


Marvel's Luke Cage: 2x13 They Reminisce Over You

So you mean to tell me that after all that fighting and battles you going to turn around and become the very same thing you fighting... ridiculous.

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A Discovery of Witches: 1x01 Episode 1

Finally a witches/vampire/supernatural show that aren't loaded with teenagers...not like anything is wrong with teenagers in a show but the maturity is welcomed

So far, so good...I can't wait to see how it develops!

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 1x10 Chapter Ten: The Witching Hour

I don't know.. for whatever the reason I was still hoping Sabrina didn't sign her name in the book. I guess the writers really wanted to distance the show from the TV sitcom style. Besides she's so rebellious it wouldn't surprise me if she figures out a way out of it.
I'm also curious to know if Sabrina had a brother/sister...I mean, who's the baby with the hooves?!

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Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency: 2x07 That Is Not Miami

I'm so over Dirk's constantly questioning every gaddam thing in this season. In season one he was annoying but in this season it's just ugh. I appreciate the fairytale twist but this change in his character sucks.

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The Mentalist: 5x21 Red and Itchy

I have to say, for a moment I thought it was the rapist's penis in that box LMAO!

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Young Sheldon: 1x21 Summer Sausage, a Pocket Poncho, and Tony Danza

That daughter father part was just delightful... even the mother with the other son was pretty cool.
Sheldon can be so exhausting lol.

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The Legend of Korra: 2x14 Light in the Dark

Man do Korra get on my last nerve at times.
Season 2 more than ever...
Ang was an actual kid yet Korra acts like the biggest kid annoying.

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Lethal Weapon: 2x22 One Day More

I was under the impression this episode was in par with the typical season finally "shock" episode and season 3 starting with Riggs coming back from a long recovery but after some of the comments and a quick search I'm guessing this is not the case. I didn't even know ish was brewing in the background. I didn't have high hopes for this show at first because I didn't really see Wayans as anything other than silly comedy and wasn't familiar with Riggs but this show became one of my favorite. I'm sad...I really liked Rigg's character and thought he would have been around for a long time.
All my shows are falling apart... first Abby is leaving, Black-ish marriage is on the verge of ending, and now this shit... the entertainment industry is failing me man.

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So annoying how you get hooked by a show and then it gets cancelled.
I didn't care too much for this show at first but then I got became interesting.
The story started to make sense. Ugh... then it's over. Annoying!

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Castlevania: 3x10 Abandon All Hope

This show is so freaking good I hate having to wait for the next seasons....but I can't wait!

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Black Mirror: 5x02 Smithereens

And just like that, everyone went back to whatever they were doing and went on their merry way. Pretty much sums up the time we live in :type_5:‍♀

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Blue Exorcist: 2x01 Small Beginnings

Didn't Rin's team already got over the whole Satan's spawn like 4 episodes ago. So annoying that they started with this ish again. I get it that there was a big time span between season 1 and 2 but there's no need to dredge back ish that was already covered and surpassed in season 1...ugh.

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The Good Doctor: 1x17 Smile

Oh wow he's having a stroke... you can see the fear in his eyes... amazing acting.
This show has surpassed my expectations.
I really hope Dr Kalu don't leave... and the Good Doctor reports that leech...or at least stop him from taking advantage of him.

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Teen Wolf: 6x13 After Images

I didn't really care too much for this episode...I guess this is setting everything up for the supernaturals to be in the open or go to a new town.
So first Stiles and Lydia and now Scott and Malia... just so odd.
Fine, while a bit odd specially since Stiles ex is good friends with Lydia we can over look it bc Stiles originally was pining for Lydia hard.
But Scott and Malia??? What ever happened to bro-code. Bizarre but whatever. I don't think Scott and Malia have any chemistry whatsoever.
I'm guessing Stiles was filming his movie and thus his absence...I don't really like the episodes he's not in... after all Scott and Stiles is Teen Wolf...

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x06 Immortal Emerges from Cave

But but... What happened to his vow of chastity??? Lol

It's time to give this series a bit of a rest.
I'm too frustrated with the slow development.

So far, Jessica Jones has been the best Marvel's series.

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Black Mirror: 4x03 Crocodile

This episode made no gaddam sense... The minute this tiny stick thin chick killed that huge ass dude, I should have stopped watching...smdh.

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Fuller House: 3x10 My Best Friend's Japanese Wedding

I'm this love triangle necessary?? Isn't this a family show? I'm not even a prude and find this message completely unnecessary. Who does that? Who breaks up a marriage on the day of a wedding. From the beginning she's juggling these two guys and when they stop fighting for her she gets jealous and breaks them up.
Since when is having no morals ok? Ridiculous.

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Bones: 6x13 The Daredevil in the Mold

Damn... poor Sealy.... He just can't catch a break.
I saw this happening though... How couldn't he? Ugh

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Black Mirror: 5x01 Striking Vipers

See... the thing is that you have the sensations so while there's no physical touch this is still cheating.
I personally don't know if it's possible to be in love with someone in VR but not IRL... well actually I guess you can since your brain is seeing a different person.
I don't know... who cares... episode was still interesting to me.

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Doctor Who: 4x13 Journey's End (2)

I wasn't a Doctor Who fan. I think I watched one very old episode and thought WTH is that a huge ass eye floating in the sky... amateur hour... no thanks.
But then I started watching newer seasons... with the old Doctor and Clara. I think it was Clara I really liked... then I started to look at the older I went in a descending manner rather than ascending.
Anyway, all of that just to say THIS IS THE BEST EPISODE EVERRRRRR! LOL
I loved seeing all the crossover and the return of the previous companions. So so good. I loved it!

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Hawaii Five-0: 9x19 Pupuhi ka he'e o kai uli (The Octopus of the Deep Spews its Ink)

Ugh...I love Junior... he's my favorite character after Steve.

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Young Sheldon: 1x18 A Mother, A Child, and a Blue Man's Backside

This was pretty good because it's so relatable. I didn't have a mom like Sheldon's but I couldn't wait to leave my mom's house... which I did... then I'd speak to my mom every day on the phone and had my mom drive to my apt at 2am over a stomach ache... it was a pretty bad stomach ache tho lol.

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Bull: 2x22 Death Sentence

How is no one realizing Bull is having a heart attack is beyond me... that, yes I'll hold bit was hilarious though... since when 911 put people on hold?

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Bull: 2x21 Reckless

I'm glad they're making comments on Bull's weight... what in the world is happening to Dinozzo, his belly look 8 months pregnant!

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Atypical: 1x08 The Silencing Properties of Snow

Pleasantly surprised. I don't know why I feel like I've watched this show already... maybe I did or maybe I caught a couple of episodes but I can't recall.

I have to mention that I started hating the uptight and then specially the fact she cheats... but on some occasions I actually felt sorry for her and sympathized.. I mean shit... God knows how having an autistic child can affect anyone... what I know for certain is that it must be difficult regardless of how functional.
Just awesome... looking forward to season 2.

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Devilman Crybaby: 1x10 Crybaby

Damn... Well that was unexpected.
I was rooting for Akira too
...I really thought he was going to win!

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Devilman Crybaby: 1x09 Go to Hell, You Mortals

Dude! WTF! I so didn't expect her to be killed :'(

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Bones: 5x16 The Parts in the Sum of the Whole

I'm so over Brennan stupidity and cluelessness. I bet you now she's going to expect Booth to keep at it like she didn't just crush the man's heart...ugh.

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Stargate Atlantis: 2x18 Michael

I guess I shouldn't be surprised a shitload of Star Trek cast are in this series.
First O'Brien and now T'Pol's babydaddy...(although it seems O'Brien is done).

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Dead to Me: 1x01 Pilot

OMG she likely killed the woman's husband??!! That's insane and the fact that she's befriended her and moved into her guest house is pretty disturbing. Wow

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