

Windsor, Ontario

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x18 Mystery of a Thousand Moons

Not really sure where this storyline was going to go but the moons of Iego was... something. Most of the issues in this episode can be chalked up to people being stuck in one place for most of it's runtime on both ends and then when the issue is indeed resolve it just kind of... is. Zero buildup, everything is just miraculously ok. I understand that this show is for kids, and that's something important most people need to understand of course, but at the same time everything comes so naturally here it doesn't feel like there is any stakes here.

Still, it's not all bad. I like how Anakin's emotions get the better of him throughout most of this and Obi-Wan's reassurances to calm him down are what keep him sane, which is a great character beat. And when they do get to the planet of Iego it's a fun premise and idea - one that maybe could have used a whole arc to utilize better rather then have half a episode.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x17 Blue Shadow Virus

Like the premise of the episode and returning to Naboo is always fun but a lot of this really felt like action for action's sake. And it's good action! Lightsaber stuff and infiltration and bombs are about to go off and a ticking clock? Sign me up for a good time! It's just a shame that's ALL that's here, especially when other episode and hell the movies do this stuff infinitely better with more interesting results. If there was a stronger thematic core I would also be down but it definitely seems muddled - it seems to be wanna focusing on Anakin and Padme's relationship but there isn't enough of it here.

The better stuff is all with Vindi, who is a delightfully evil villain, and the general look of the episode in general. The show continues to be one of the best looking animated shows of it's time and this episode gives more and more stuff to really chew on in that regard. An enjoyable, if unimpressive, episode.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x16 The Hidden Enemy

Our first prequel episode of the show, highlighting significant events prior to the events of the film, and it's a doozy. In fact in a lot of ways I like it more then the actual film itself (The Clone Wars film is mostly a slog) mainly due to it's focus on the clones - these are likable, fun characters and Dee Bradley Baker's ability to make them all unique and interesting is impressive voice acting work by any stretch of the imagination.

Plus I love a good mystery episode, and this one offers a fun angle of having the culprit be literally identical looking. This means it's going to come down to personality and motivation which makes it a character study even unintentionally, and this episode manages to really explore the clones' psychology. What does it mean to be a solider? Do the clones have free will? It's a fascinating discussion and while the show would do this better later on this is a good start. Solid episode!

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x15 Trespass

Really love a lot of this one even if it doesn't necessarily stick the landing completely. It's nice to see an episode focus on an individual conflict rather then the grand scale war the rest of the show is usually about, and having it be a morality play is a great way of sticking to Star Wars' usual themes of conflict and the nature of good and evil. Chairman Cho is a delightfully hateable character and his eventual just desserts is extremely satisfying in a way that also highlights the themes of the episode, and the Talz are a great creation even if their design comes wholesale from the original film.

The animation also gets a massive boost this time around. I have no idea if this episode was produced after the rest of the season to fill up time due to the film but it looks pretty stellar all around with some of the best chase scenes so far into the show's run. This kind of animation would eventually become standard for the show but it's good to see it so early on in it's run.

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Moon Knight: 1x05 Asylum
Moon Knight: 1x04 The Tomb
Moon Knight: 1x03 The Friendly Type
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x14 Defenders of Peace

Love the ideas on display here, even if they are a bit preachy. But I think it's important to recognize the target audience of Star Wars in this case, as most Star Wars is not aimed at adults like myself but kids and young teens who may need to hear this message for the first time. And while Star Wars would have more nuanced discussions on the nature of war going forward, Defenders of the Peace is a good start as it showcases a critique of centrism in times of conflict while also showing how war affects civilians, first and foremost.

Lok Durd is a fun villain as well. George Takei is always a blast to have on screen and his presence is very much welcomed here, and he's clearly having a ball playing this kind of slimey, irredeemable villain. The actual action here is strong as well as the show is clearly starting to get into a groove in regards to it's choreography and cinematography. And the final moments of the episode are enough to actually make you reflect on the implications which is, frankly, more that can be said about most things. Great stuff!

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x13 Jedi Crash

Jedi Crash starts with a bang and never loses momentum. While the show and prior episodes have flirted with different tones, characters, and pace, the best episodes have tended to be the ones with a "go, go, go" attitude towards the stakes and scale. And with Anakin out of the picture, much of this episode is carried by Ahsoka and Aayla, whose dynamic allows for Ahsoka to continue her development. So far she remains one of the more interesting parts of the show and I like the tough lesson she has to learn about warfare here.

The Lurmens are a great creation as well. Outside of being a really cool looking species with a fun gimmick of rolling around like a wheel (which is very similar to Droidekas, now that I really think about it), it poses an interesting moral question about the war in general - is it necessary to get involved in warfare and is staying neutral even an option? With the arc unfinished, this answer clearly hasn't been fully answered but with a strong setup, the episode leaves you wanting more, even if it's clearly only half of a story.

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Moon Knight: 1x02 Summon the Suit
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x12 The Gungan General

Not nearly as good as the first part of the arc but ultimately gets the job done. Hondo Ohnaka is still a riot here but unfournately he's underplayed in favour of his second-in-command Turk who isn't nearly as interesting and now saddled with a betrayal arc that doesn't really go anywhere prior to his grisly end. Jar Jar Binks is also bizarrely underplayed here, this time with a different actor too, which is noticeable and lacks Ahmed Best's committed performance as the character. Because of that, a lot of this episode feels elongated when it didn't need to be, taking way too long to get going.

The real highlight here are with Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Dooku, forced to work together to escape and their chemistry is shockingly great. Having the heroes and villains team up is a time honored cliche of storytelling but this one makes it work without removing Dooku's threat and malice as well. It's a strong dynamic that ends well too, even if the road getting there was a bit bumpier then I could have wanted.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x11 Dooku Captured
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x10 Lair of Grievous
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x09 Cloak of Darkness
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x08 Bombad Jedi

I don't hate Jar Jar Binks as much as the rest of the Star Wars fandom seems to, as I understand his place in the grand scheme of the story and why he was created in the first place. And while The Phantom Menace isn't my favourite film by any stretch of the imagination, there is an earnest sincerity to how it portrays him, something that this episode sorely lacks. Ahmed Best is back and does a great job here, but there is a cynical attitude towards him that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's like the writers were forced at gunpoint to write an episode about him and it's really bizarre.

Still it's saved by a strong setup. Padme and Nute Gunray's rivalry goes all the way back to the beginning of the prequels so having that be the anchor point is a good tie in, Onaconda has a solid if short arc, and Rodia is very pretty to look at. Overall the episode mostly works as a forgettable, if somewhat enjoyable, diversion into the better episodes of the arc but it's a shame everything is rooted in this cynicism.

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Moon Knight: 1x01 The Goldfish Problem
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x07 Duel of the Droids
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x06 Downfall of a Droid

Not good! You can clearly tell this was made super early in the show's development cycle, from the weaker animation then normal to the strange directorial choices, as well as the really electronic, guitar heavy music that doesn't fit the rest of the show. It's clearly trying to experiment with a bunch of different ideas but it doesn't fully work, particularly narratively as it feels incomplete a lot of the time. The basic premise is simple enough (R2 is missing!) but the episodic nature of the episode doesn't help when itself is already part of an episodic arc.

The biggest strike against this episode though is the fact that characters feel almost like different people here. Anakin is much more along the lines of his early Episode 2 characterization which doesn't work, Ahsoka is naive to a fault, and Obi-Wan feels too overbearing. In a lot of ways this feels like that it's an episode from a younger skewing version of the show that never made it to air, and while it's not the worst thing ever it's certainly a below average episode of the show.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x05 Rookies

The first truly stellar episode of the show, Rookies is the kind of bold, radical episode that it's pretty shocking it aired so early in this show's run. It's a risky move to have an entire episode dedicated to basically the grunts of the universe but it pays off wonderfully, particularly in retrospect. The unique personalities of the clones really shine through in this episode and their likability make the eventual demise of several of them hit all the harder. The sacrifice at the end of the episode here is pretty intense for a show airing at it's timeslot and the lack of punches pulled is impressive to say the least.

It also helps that the oppressive tone of this episode, with the commando droids being a bigger threat and the entire outside of the moon out to kill them, makes this a tense watch. The lack of movie characters also means anybody here is fair game, and the causalities of war are shown in full force here. This is just stellar stuff and one of the best episodes of the early show.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x04 Destroy Malevolence

Pretty much a blast from start to finish thanks to fantastic setups, payoffs, and some really great dialogue throughout with the main cast. As dry as some of the prequel era can get due to it's heavy dosage of tragedy and politics, episodes like these remind you "Oh yeah, this is still Star Wars" and becomes a rollicking good time that doesn't take itself too seriously. Anakin and Obi-Wan have some fun banter here that calls back to other moments in the series, Padme's chemistry with Anakin feels more palpable and realistic, and even the droids get some good gags, with a "jumping the cliff" moment in particular that's very funny.

Plus it helps that the lightsaber stuff we get here is a treat. The benefits of animation allow the entire affair to be more visually creative then live action and create more interesting scenarios, and this takes full advantage of that. From the initial dogfights to the jumping around on the ship to the final confrontations it's a delight to witness, even if it doesn't have much in the way of thematic substance. Stellar stuff!

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x03 Shadow of Malevolence

Lacks the prior episode's moody atmosphere and solid emotional core but has some thrilling action and great animation beats to pull it through. So far, even at it's weakest, the show is easily stronger then the prequel films that came before it and even it's own pilot film, able to balance it's variety of elements while keeping it's own identity in the grand scheme. I'm also coming to really appreciate the clones as characters here, particularly with their own nicknames and personalities. They all feel like distinct people, and lots of praise needs to be given to Dee Bradley Baker for his incredible vocal performances here in making sure that happens.

As for actual point of the episode, which is a continued exploration of how both sides treat their men, it's pretty on the nose but so is most of Star Wars so that's not necessarily a problem. I think Anakin is a bit too rash this episode compared to prior ones continuity wise, as it seems like the story needs him to be more reckless to learn a lesson, but I like his eventual decision and I appreciate his consistently solid chemistry with Ahsoka. Good stuff here!

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x02 Rising Malevolence
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 1x01 Ambush
Milo Murphy's Law: 2x22 Abducting Murphy's Law
Milo Murphy's Law: 2x21 Milo's World

Always have a soft spot for episodes that play with different style and this is no exception. Milo is barely actually in this outside of the dream sequences each of the characters has conjured up about them, and because of that the show is able to play with the idea of perception and how Milo's action ripple across the entire cast. Each character's unique perspective offers something new into Milo but also themselves, and that's great writing, with the highlight being Bradley's cynical approach to Milo's existence born out of jealously rather then genuine malice.

I also really like how the art and tone shifts depending on the character. There isn't a set standard here on how it all perceives itself which is really cool, and I particularly appreciate how the ending commits to the bit of leaving the actual cause of Murphy's Law still up for debate. Another stellar episode.

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Milo Murphy's Law: 2x20 Freefall

What a stellar concept! Bottle episodes tend to be some of the strongest episodes of Dan and Swampy's endeavors, mainly cause it forces them as writers to think outside of the box as well as put them in a situation where they can only use certain narrative devices. As such, they also tend to be some of the more reflexive, meta, and funnier episodes as well, and Freefall is probably one of the best ones they've done in that regard. From the fact it's literally 11 minutes of falling to the way it continually ups itself, this is top tier Milo Murphy's Law in action.

Really, really love the Cavendish and Dakota section of the episode as well. It's a strong moment for the two of them and we also get to see subtle hints about Cavendish as a character slowly becoming more and more disillusioned with his current state of being. The seeds of conflict are sown, now to watch them flourish. Fantastic episode!

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The Book of Boba Fett: Season 1
The Book of Boba Fett: 1x07 Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor
Milo Murphy's Law: 2x19 Now I Am a Murphy

Ironically, this might have the opposite weakness from the last episode. While that one was extremely well constructed and written, it was also somewhat lacking in the laughs department (even if it did have the great dialogue to expected with this show). This one, on the other hand, is extremely funny and has a multitude of standout jokes, but it's structure is oddly disjointed for Dan and Swampy - a rarity with them as their narrative skills are always strong enough to pull through. It's not enough to be a sinking ship or even that big of a problem, but the two stories here don't really match up together and the two of them feel like separate episodes combined into one.

Still, as the stories go, they are really great. Milo's story is a fun insight into the Murphy family and their traditions in dealing with the law while also having a funny running gag with a killer cyborg bear, while Doof's side plot is shenanigans, yes, but funny shenanigans nonetheless and even has one of the funniest meta gags in the series. Good stuff!

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Milo Murphy's Law: 2x18 Dog Walker, Runner, Screamer

This episode is super close to being a 10/10 but doesn't quite get there for me - it's premise is really solid (the simpler the ideas with this show, the stronger it usually ends up being), I like the cause-and-effect style story, and there is a lot of creativity here. I just wish it was slightly funnier - it's still funny, but the episode takes a more laidback approach which I don't know if that was the right call for something as ripe for slapstick as this.

Still, the dialogue is still aces. I love Cavendish and Dakota too much to pass up, Elliot might have some of the best material he's ever gotten here, and Dioggie of all characters gets some very great reactions here thanks to a female dog vying for his affections. If this was a slightly funnier time I would easily give this the gold star treatment, but it's still a really strong episode and one of the better constructed ones of the season.

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