


Vikings: 4x10 The Last Ship

Why did we have to wait 10 episodes to get to a REALLY GOOD one? I was used to the frenetic rhythm of the first three seasons and this fist part of the fourth has been rather calm in comparison

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Call Me by Your Name

The last song "Mistaryof love" sums up the movie perfectly, it was so adorable and geniune. And hats-off to Timothee

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Peaky Blinders: 4x06 The Company

The "Surprise! I made a pact with the even more powerful enemy of my enemy" thing is starting to get old after 4 season. However, hats off to the part where Tommy goes crazy because he has nothing to do, that's just what I needed to see. And hthat's why it was imposible to believe that he had agreed to give up everything he worked for to stop a war.

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Peaky Blinders: 4x03 Blackbird

The last scene is gold (and definetely a bluff)

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Black Mirror: 4x01 USS Callister

Good plot and story, but I'mmissing some more debate and though on AI, cloning... more reflection. I just feel like they're giving me just the title of a debate and if I feel like it I can talk more about it later after the episode with my friends, like an optional assigment.

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Black Mirror: 4x02 Arkangel

Definetely madatory therapy for overprotective parents

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Is this movie (and trilogy) nothing new nor essential to the whole Star Wars universe? True, but I really enjoyed it and seeing the characters develop too (specially Kylo, thank God it got better). Now, my fear is that a day may come that I stop enjoying them and they start doing more damage than good (or neutral at least) to this universe. Cause, you know, Disney's like: "if can make millions for the next 15 years, what esle matters?"

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Marvel's Runaways: 1x02 Rewind

Poor, dumb husband. It' be cool to see him mess with the church from the inside. But I thinks the kids will get ahead of him

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You're the Worst

This show was a complete surprise for me, I was expecting a "bad" guilty pleasure and I got a hilarious comedy with very well done and realistic drama moments. I couldn't sop watching. I'm really curious about how the're gomma end it, bet I know it's going to be good for sure, the people behind this show are brilliant

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The Big Bang Theory: 11x07 The Geology Methodology

"Everytime you start planningyour wedding ornaming your children, I want you to stab yourself with a fork. -What's the rubber band for? -To stop the bleedind" LOL Penny, this episode was a good one

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The Ministry of Time: 3x04 Time of the Enlightened

Sobre el minuto 40 Pacino hace un comentario sobre ideas originales que va dirigido a los que intentaron copiar la serie, "Timeless" se llama en USA

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The Originals: 3x21 Give 'Em Hell Kid

For a moment I genuinly thought they were gonna wipe off the show half of the cast of this season

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Spider-Man: Homecoming

I still can't believe Capitan America trolled me

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I'm myslef an all time fan of Nolan's work. The narrative structure is totally justified by the plot of the film, and perfectly done, I'm really impressed with that.
But there's a slight but: the pot twist. I really wanted it to shock me, but about the middle of the flim I kind of started to see what was going to be the style of the ending.
It's not predictable (at all), I just saw that it had the vibes of films like (might be spoiler if you haven't watched these) "The Fight Club" or "Number 23" ant it just ruined the shock of the last scenes for me. Maybe if I had watched this movie before any of the others, I'd be posting this comment in one of the other lims, who knows.
Anyway, there's no doubt this is a cinematographic masterpiece.

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Welcome Mr. Marshall!

It's just adorable in every possible way, great surprise

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13 Reasons Why
13 Reasons Why: 1x11 Tape 6, Side A

I don't know about the episodes left, but for me this was THE episode so far. BTW I don't get why everybody is hating Justin so much and not Bryce, like, what the hell? The first one still deserves it though.

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The Blacklist: 1x22 Berlin: Conclusion (2)

I think i'm one of the few who thinks Reddington ISN'T her father, he is for sure something in all that, but not her father. Maybe Berlin is the father, or the girl in the picture is someone else

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Girls: 6x09 Goodbye Tour

This chapter was so perfect but at the same time broke my heart

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Bates Motel: 5x10 The Cord

There was an irregular rythm througout the series, but this final season was outstanding. This show has consacrated Freddie Highmore (and Vera Farminga too, of course)

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Community: 5x08 App Development and Condiments

Hasn't anyone noticed that the Meow Meow Beenz app was used identically for a Black Mirror episode? It's basically the same plot but treated differently

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Pretty Little Liars: 6x20 Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars

With a very good first part of the season (the best pll that i've seen in a long time) they tricked me into watching a very disappointing second part that reminded me why i had abandoned the show for more than 2 years. If it wasn't for the thing that i have of never leaving a show just to know how it ends, i would have stopped watching this more than 2 seasons ago

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Black Mirror: Season 3

This season contains (in my opinion) the worst espisodes of the whole series, and they were still really good. The other the episodes were splendid. Still, I can't shake the feeling that something is different in relation to the past seasons, and I don't know what it is. The episodes in general take place in a much more similar society than before, but for some reason, instead of freaking me out even more, it does the opposite.
I don't hate this season (the opposite), I'm just too in love with the first two (and the christmas special, of course)

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x15 Wes

I loved everything until they said Laurel's father was involved. I really don't feel like watching all about her drama next season. I didn't like the couple Wes-Laurel, but she became more annoying the second part of the season insulting everyone who wasn't Wes. It's a shame, I really liked her the first and second season

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x13 It's War

This show has messed with my head. I suspected of every single one of the students. With all that's happened they've all changed a lot, and I'm not sure if i should suspect of the one who acts the craziest or the one who acts too normal to be true.

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Silicon Valley: 3x04 Maleant Data Systems Solutions

Richard hitting the desk with his face was too much, repeated the scene several times. And also the bulldog scene was awesome

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Girls: 4x05 Sit-In

Despite generally hating Hannah, this episode ended up being so heartbreaking

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Peaky Blinders

Great series, better soundtrack. And at the top of all is Cillian Murphy.

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