


Kokdu: Season of Deity

I've never despised a character as much as I do this chick (FL). I mean even the idiocy of Kokdu is tolerable in comparison to this FL beyond dizzy plain ole asinine personality. I mean I get that this is a Kdrama and tropes are expected but holy shit balls this woman makes me want to kick my tv.

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The Master's Sun
Soundtrack #1

I stay away from romance shows/series/movies because they're so predictable and this one is no exception however it was still a good watch.
On a side note, a girl always knows... specially after 19yrs. I get her reasoning why she chose not to date him (which is the reason most women make that choice), but there's no way in hell she didn't know her best friend wasn't in love with her. And I don't mean best friend love I mean soulmate love. We always know.

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Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy-

This was awesome!.. much better than I anticipated.
So glad it's continuing.

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Murder in Provence: 1x03 Episode 3

Dude... this have a headache from the tension. That dude was creepy AF. I really thought one of them was a goner! Good grief...
I'm going to watch cartoon to calm down cos I really can't take any more suspense at the moment :type_4:‍♀

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Another: 1x11 Makeup

I just knew it was going to come to this... just knew it.
I have to say tho that it was pretty crappy that Mei didn't either a) kill the dead one since she knew who it was or b) tell the dude who it was so that something could have been done. At least half of this shit wouldn't have hit the fan if she had at least said who :type_4:‍♀

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Another: 1x03 Bone Work

Well damn... that was unexpected.
I think this is the first horror anime I've found that actually comes close to live action horror...I love it!

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Another: 1x03 Bone Work

Well damn... that was unexpected.
I think this is the first horror anime I've found that actually comes close to live action horror...I love it!

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The Meg

I've watched the Meg a bunch of times (it's part of a group of movies i watch when I've got nothing to watch and need time fillers), and I've re-watched the Office several times too... so how did it take me this long to realize the douchebag investor is Dwight! Oyyy :type_4:‍♀

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Supernatural: 13x19 Funeralia

Shout by JoJo
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-05-31T18:54:34Z— updated 2024-04-12T18:27:09Z

Now why in the world would Dean tell Rowena that Sam is the one who kills her.
I mean it's bad enough that they forever dropping every gaddam weapon they have right after they use it to shoot/kill someone but Jesus....whooza... it's just TV, it's just TV :type_5:‍♀

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Supernatural: 4x01 Lazarus Rising

Shout by JoJo
BlockedParent2021-05-16T19:18:38Z— updated 2024-04-11T13:18:24Z

Finally Cass is here!
I enjoy rewatching Supernatural but I hate the demon thumper Sam, douchy Cass, and the Cain Dean seasons.
The demon thumper Sam was specially long and then to boot it followed by the Lucifer Sam... it dragged far too long.
But of well... can't take the good without the bad :type_4:‍♀

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Supernatural: 2x14 Born Under a Bad Sign

I so hate this part of Supernatural...the whole devil Sam is so annoying...ugh.

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Prodigal Son: 2x08 Ouroboros

So no more worries about the little sister going to jail.
The whole story line is absurd and completely unnecessary especially her being so nonchalant about the whole thing and making jest about it.
At the end of the day her brother is holding on by a thread and her response is just ridiculous. So was him getting rid of the body, frankly but whatever... it's just TV :type_4:‍♀

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Stargate Atlantis: 2x20 Allies (1)

So I guess they forgot the virus can also turn humans into that bug.
Something just don't sit right...

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Stargate Atlantis: 2x18 Michael

I guess I shouldn't be surprised a shitload of Star Trek cast are in this series.
First O'Brien and now T'Pol's babydaddy...(although it seems O'Brien is done).

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Stargate Atlantis: 2x06 Trinity

I'm sorry... but I really really hate McKay... not in a I want him to die a slow death type of way but more like he's the one person I'd trip if outrunning a zombie or something.
He's sooooooo annoying :rolling_eyes:

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Stargate SG-1: 2x02 In the Line of Duty

God why do I watch these old shows! The form of acting drive me nuts but what really grinds my gears is stupid ish such as one of the main actors being infected by a larva and getting through the gate and no one knowing or noticing...I mean...ugh :type_4:‍♀

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Stargate SG-1: 1x21 Politics (1)

I wouldn't make it in SG-1 at all... first couple of minutes of that meeting I would have been like ok cool, do as you like, let me just pack up my shit and go to another world... best of luck to y'all :raised_hand_tone3:‍♀ Who don't listen must feel :type_4:‍♀

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 4x26 Broken Link

That was just so ridiculous about Odo...
So he gets to keep that ridiculous face but can't even have powers. Makes no sense...but then again it was only a matter of time before he was made to pay for his crime.
Hopefully he gets his powers back like how Worf was able to restore his honor.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 4x21 The Muse

The ease with which these futuristic people are fooled or get a drop on never ceases to amaze me. I get it Jake is not a soldier but his father been in the fleet all his life... how is he this gullible? Perhaps he thought he was getting some nookie?
Still... simply ridiculous at how easily he was fooled and nearly killed.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 4x12 Paradise Lost (2)

What did i say...ugh.
Writers write about what they know... Unfortunately this type of tactic is more real than we're led to believe.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 4x11 Homefront (1)

Man this is a slippery slope and going no where good.
This reminds me of that episode with the kid who was nearly tried and condemned because he lied about having Romulan ancestry and the major witch hunt nearly got Picard pitch forked too in the process. I can't help but think this will get twisted fast!

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Star Trek: Voyager: 2x24 Tuvix

This episode reminds me of the episode where Pride (I'm binge watching all star treks and i can't keep track of all the names) had to choose between T'Pol's baby daddy and his clone which was specifically made to save him. Of course it was under the impression that the clone would survive too which was later found out not to be the case but still...he was grown to save the baby daddy's life.
Frankly, I don't see how in this instance, there's a moral dilemma. There were two and then there's one... if there's a chance to get back the two why is there a moral conundrum?! The one wouldn't be there if the two didn't merge.
I had no problem with Janeway's choice and wished i could extend my hand through the screen to slap the doctor...ugh.

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Wynonna Earp: 4x06 Holy War (2)

I'm so digging this season...I was bummed about losing Dolls but seriously think the show can survive it now.
I'm loving all the puns, the long wait reference and I'm even ok with Rachel.
I hope Bobo comes back some how... let's face it he was a good villain/ally and the new creatures are also awesome.
For a while I thought the show was canceled but I'm really glad it isn't.
With Supernatural ending this is definitely a good fill to that void.
They always seem to give up on these supernatural series after a few seasons... Supernatural being the exception of course.

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The Darkest Minds

What a cluster mess... even by the lowest standards this movie made no sense :type_4:‍♀

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NCIS: Los Angeles: 11x11 Answers

This is the worst episode I've ever watched from this series.

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NCIS: Los Angeles: 11x09 Kill Beale: Vol. 1

So after all these years of Nell being groomed to take over Hetty's job NOW she doesn't want to be Hetty... after telling everyone that Hetty always comes through and doesn't fail anyone NOW she's manipulative and she can't be her.
What a waste...
I'm guessing she's getting too chunky for the role :rolling_eyes:

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Good Boys

I just want to be Thor parents rich.... the amount of mula they squander on sex toys is definitely pre-coronavirus times :joy::joy::joy:

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The Adjustment Bureau

I'm not going to lie, I thought this was an action film once I saw Jason Bourne and the other chick in the poster. I don't recall seeing this movie but I feel like I had seen it.
Even though it wasn't what I expected, it was still pretty good. Also, it was still more plausible than let's say the Matrix.
I love how Jason Bourne said the world was still a pretty shitty place despite their intervention and adjustment guy rebuttal with but it's still here.
The world isn't going any where... humans will go extinct before the world stop it :type_4:‍♀

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6 Underground

Hmm... so the A-Team except they're not military guys and its leader is a billionaire.
I don't care... it's Deadpool and I'm fine watching all his ish.
The others were also good even the dude from 24 which I never really saw his previous roles so this was a good introduction for me.
Ain't got nothing to watch right now anyway :type_4:‍♀

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