Shout by JC

Some highs highs, some banal lows. Worth watching for the visuals, action setpieces, and said highs, but I was always left wanting more. Outside of Crosshair and maybe Omega and Tech, there weren’t much arcs to care about. I still could not tell you what Wrecker’s arc was. Hunter didn’t have one beyond the ‘grizzled and weary dad caring for daughter figure’ we’ve seen a million times now. And Echo’s arc was ‘I can do more away from the Batch’, which was a feeling I often thought was true of the show. The Crosshair episodes of him slowly realizing the Empire was not worth fighting for and cared nothing for him and the clones were the high points, compelling and tragic and multifaceted in a way the missions of the week were not. But when he rejoins the Batch, this is lost for a season more concerned with setting up more spinoffs and, like most Star Wars these days not called Andor, setting up and rehabilitating the sequel trilogy. It’s a good enough show, but in comparison to Clone Wars and Rebels, it doesn’t fly as high or stick the landing as smoothly.

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