Justin NemethDirector


San Diego, CA

The Big Bang Theory

This is one of my favorite shows!

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Family Guy

Family Guy in HD is pretty freakin' sweet.

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The Walking Dead

Agreed, this show is awesome. AMC in general has awesome shows.

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I think you need to visit the trakt website more often to discover new shows like this :)

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Good news everybody!

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The Shield

Vic Mackey is badass.

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season 4 starts soon :)

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Breaking Bad

@duffeye such an EPIC line right there

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Breaking Bad

Agreed. This show is amazing and one of the best dramas on TV right now. If you are looking for a new show to watch, pick this one.

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Blue Mountain State

lol at a comparison to Glee

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Stoner comedy that is absolutely hilarious.

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Party Down

It's one of those shows where you get familiar with the characters after the first couple episodes and then you'll love it. Great show and hopefully the always persistant rumors about a movie actually happens one day!

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Agreed, this show was one of my favorites and it needs way more than 2 seasons! I wish they would have at least wrapped it up with a HBO movie.

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The Chicago Code

Finally finished up the last few episodes. Great show, sucks we'll never get another season. Agreed that the ending wrapped things up well at least.

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The Tick

I actually quite enjoy the series so far. It doesn't it take itself seriously, but isn't over the top in being corny either. It also looks great streaming in 4K HDR from Amazon :)

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Wondering the same thing myself, but I think its to develop the new show like you said. Hopefully that one will stick around a bit longer!

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The opening song in the first episode was good and the first episode in general was good i thought. Watched episode 2 and it went downhill fast.

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The Social Network

The rating should at least be in the 90s for sure! Very inspiring movie for me personally. If you have an idea you are trying to get off the ground, watch this movie, then you will start working on it immediately after. Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross do an amazing job with the soundtrack. Interesting note that approximately 83% of trakt has been coded while listening to this soundtrack :)

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Real Steel

I just got back from seeing this. I loved it and thought it was a ton of fun!

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The Five-Year Engagement

They could have easily cut 1hr out the middle of this movie without any effect. Pretty lame!

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Metallica: Through the Never

This is a concert film, so don't do in expecting some cool secret mission by the roadie. Audio sounds great and its ultimately enjoyable to see Metallica put on a good show.

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Why Him?

I'm not sure why, but we seemed to enjoy this a lot more than we probably should have!

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The OA: 1x06 Forking Paths

Here's an interesting article with more background on the varying runtimes throughout this season, including the 30 minutes of 1x06. Some spoilers on the 2nd page, so avoid those if you haven't watched it all the way yet.


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Underworld: Awakening

First hour is meh, last 30 minutes is pretty cool. Still no where near as good as the original. The fx were not good.

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Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Shout by Justin NemethDirector
BlockedParent2018-08-23T23:14:30Z— updated 2019-08-12T22:47:07Z

Mr. Rogers is a pure legend :raised_hands:

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 1x03 Climate Change Denial

Wow, was not expecting all the penises in this episode.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World


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The Neon Demon

This film is super boring. I only made it about 1/3 of the way through.

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Owen Benjamin: High Five Til It Hurts

I've seen Owen live one time headlining at a local comedy club. It was really good and he's a super talented piano player too. There was this heckler at our show and it was very awkward since the guy was a moron, but it turned out awesome and Owen and he become best buds by the end! I'm interested in checking this special out to see how it compares.

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Your Highness

I fell asleep the first time watching this movie. When I re-watched the 2nd half, I fell asleep again! Yeah, not funny at all.

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