

Omicron Persei 8

What is a Woman?

Anti-science reactionary guru saying some dumb things about the topic he has zero knowledge of. That's basically it. If you want to be disinformed or have a good laugh then you'll enjoy this movie

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@unicornsandcandies he consults multiple experts in the documentary and they openly state their credentials. Doubt you even watched the movie.

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What is a Woman?

This is genuinely interesting to watch. A well-crafted documentary that is all at once gripping, depressing and funny. It starts out hilarious and satirical then things start to get infuriating and emotional, then it finishes off back at being hilarious. The approach is simple and straightforward yet so effective. The message is delivered clearly with Walsh's humor that adds to the dynamic of the documentary. Good stuff.

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@csrz It is interesting that your commentary is almost entirely positive yet you rate the movie a 6.

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Fun movie, but I really hated all of the overtly woke toxic masculinity messaging. Literally every male in this movie is evil except for the crackhead who has his arm ripped off. This movie is a good example of how otherwise fun and interesting films are infected with post-modernist commentary on gender roles.

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@chocoloctopus so glad you took the time to share such a meaningful rebuttal, hearing what limp-wristed gender activist Marvel simps think about Joe Rogan means a lot to me

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