

South Carolina

Crack: Cocaine, Corruption & Conspiracy

This was good but very unsatisfying in that I could've watched 4 more of these. It goes through all of the issues but it comes off more like a greatest hits and leaves further answers up to the viewer to attain in their own time. At the very least its a reminder to those who now try to lionize Ronald Reagan of his very worst policies that started us on the racial and criminal roads we still travel on today.

Appropriate Killer Mike song: https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU

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Noroi: The Curse

This had showed up in my youtube recs a bunch but I ignored it until this past Halloween season. I like a Found Footage horror if done right. This one mostly is. When they reveal too much it can be silly but that happens extremely rarely, I think twice for a total of 3 seconds in the whole thing. Also, the character who covers ALL of his clothes in tin foil I can see really taking people out of the movie for being so cheesy and it almost did me but I was able to mostly deal with it to the point that by the end I had come around on it. The guy is just SUCH a tortured psychic that he'll do anything to stop the voices. I kind of like that. Hard to say much more without giving away key plot moments that are better off left seen by the viewer themselves, but this is definitely worth your time. I want to see his genre-follow up Occult sooner than later.

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Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Hugely successful at the time, Borat still holds up today as a lot of the things being mocked still apply 15 years later, maybe even more so. It had a huge cultural impact, how many times have you heard someone in a generically Slavic accent say “it’s nice, I like”? Even people that have never seen the movie attempt to use that catchphrase. Borat was brilliant in that it pushed the bounds of what was acceptable, by going after things that are unacceptable. Racism, sexism, classism, anti-semitism, and more - they’re all here and all being exposed for the ridiculousness that they are.

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Ozark: Season 3

Probably the best season so far (I would go 3, 1, 2, I didn't really care about all the political intrigue of season 2). The main cast is stronger than ever, with Laura Linney almost taking over the show with her powerhouse performance. The last two episodes of this season are so tense and an incredible explosion of all that had built up during the season. I'm not sure I like where the show is heading with all the Langmores aligning with Darlene, but I trust the writers enough at this point to know they'll do it right. Add in the cartel's new direction with the finale and we should be in for a great season come 2021.

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The Raid

This was really good. The plot is really only there to give people an excuse to fight but fight they do and its brutal with about every way you can think of to kill someone with a pistol or a knife at play. Very stylish martial arts action the whole way through and an exciting ride.

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I had read that this was modern Kids and well, for better or worse, it is not that. It is however a really good movie that is a shit ton of fun and an accurate and loving tribute to the best decade there ever was with a ridiculously spot on perfect soundtrack.

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Untitled Hulk Hogan Biopic

This movie isn't out yet, but this place holder image is absolutely hysterical so 10/10 already.

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Dark Water
The Social Network

Sorkin is awesome at dialogue. Everyone in this movie is a piece of sh*t (much like Wolf of Wall Street). It was very good but didn't quite live up to the hype.

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Everybody’s Everything

I... really liked this. I did not expect to but something in the trailer grabbed me so I gave it a shot. I liked the movie, I liked Lil Peep, and holy shit I think I actually even like a few of the songs ("Witchblades" is especially good). I still can't say I understand these people, or the face tattoos, or whatever, but he was a really unique and creative dude and was actually leading the way and doing things first instead of just copying other people. This movie, semi-based upon handwritten letters he'd get from his grandfather, is really well done. It even led to me checking out his discography on spotify and liking way more songs than I expected to. I checked out the artists in the movie besides him, and, well... yeah they suck. XXXtentacion has a few good songs but the rest are pretty bad and nobody is near Peep. 21 is just an obscenely early age to die but he packed a lot of life in on his way there. Going to give this one a high score, if you actually liked him already, definitely check this out. RIP.

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The Scent of Green Papaya
Mad Max: Fury Road

I have mixed thoughts on Fury Road. I loved the story, the characters, the scenes completely drenched in blue or red, the chases, the action. It was a great time. But wow did I hate the costuming for basically everyone except the protagonists. From the electrified yellow hair of the main villain to the baby/man thing, to the bikers with dreads made out of cloth and on and on, I just didn't like any of it. Luckily though, everything else is excellent and overall it was a very fun watch.

Also, on a side note, watching the movie, it came off to me as a bit of a rip-off of Fist of the North Star. A quick google shows FOTN debuted in 1983 and the original Mad Max in 1979. So actually it's the other way around and now they just kind of "borrow," so to speak, from each other. Just thought that was interesting, both are very clearly inspiring one another to the point even someone with minimal knowledge of either like myself can notice it.

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Ozark: Season 2

Still love this show. It's more clear than ever that its Breaking Bad inspired but on this show the action comes at a more consistent pace, and its also a bit less grounded in reality. Not really a complaint though, BB is going to inspire a hundred shows and this will likely be one of the best ones of that class. One complaint is the writing in this season did seem to take a bit of a dip from season 1. Also, the violence went from legit frightening to a little hokey. Also, the violence went from legit frightening to a little hokey. But still, looking forward to starting season 3.

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The Gift

I'm a huge sucker for Jason Bateman, I'll watch things purely because he's in them. That's what happened here for this Joel Edgerton written and directed thriller about bad things happening to bad people. It's hard to discuss this movie without spoilers but basically you go in expected one thing, and getting it, and slowly the movie gradually turns into something else. Bateman is outstanding in this, playing a nasty character that I've never seen from him before, and his wife, played by Robyn Callem, and antagonist Gordo, played by Edgerton, do a great job of ratcheting up the tension through-out the movie until the very end, when everything explodes. If I had one complain its that I'm not sure I like that the movie ended on SUCH an open ended note, with a lot of horrible questions going unanswered.

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Pretty overrated. I can see why. Abnormal ending, good twists, lines and scenes you can look back on and go "ohh I get what that was now". But there was also something inherently... annoying about the movie too. It was an ok horror with some interesting uniqueness to it but... meh.

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Your Name.

Modern Japanese animation classic that doubles as the highest gross box office in Japanese history. It was excellent. I'm not sure it was "top box office ever" excellent, but it was still good. Tells an extremely complicated story as far as time lines go, combined with body switching, and that's 2 things I'm a pretty big mark for so this was almost a guarantee I'd like it. Plus I love the soundtrack, I've listened to it way too much since it came out. It's hard to talk about without spoiling things as there are a lot of unexpected turns that change your understanding of what's happening. Not sure if it was as good as the best Ghibli or that, but it was close enough.

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Lords of Chaos

I heard the complaints coming in but Death Metal has always been a fascination of mine... because of the book this movie took its name from over fifteen years ago. This seems to only be the somewhat fictionalized story of Mayhem, which is fine.

Even though a lot happens in this movie, it still somehow manages to be a bit boring and every single character is a total piece of sh*t. I think what I like most is that in a subculture obsessed with not being a poser, this movie blatantly makes them all out to be just that. Because screw em.

Overall it's a missed chance with a great IP on an incredibly interesting topic and source material. Not awful, but a real shame, this genre doesn't get enough chances to around blowing them.

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The Invitation

I didn't really even watch this. The person next to me on a plane had it on with English subtitles though and I read the entire thing so close enough.

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Who Killed Garrett Phillips?

4 hour documentary from HBO but luckily it didn't feel that long. Essentially some probably racist upstate cop frames a black guy for dating his ex girlfriend... maybe. Nothing outstanding but an interesting story.

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A Dog's Way Home

Enjoyed it. It's no Milo and Otis or Homeward Bound, but it's a movie about a dog making it's way home over a long distance and I'll watch any and all of those.

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The Dawn Wall

The Tommy Caldwell Story basically. I love mountain climbing documentaries. Usually I like the summit type stuff but this one about climbing a big flat stone is pretty good too. The original title was "White People Hobbies." Not bad as background noise, and certainly inspirational and a good story of perseverance.

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Guardians of the Galaxy

Loved this movie. My only complaint would be some over the top attempts at humor fell really flat with me, like when Pratt danced to distract Roan (sp?) and moments like that that just felt out of place. There was plenty of humor that worked, it's just that there were 2-3 times the joke missed badly for me. Still not a big deal and probably the best super hero movie I've ever seen that isn't a Batman movie. I love Groot.

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Only Yesterday
Biggie: I Got a Story to Tell

Meh. Unfortunately it's just one of those filler types of documentaries that tells you absolutely nothing new. May as well have been an hour long VH1 biography or something. Very strange since the one guy said he spent years just recording everything, then you get about 5 minutes of that tops in the whole thing. Guess it was boring or bad quality or both. Disappointing.

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