Colorado Springs, Colorado


Full of ups and downs but never boring, Atlanta was one of a kind

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

A fresh, innovative show that shows everything a reboot should be. It doesn't rehash its source material, but redefines it, and in the process, eclipses it. In every way, it is adapted for today, with a diverse cast, sharp writing, and emotional and passionate writing. So many kids will watch this and be not only engrossed, but seen. It'll always be dear to my heart.

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Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts

Shout by JC

Vibrant and stylish from head to toe, its charming characters and stunning visuals and world more than compensate for some slight stumbles in plotting and pacing.

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Steven Universe Future
The Owl House
Mickey Mouse

Just superb. This made an entire generation care about Mickey Mouse, and the fact it's still going strong delights me to no end.

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The Midnight Gospel

The Midnight Gospel is a gorgeous, reflective show that didn't leave me feeling or thinking quite as much as it wanted me to. But for others, it'll really hit, and I appreciate the show for that and its honesty. Its no wonder Pendleton Ward was attracted to this show- Adventure Time had its share of navel gazing that many would feel seen or condescended by, or like me, alternate between the two. Midnight Gospel is similar in that respect. The animation is inspired, and remind me- in a good way- of the animatics and fan animation you'd see on Youtube, repurposing existing audio and transforming it, adding new context. Some episodes combine the audio and visuals better than others- my personal favorite is more episode 5 than probably the more universal favorite 8- but I think this is the type of show where each episode will have a staunch defender, where it reached someone particularly deeply. It may not change your life, but it doesn't have to. You don't have t take the show as gospel. Just listen.

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Adventure Time: Distant Lands

A wonderful sendoff to Adventure Time and all its various beautiful facets.

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The Underground Railroad
American Nightmare

Hilda’s a masterwork of fairy tale whimsey and danger, with visuals that delight the eyes and characters that’ll win your heart. Hilda and Johanna, and their relationship, are particularly affecting, with arcs that bubble through the entire series in surprising and compelling ways. I’ll miss it terribly and revisit it often, I have no doubt

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Central Park

Rip. Only one or two truly standout episodes, but I’ll always love The Shadow, and I’ve had many of the songs on repeat for the three years this show had. It was perfectly pleasant and comfortable to watch

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I'm a Virgo
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

This has to be my platonic ideal of the Turtles. It goes back to their fun roots (in animation, at least) with snappy writing and humor that's both outrageous and tongue in cheek. But it enhances that with gorgeous animation and fight scenes that are in the running for the best of western cartoons, rivaled only by the likes of Samurai Jack. It's unabashed fun, with earnestness and heart bursting in every frame, but as the finale episodes show, when they focus on plot and emotion they shine too. This show got a lot of flack for being so unabashedly different from its predecessors, but that daring makes it shine all the brighter. Now it's the one casting a shadow for whatever's next.

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When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts

Shout by JC

Necessary viewing. Hits just as hard decades later, cause we see the same government neglect today, and the same people are hit the hardest. All that tragedy could’ve been avoided at so many steps, or at least mitigated. They knew. They just didn’t care. This doc gives the victims a voice and gives a in depth portrait of every element of this tragedy.

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Star Wars: Visions

Shout by JC

Such a treat to see these different interpretations of the same world, with a variety of styles and tones. I hope there’s more some time.

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Middleditch & Schwartz

A blast from start to finish. Middleditch's and Schwartz's chemistry is electric- they're just two friends goofing around, and the way they incorporate the audience reinforces that. The atmosphere is so casual and fun that when they crack or get lost in their own stories it just adds to the comedy. I was left in tears by the end of each special, and there's no higher praise than that.

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The Eric Andre Show

Just amazing. You rarely get to see a creative's unfiltered vision like this, and every season Eric only gets more and more confident and daring. It may have started as a satire of the artificiality of talk shows and celebrities, but it evolved into more of a celebration of weirdness and just being balls to the walls wild. No wonder Eric wants to do this forever, and I hope he does.

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Looney Tunes Cartoons

Shout by JC

A nice callback to the classics, if rarely innovative. More Petunia Pig, please.

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Comedy Bang! Bang!

Comedy Bang Bang is a pleasant, winning slice of half hour comedy. It strikes a perfect balance between ambitious parodies, and charming old school cheese. It's the other side of The Eric Andre Show's coin, a parody of the talk show and comedy cliches but infused with affection and commitment to them. In my heart, it's still going to this day.

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Jessica's Big Little World

Very cute, sweet, and earnest show with good messages for little kids that deserved a lot more

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch

Shout by JC

Some highs highs, some banal lows. Worth watching for the visuals, action setpieces, and said highs, but I was always left wanting more. Outside of Crosshair and maybe Omega and Tech, there weren’t much arcs to care about. I still could not tell you what Wrecker’s arc was. Hunter didn’t have one beyond the ‘grizzled and weary dad caring for daughter figure’ we’ve seen a million times now. And Echo’s arc was ‘I can do more away from the Batch’, which was a feeling I often thought was true of the show. The Crosshair episodes of him slowly realizing the Empire was not worth fighting for and cared nothing for him and the clones were the high points, compelling and tragic and multifaceted in a way the missions of the week were not. But when he rejoins the Batch, this is lost for a season more concerned with setting up more spinoffs and, like most Star Wars these days not called Andor, setting up and rehabilitating the sequel trilogy. It’s a good enough show, but in comparison to Clone Wars and Rebels, it doesn’t fly as high or stick the landing as smoothly.

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Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV
Leaving Neverland
The Midnight Club

Shout by JC

Pretty schlocky fare that ain’t satisfy Flanagan diehards nor the young adults the show is hoping to attract. It never comes together, it’s overwrought and hokey, and never achieves unsettling, let alone scary. I do not mourn its cancellation; Netflix did us a favor

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The Fall of the House of Usher

Shout by JC

This one won me back on the Flanagan train for one simple reason- it’s mean. It’s sardonic, it’s bitter, even a bit righteously cruel. And that tone makes it a fresh standout in his collection of series. Sure, some of the satire is a bit blunt or heavy handed, but it’s sold with enough conviction by the performers and disdain in the script to shine, and there’s some killer shots with the deaths- the telltale heart’s big unveiling being the biggest highlight. The cast all give 100%, which helps a lot as this is as much anthology as it is straight horror drama. Usher puts a bit of darkness into a well trodded formula to make it really pop again.

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Midnight Mass
Into the Unknown: Making Frozen II

Shout by JC

Very similar to the Phantom Menace doc in how it tries to spin a fundamentally bleak and tragic story into a positive triumph and is all the bleaker for it. It both makes you appreciate and understand the hard work and artistry of the crew and how the finished film ended up the way it did. Constant revisions, too many heads trying to pull it into their direction, nobody willing to really put a foot down, focus tested to death, a release date they would not budge from. It’s no wonder how it ended up so muffled and so safe and so nothing. This is a far better watch than the actual film is, and worth the time for anyone interested in the grueling task of filmmaking, especially in the monolithic corporate structure of Disney.

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