

Windsor, Ontario

WandaVision: 1x01 Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience

Absolutely blown away by this to be honest. Probably Marvel's most unique and daring project they have ever done, and it's played so wonderfully straight that I can't help but adore it. Whether or not the sitcom elements work for you personally will all depend on your familiarity with them, as well as your tolerance for slow build storytelling, but overall this is really damn good stuff and proof Marvel knows exactly what they are doing and have for years.

It helps that the sitcom stuff is genuinely amusing and wholesome, with both Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany turning in pitch perfect performances that wonderfully emulate the style of old school sitcoms from the 50s, which will likely evolve as the show continues on. And even with the great writing on hand, something is really off and feels icky about a lot of it on purpose - the fake commercial in the middle in particular is creepy as hell and serves to demonstrate just how quickly this show grips you. Fantastic stuff and I cannot wait for more.

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What If...?: 1x04 What If… Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?

Pardon my language, but holy fuck.

Easily the best episode yet, and for the sole reason of being an emotional wallop mixed in with some truly stellar visuals and ideas. Doctor Strange has always been one of my favourite characters in the MCU for the sole reason of that he is magnificently flawed - he is arrogant, unable to accept failure, and ridiculously human in his emotions. This episode puts that at the forefront by showcasing a Strange who goes to the dark side in his unwillingness to accept the death of Christine (whose relationship with Strange is done better here then in his own movie oddly enough) and the consequences that lend from that.

It's this emotional center that puts it a league above the other episodes with only maybe the T'Challa episode reaching those heights, and if anything proves that Multiverse of Madness, which is getting closer and closer, is a film to be extremely excited for.

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WandaVision: 1x02 Don't Touch That Dial

So far, even into it's second episode, WandaVision doesn't let up. There is so much to love here, and the impeccable ways it finds to not only homage classic TV but also set up all of the elements of the mystery. If anything, WandaVision seems to be leaning far more heavily into psychological thriller then I ever anticipated it will - far slower paced then most Marvel fare but just as compelling thanks to the sheer likability of the cast.

And even then, it still works as a sitcom! The gags? Hilarious, particularly Vision's little gum side plot which is simply genius. As a fan of old school TV, this show is hitting all of the right buttons while also adding in just the right amount of menace. And the transition to colour marks the first time we really get to see what the show's intentions really are. Fantastic stuff again.

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The Mandalorian: 2x02 Chapter 10: The Passenger

Absolutely gonna be in the minority here, but really goddamn loved this one. It's not perfect - it really does feel like a random, odd detour this early in the season - but in terms of more standalone episodes this is easily the best one they've done. It's a bonkers, wild ride of an episode with some genuinely fantastic humor, as morbid as it can be sometimes. Everything with The Child is fantastic here, probably his best showing in terms of both humor and personality. It's also a great showcase of the family-esqe relationship that they have been building over the course of the show, and it's heartwarming while also keeping it light in spite of the life or death scenario.

Outside of that, the effects work here is spectacular, especially the puppetry. The spider sequence at the end is also wonderfully creepy, feeling like something in line with the inside the asteroid sequence from Empire Strikes Back or even the Rathars chase from The Force Awakens. This entire episode felt like Star Wars in the best way possible, even if it was a little out there and skippable in terms of the main narrative. I loved it.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x01 Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land
WandaVision: 1x09 The Series Finale

The thing I love the most about WandaVision's finale, and what some people aren't gonna like, is how straight forward it actually turns out to be. In the end, WandaVision was a show about grief and loss, and both Wanda and Vision were at the center of it. Because of that, the show wisely foregoes sudden reveals or shocking revelations in favour of emotional catharsis. And yes, while one answer in particular could be seen as a cop out, personally I think it was a wise decision to instead simply skip over it and instead hone in on the things that really make this show tick.

And both of the climaxes for Wanda and Vision turn out to be smaller conversational scenes amidst the more fantastical battles (which are standard Marvel fare, meaning very fun and well shot) - Paul Bettany in particular kills it here and the promise of seeing more of him is tantalizing. And yes, seeing the Scarlet Witch fully unleashed is worth the viewing alone, a moment and look ripped straight from the comics in the best way possible.

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WandaVision: 1x08 Previously On

The five stages of grief brought forth in tangible form. Wanda's journey through her own trauma is as compelling as it gets - the kind of backstory that isn't exposition but necessary character drama. Probably some of the best written stuff to come from the MCU in awhile (a franchise that has had much better writing then most blockbusters), letting the audience feel her trauma and sadness from the core of her experiences rather then just a brief throwaway line. And they don't screw around either - Wanda is the one responsible here, in a very "House of M" esqe moment that feels earned and deepens her character.

Lots of other great stuff here too. Kathryn Hahn is still stellar as Agatha, and her opening scene in Salem is a highlight as it introduces us to the concept of witches in the MCU, while the mid-credits scene is a fantastic reveal of who the big final threat is likely to be. So far the show continues to be one of the MCU's finest offerings and I can't wait to see how it all ends.

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The Mandalorian: 2x04 Chapter 12: The Siege

Let's get the elephant out of the room now - Gina Carano needs to go. Her acting ability isn't exactly the best, sure, but combined with being the worst performer on the show she's also an awful person in a franchises whose modus operadi since 1977 has been one of inclusion and tolerance. And it's a shame too cause Cara Dune is a great character who has a ton of potential - a recast would do wonders.

Outside of that obvious, glaring frustration, this is another great episode, and one that showcases Carl Weathers' ability to direct action and puppetry extremely well. He treats his episode with a light touch, going along for the ride with a healthy dose of humor for good measure. All of the plot dumps and questions the episodes raise seem to indicate we are heading into Episode IX setup, which may divide some fans but I appreciate the sequel trilogy love (and other Legends love at the end of episode) just as much as original trilogy and prequel trilogy. Overall another solid entry in a much better season.

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Moon Knight: 1x05 Asylum
Loki: 1x06 For All Time. Always.

Wow. Loki, it's in final episode of the season, completely upends the entire MCU in a way that it's not only relevant but also genuinely shocking and inspired. It's also a fitting ending to the story arc of the season, one based around the ideas of free will, agency, determinism, and identity - so it makes the main culprit of the TVA ends up being a man whose very fear of the free will of his own variants is what drives the acts of the show. Jonathan Majors steals the show here as "He Who Remains", though comics fans will know him more as the legendary Kang the Conqueror, who is clearly being set up as the next big bad of the MCU post-Thanos, and if his range and performances going forward are as good as here I can't wait.

The rest of the episode is equally as fantastic as well. Sylvie's arc comes to a clever and satisfying wrap up with tantalizing implications for the next season, Renslayer is being setup as a major player going forward, and the ending itself being an absolute killer cliffhanger. Top tier stuff from a top tier show.

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The Mandalorian: 2x07 Chapter 15: The Believer

The most impressive thing here is how Rick Famuyiwa took a character from one of the weaker episodes of the show, turned him around, and immediately made him one of the best things about the show to date. This is an episode with a surprisingly strong emotional pull - probably necessary as the lack of Grogu means the usual father/son dynamic is gone. Instead, it's really about a former Imperial coming to terms with what he did, what happened to him, and his eventual redemption. It's fantastic stuff, and Bill Burr, who I'm not usually a fan of, does some truly stellar work performance wise.

Speaking of improvement, holy crap Rick Famuyima. Famuyima has always been a great director (Dope was proof of that) but his Mando work was mixed up until this point. Always well directed, sure, but his second episode was weaker then usual for the show, but here he steps it up. What a fantastic display of action chops! Overall really impressed by this episode, probably one of the best of the entire show. This season is on fire right now.

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The Mandalorian: 2x03 Chapter 11: The Heiress

Friggin excellent from top to bottom. Bryce Dallas Howard absolutely kills it from a directing perspective, and after this episode and her strong showing last season I'm really hoping she takes on a movie job at some point cause she has some real talent behind the camera. The visually gorgeous episode might have some of the most striking imagery of the show yet, and some of the camerawork is the closest since The Last Jedi in recapturing that magic of the original trilogy.

And while I was worried this season would be simply using EU characters as nothing more then fanservice, the way the show uses Bo-Katan is genuinely inspired and clever. And having Katee Sackhoff reprise her role in live action only adds to that, and seeing her in a sci-fi show again brings back memories of watching the excellent Battlestar Galactica. And anything that reminds me of that isn't a bad thing.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x06 Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger
Squid Game: 1x02 Hell

Still really great, though lacks the tight pacing of the first episode in favour of a slower burn character study of our major players. This isn't a bad thing though - if anything, this was sorely needed as we get to see how each character responds to the outside world and their reasonings for being in the games. Park Hae-soo ends up being the highlight performance wise in that regard - with his mountains of debt and numerous criminal charges, it's easy to see how the system has warped and manipulated him.

Hell is the perfect title for this particular episode since, as the show even states , "Inside is hell, but outside is torture". Society's consistent disregard for the well beings of those that are disinfranchised has forced them into this position, and as the pieces fall into place, you realize the truth. You can't simply leave the games - you either play or die.

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Loki: 1x05 Journey Into Mystery

Just keeps getting better and better. The addition of more Loki variants allows for Journey Into Mystery to have some great tongue in cheek moments as the ridiculous nature of it's own premise starts to bleed into the show itself. There's an alligator variant for crying out loud (and he's a good boy), so clearly the writers here are aiming to be as creative as possible with the possibilities. And thankfully, they still manage to keep the story focused on the development of the Loki we do know, as well as Sylvie who we've gotten to really love over the course of the show.

And from a technical perspective, wow this ruled! The effects work here is nothing short of spectacular, Natalie Holt's score is tremendous (might be the best MCU score all things considered, sorry Ludwig), and Richard E. Grant absolutely steals the show as Classic Loki. With only one episode to go, I'm curious on how this will all wrap up, but considering the track record so far my hopes are high.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x04 The Whole World Is Watching

The shield is stained with blood. The iconography permanently tainted, though was it always to begin with? One of the best things about this episode is that very discussion - whether or not the shield of Captain America, and his very presence, is even worth keeping around. And after the end of this episode, the answer might very much be a hearty "no" as we see John Walker lose it. It's a bone chilling sequence that's up there as quite possibly the most brutal scene in the MCU outside of the Netflix shows - just a haunting image in general, and a jaw dropper of a moment that showcases just what this series is capable of.

And what a fantastic episode overall to boot! Karli continues to be an engaging, complex antagonist, Sam and Bucky's dynamic is wonderful, Zemo continues to be a blast, and Wyatt Russell gives the performance to beat here. The action also continues to be amazing from top to bottom, some of the best in the MCU and more proof of Derek Kolstad's strong ability in writing action sequences. Just spectacular stuff.

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WandaVision: 1x04 We Interrupt This Program

A sudden change into the more standard Marvel fare that many were expecting this to be at the start, but honestly the groundwork laid by the first three episodes made this all the more worth it. And like the best of the MCU, it's grounded in character work first and foremost, with exposition coming second. The cold open is one of the best sequences in the show yet, showcasing the effects of The Blip in more detail and expanding on what Spider-Man: Far From Home only hinted at, leaving Monica as the heart of this episode and making a hell of an impression.

And of course, as a Marvel fan, it was really nice seeing the little things back again. Jimmy's little card trick, Darcy's direct knowledge of CBM, S.W.O.R.D. itself - it rewards longtime fans while also endearing us to these characters again. And when the curtain is pulled back here, Marvel jumps into straight psychological horror again and it's done very well here. Looking forward to even more.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x05 The Beach
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x05 Rookies

The first truly stellar episode of the show, Rookies is the kind of bold, radical episode that it's pretty shocking it aired so early in this show's run. It's a risky move to have an entire episode dedicated to basically the grunts of the universe but it pays off wonderfully, particularly in retrospect. The unique personalities of the clones really shine through in this episode and their likability make the eventual demise of several of them hit all the harder. The sacrifice at the end of the episode here is pretty intense for a show airing at it's timeslot and the lack of punches pulled is impressive to say the least.

It also helps that the oppressive tone of this episode, with the commando droids being a bigger threat and the entire outside of the moon out to kill them, makes this a tense watch. The lack of movie characters also means anybody here is fair game, and the causalities of war are shown in full force here. This is just stellar stuff and one of the best episodes of the early show.

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Star Wars: Visions: 1x08 Lop & Ochō

Now where was this Geno Studio all this time? Granted, their work on the excellent Golden Kamuy is no slouch, but the animation here, which is consistently stellar, is some of, if not their current, best work, and I especially love the small details. This feels like a Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli film in a lot of ways - from it's aesthetic to it's themes to even the film grain and somewhat shaky camera that brings to mind old cell animation. It's a visual feast, and while the anthro lead character isn't gonna do it for everybody I like her design quite a bit and she's a really fun character.

It also helps that it doesn't go the easy ending here, implying that it's gonna be the long haul - the dark side is seductive and this episode shows how powerful that seduction can actually be. And yet another killer lightsaber design to boot, between this and The Village Bride I am clamoring for a katana esqe blade in canon that isn't the Darksaber. Excellent.

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Hawkeye: 1x04 Partners, Am I Right?
What If...?: 1x06 What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x05 Truth
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x02 The Star-Spangled Man
The Mandalorian: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Sin

If the first two episodes were all buildup, then "The Sin" is the climax. A propulsive, gorgeously shot firefight that is the best of Star Wars. What these three episodes have lacked in story they've made up for with depth of character and emotional weight - particularly with The Child itself. The connection is strong, and even though our lead has no face we know what he is thinking. We know his dilemma. And we know the consequences of that.

Deborah Chow, despite being a relative newcomer to big budget filmmaking, clearly has a knack for this, and this bodes well for her eventual Obi-Wan miniseries on the platform. Her action scenes are stellar, and the way the story moves is easily the best of the three episodes so far. The strongest episode of the series to date.

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Phineas and Ferb: 1x22 Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together

Masterpiece. The moment the show went from a great cartoon to a fantastic one, one fully in control of it's own vision and material. It's a knockout of an episode, fully embracing the musical nature of prior episodes and finally go full fledged, full on music based. It's a musical episode ABOUT music, about how it shapes us, reinvents us, and expresses our full desires. It also helps every musical beat is an all-timer - a collection of songs and tunes so good that it's impressive that they kept this up for another 3 seasons without breaking a sweat.

The actual story here too really works. It's another character based episode, which is where the show really shines, and how both plots connect not just in universe but thematically is really great - and of course, the finale is a show stopper. What an episode!

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x08 Bombad Jedi

I don't hate Jar Jar Binks as much as the rest of the Star Wars fandom seems to, as I understand his place in the grand scheme of the story and why he was created in the first place. And while The Phantom Menace isn't my favourite film by any stretch of the imagination, there is an earnest sincerity to how it portrays him, something that this episode sorely lacks. Ahmed Best is back and does a great job here, but there is a cynical attitude towards him that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's like the writers were forced at gunpoint to write an episode about him and it's really bizarre.

Still it's saved by a strong setup. Padme and Nute Gunray's rivalry goes all the way back to the beginning of the prequels so having that be the anchor point is a good tie in, Onaconda has a solid if short arc, and Rodia is very pretty to look at. Overall the episode mostly works as a forgettable, if somewhat enjoyable, diversion into the better episodes of the arc but it's a shame everything is rooted in this cynicism.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x06 Downfall of a Droid

Not good! You can clearly tell this was made super early in the show's development cycle, from the weaker animation then normal to the strange directorial choices, as well as the really electronic, guitar heavy music that doesn't fit the rest of the show. It's clearly trying to experiment with a bunch of different ideas but it doesn't fully work, particularly narratively as it feels incomplete a lot of the time. The basic premise is simple enough (R2 is missing!) but the episodic nature of the episode doesn't help when itself is already part of an episodic arc.

The biggest strike against this episode though is the fact that characters feel almost like different people here. Anakin is much more along the lines of his early Episode 2 characterization which doesn't work, Ahsoka is naive to a fault, and Obi-Wan feels too overbearing. In a lot of ways this feels like that it's an episode from a younger skewing version of the show that never made it to air, and while it's not the worst thing ever it's certainly a below average episode of the show.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x02 Rising Malevolence
Hawkeye: 1x05 Ronin