Justin NemethDirector


San Diego, CA

The Chicago Code

Finally finished up the last few episodes. Great show, sucks we'll never get another season. Agreed that the ending wrapped things up well at least.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze

Go ninja, go ninja, go!

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Agreed. Very much enjoyed this movie when I saw it. Didn't know really what to expect either, just a friend's recommendation (this was before trakt after all!) to give it a shot.

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Starship Troopers

Nuke 'em!

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I think you need to visit the trakt website more often to discover new shows like this :)

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No Mercy for the Rude

It pulls the overview TMDb, so if you correct it there we can re-scrape it.

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The Shield

Vic Mackey is badass.

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Good news everybody!

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The opening song in the first episode was good and the first episode in general was good i thought. Watched episode 2 and it went downhill fast.

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Breaking Bad

Agreed. This show is amazing and one of the best dramas on TV right now. If you are looking for a new show to watch, pick this one.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World


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season 4 starts soon :)

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Exit Through the Gift Shop


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Family Guy

Family Guy in HD is pretty freakin' sweet.

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Looks like they cancelled the show :(

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Wondering the same thing myself, but I think its to develop the new show like you said. Hopefully that one will stick around a bit longer!

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The Walking Dead

Agreed, this show is awesome. AMC in general has awesome shows.

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The Big Bang Theory

This is one of my favorite shows!

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