of sorts, a kind of antihero, so it's not quite the venom you're used to. The fight scenes were pretty cool at the beginning, but the last fight scene was so disappointing. With the CGI you almost couldn't even see what was happening because it all happened too fast. Overall, it's okay and you'll enjoy it if you don't go into it expecting too much.

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Howl's Moving Castle

I just rewatched this with my kids. It was their first time seeing it and their excitement made me love this movie even more. So beautifully and creatively made and yet so fun. This is one of my all time favorite Studio Ghibli films and rewatching it just cemented that in my mind even more!

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How to Steal a Million

This is the epitome of classic films at their best. It's fun and witty and it keeps you on the edge of your toes. In this comedic heist, Nicole's father makes forgeries of classic art pieces. Now, the statue they lent to the museum is about to be tested for authenticity and they have to steal it back before the secret gets out! It's a fun watch and all the characters have so much personality

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Maximum Ride

The only reason that I watched this movie is because I read the series. And while the series is interesting, this movie is a waste of time. While it may have some of the plot line from the book, it's all jumbled together. The characters are all bland, the effects were cheesy rather than impressive, and what should have been an interesting movie was actually rather boring.

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Cars 3

I am so glad that we got back to Lightning McQueen in this movie. The last movie was all Mater and while he makes a great, funny best friend/sidekick, he was pretty annoying as the lead. So we get back to what made Cars great in the first thing and now we come full circle with McQueen now facing what the Hudson Hornet faced in his time. There was a message in setting aside all the tech and getting back to real training, to getting your tires dirty. And while I enjoyed the movie, I was a bit disappointed by the ending. I still think McQueen had more in him. But he handles things on his own terms and overall it was an good sequel; good, not great, but still enjoyable.

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