M. Rivera


Washington State

Avatar: The Way of Water

As expected of any Avatar movie, the graphics and scenery were gorgeous. They spent a lot of time showing the underground world, and while it was gorgeous it does drag on at times. The only thing that I didn't like, was that it essentially the same plot as the first movie. Despite winning in the last movie, the humans are back and the family essentially just takes their fight from the forests to the water. I still enjoyed the movie. The addition of the children makes for a bit of a plot change, and the action was good. I just hope this doesn't end up being a movie series with the same plot in each movie, just carried out in different landscapes to capitalize on the ability to spend most of the movie showing amazing landscapes.

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Violet Evergarden: The Movie

This was a beautiful conclusion to a beautiful anime. I love the honesty. Seeing broken people and their overwhelming feelings and seeing those feelings accepted and returned. I will admit that I cried more than a little. It was worth the wait.

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Black Widow

I felt like this movie had the build up work against it. Because of the pandemic, it was delayed so many times that when it finally came out expectations were just too high. It's a good movie. But it's not the best MCU solo movie, it's maybe not worth the almost two years wait. Which is unfair because that's uncontrollable. The characters are good, the action is great, but I will admit it was a bit lacking. Taskmaster was not very well developed for such an interesting villain, and the main villain wasn't as interesting. It gives some background and creates complex relationships but also felt unresolved in some ways. So, yes, I understand the complaints, but I feel like a lot of them were blown out of proportion but two years of built up expectations.

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In the Heights

I don't really get all the criticism. I thought it was a really fun film that addressed some hard issues. The music was so fun and upbeat and the dancing was AMAZING! It is long and there is a lot of singing (conversations rapped rather than talked) which was my husband's chief complaint. But I really enjoyed it, more than Hamilton actually

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This movie was a bit odd, to say the least. An annoying tween, militant girl scouts, and and love story that was already over before the movie really started. It has some good themes, dealing with loss and finding where you belong, but it just felt a bit random at times. It was still okay and my kids loved the music but it wasn't quite as good as I was expecting from the trailers.

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Meet Me in Las Vegas

I love old musicals, but if I'm being honest this one wasn't one of my favorites. The falling in love after one day is fairly common in old movies, so we won't nitpick on that. But imagine meeting a man with a ranch and workers who gambles away all of his profit EVERY SINGLE YEAR. And then thinking to yourself, he'd make a good husband. I'm totally fine knowing he'll likely gamble away all of my earnings for the rest of my life. And of course, when the luck runs out, it tests the relationship. And in the end, he seems to swear off gambling, but honestly, if I had met that guy in a casino I would have run the other way!

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The Man Who Killed Don Quixote

This movie honestly makes no sense at all. You can barely tell what's real and what's not and it's so random and all over the place. I get the concept of a modern man believing he's Don Quijote. That's an interesting concept but the movie just jumped around randomly and everyone was honestly completely insane.

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Logan Lucky

This felt like it had all the right ingredients but just wasn't quite put together. Tons of star talent but all rather random. Sebastian Stan as a racer who is almost irrelevant except for refusing to validate his annoying sponsors testimony. The suspicion on the owner (how did he know how much was stolen...etc) which came to nothing. The drama about the arm. It all just felt a little all over the place. They had great actors and the characters were well done but it just didn't seem to come together quite as well as I expected.

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This movie tried too hard. I liked the idea of a Cinderella musical, but I didn't particularly love the music choices. It wasn't original songs like the Brandy version, it was radio songs revamped for the movie. She was constantly talking about being independent and putting herself and her business above everybody else. And in the end she doesn't even leave with the Queen, she stays with the prince. He gives up his role as future king to be with her but it felt like a token change after all her big talk. I imagined her leaving with the Queen, making her name, and coming back and meeting as equals or something like that. And I would have been totally fine with the ending if they hadn't spent the entire movie trying to make this big statement, and then not following through. The relationship between the King and Queen was odd, like you can fix years of marriage problems with a bad song. It just all felt so forced. It was okay but was not what I was hoping for.

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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

This movie is a solo movie done well. It's not overwhelmed by self-importance or by overarching Marvel themes. It gives you time to get to know the new characters. And while it does connect to the overall Marvelverse, it doesn't drown out the small story it's building. And while parts of the story were really rather cheesy, that is somewhat expected, and completely irrelevant because the amazing fight scenes more than makeup for it. I loved the variation in fighting styles. Sometimes it was faster than sight and other times slow and controlled. Overall, it was well done and worth the watch.

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The Thin Man

William Powell and Myrna Loy carry this movie. His lax, uninterested exterior make it all the more interesting. It's murder mystery fun like you can only see in classics like this.

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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

This movie was just too all over the place to really enjoy.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

Any criticism one may have become almost irrelevant because it becomes even better compared to joke of the first Justice League.

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The Dressmaker

I wouldn't call this a comedy. This is a dark story about acceptance and revenge, with beautiful clothes along the way. I didn't like how things turned out with the love interest (no spoilers) but I'm glad she was finally able to move on and let go. And the villagers quite deserved what they got and more besides.

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Don't go in expecting it to be just like the original and you'll enjoy it. Parts were a bit cheesy, but I liked the story and I know theu tried to be more true to the original and I think that's important. A lot people complained about there not being a Mushu, but he would have been impossible to portray well in a live action movie and I think it was an understandable choice. Overall it was good and my daughter loved it.

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The Lost Husband
Enola Holmes

I liked the idea of Enola Holmes. I even liked the casting and characters. But the way it was done left something to be desired. Enola was supposedly trained from a young age to fight and defend herself and yet she lost every fight she was in. She was smart and yet got hoodwinked by the first person she met. And mostly, I hated the ending with the mom. I would have been okay with the mom being a radical feminist and all that, but it was the idea of her mother willingly abandoning her daughter so she can go off and be a radical feminist. It's the idea that she can't be both and if she has to be one she chooses that over her own daughter. It took what could have been a fun movie despite it's frustrations and ruins it one scene.

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Project Power

This is one of those movies with so much lost potential. It could have been amazing and ended up only okay. It was good but it could have been great. The action was pretty good at times but often it seemed over done and the ending was almost too easy.

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Knives Out

The movie was fun and there's definitely some twists. The only thing is that there was no anticipation. The murder appears to be solved early on and by the time we realize there was more we missed, it was already over. So, there wasn't the same "who dunnit" on your toes feel to it. But it was well done, in an ironic kind of way. Still fun to watch

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Sonic the Hedgehog

My 7 year old loves Sonic and couldn't wait to see this movie. Let's be honest, the plot isn't the best, parts are cheesy, the ending isn't great, but mynson loved every second. It's a fun movie if you don't go in expecting too much and can suspend your sense of reality for 2 hours.

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Home Again

This isn't your typical rom-com but in the end I think that was better. It was all a bit odd and all over the same for a romance and it had me seriously wondering where they could possibly go with this that wouldn't be a bad ending. And in the end, the idea of making bonds, creating a "family" without the romance was really the best ending you could possibly have. Any other would have ended in heartbreak somewhere. But they come together without the need for the romance and it seemed more natural that way. And I liked that they included the father in the end, because if they divorce he can still be a great dad and still be a part of the family. So, it ended well, but it was still quite a mess getting there.

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Spies in Disguise

It's a fun movie and despite how cheesy it is, it was still a fun watch. The ending was overly cheesy but for a kids movie it wasn't bad.

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Jumanji: The Next Level

Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart are what make this movie work. The changes in personalities as they switch between players was hilarious. The whole back to Jumanji part was rather unbelievable, especially with Nick Jonas' character. I have trouble believing an adult man with children would knowingly risk his life to save a manchild going through some sort of beginning of adult life crisis. And while the premise of getting there and risking their lives was unbelievable, once they were actually there it was plenty of fun.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

This movie made no sense. The resurrection, Rey's background, the ending. It was all over the place with absolutely no sense of continuity. And the most confusing parts are only there for fan service and have nothing to do with the continuing plot. It was a frustrating crash ending to a failing trilogy that started off with such potential.

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My Favorite Wife

This movie is classic comedy at its best. The only thing that made it less enjoyable is that I had already seen "Move over, darling" which was a remake of this movie in the 60's. I didn't realize it was a remake and when I started watching this movie I was confused that it seemed to be the same plot as the other movie I had already seen. I wish I had seen this one first but the truth is they were both fun and I enjoyed both of them!

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Sword Art Online: Special 10 Sword Art Online: Extra Edition

This movie is essentially a review of everything that happened in season 1 of the show. The only difference is a short swimming pool segment where all the girls are in their swim suits and a short mission they undertake in Alfheim at the end. Other than those two short portions, the rest is just recollections and retellings from season one.

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Christmas movies all start to feel the same after a while. But this movie was different. It was an original spin on the story and was more about facing difficulties, about hope, and about being the best you can. And it was thoroughly enjoyable.

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Frozen II

This movie faces the difficulties of any sequel, they never quite live up to the original. The songs are good, they're beautiful, but they're just not memorable in the same way. It doesn't stick in the mind the same way. The story was good but there's also lots of questions left unanswered. And though it may seem random, my biggest question was about Kristoff. He pretty much met a dark haired clone and I thought. He's from the forest, he must be from the forest, they're going to show his past. And yet, nothing. What was the point of even creating a character so like him if you're not going to follow up on the connection. But, overall it was still good and the kiddos loved it.

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