Colorado Springs, Colorado

Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x02 Simon Petrikov
The Blackening

A fun, winning time, pure and simple. The cast is game and giving 100%, there’s some quality gags, a nice camaraderie, and a charming script. The story’s not as clever as it wants to be, but it doesn’t need to be, and seeing it in a theater with a bought in audience really completed the experience. Hope Tim Story gets to do more like this instead of FFs and Tom and Jerrys.

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Star Wars: Visions: 2x09 Aau's Song

So soft… so fuzzy… I wanted to hug everything in this world. And the dazzling visuals, the breathtaking lights… just a harmonious and soaring short to end on. Screecher’s Hole highlighted the horror and uncertainty of the Force, it’s terrible divinity and demonic temptation. This instead looked at it’s beauty, it’s gentle warmth and soothing sound. In a short few minutes I fell in love with the world and the father and daughter in it. I can’t wait for more of these visions.

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The Owl House: 3x03 Watching and Dreaming

Listen. Is it perfect? Obviously not- the first act especially is a bit rushed, and it can feel a bit stuffed, and even then couldn’t fit everything in. But that’s not it’s fault. The behind the scenes factors constrained it, and along those into account? I don’t see how it could have been done better. Gorgeous animation, a cathartic ending that made my heart full, and a perfect send off for Luz, Belos, and the show as a whole. Warm, heartfelt, and unabashedly weird and bursting with energy and love until the very end. Owl House was special, and it’ll live on for a long long time.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x08 Truth & Consequences (2)

Once again Bad Batch is best when it’s not focused on the Batch, and Echo leaving almost seems like an admission of that and defeat that he never really fit in the structure. The Palpatine twist is excellent, from his arrival to the performance. Bad Batch is an occasional anthology galaxy spanning series trapped in a formulaic adventure of the week A Team esque show, but the glimpses of the former make it worth it.

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Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

Listen just keep giving me these. Fun, intricately designed old school mystery movies with character actors allowed to really chew on something tackling class and the issues of the day. A two and a half hour manifesto on how Elon Musk is a dumbass. Make a hundred of these Rian, never stop.

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Atlanta: 3x06 White Fashion

“I haven’t paid for my own meals in 73 police shootings.”

Killer lines, and great parts for Alfred and Darius. Alfred getting invested in the thought of actually doing something and rubbing into the walls of the meaningless PR social Justice sphere when it’s funded by capitalism. And Darius just trying to exist and share something he enjoys and as ever the world pushing back on it. They’re hilarious, relatable, and tragic in their own ways. They know how this shit works, but they can’t help but want better sometimes, and then it reinforces their detachment. Earn’s and Vanessa’s storyline is a little more typical, but still engaging enough.

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Bob's Burgers: 12x11 Touch of Eval(uations)

Louise bonding with teachers and Kevin Kline singing. What more do you need?

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I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson: 2x03 You sure about that? You sure about that that's why?

The professor and court sketches were solid gold.

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Tuca & Bertie: 2x01 Bird Mechanics

It comes right out of the gate with the charm, creativity, gut busting gags, and surprising emotional gut punches. Dr Couch killed me. I love Tuca…

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Madame Web

Blatant, naked brand building. It’s not even bad in a fun way most of the time, just in a boring way. The shots are either inane or incompetent, the editing frantic and scattershot. Johnson’s fully checked out, the villain is painfully ADR’d and brings to bare the awful script, Ben and Mary are such hangovers of a previous script. The movie’s not about saving Peter Parker anymore. Even the three girls feel like leftovers from the Spider Women movie they could never get off the ground. You find yourself longing for the ridiculous lines and terrible deliveries to make fun of between the mind numbing plot. The movie takes place in 2003 and the villain explicitly uses tech brought on by the Patriot Act but it will not stop to comment on these things at all, it has nothing to do with what you would be generous to call the themes of the movie. It’s blatantly only to connect to Peter and to set up the villain, respectively, much like the movie itself. It’s yet another attempt to launch a Sony live action Spiderverse, and everything in the movie exists around that, inert and limp.

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The Color Purple
Platonic: 1x10 When Will Met Sylvia

It was surprisingly affecting seeing them realize their reconnection was fleeting. Two people can mean so much to each other, find each other again, change each other’s lives all over again, and then move apart again. And it doesn’t mean they weren’t important. What you had will never truly die. And if you’re lucky, you’ll see each other again, and be the person you only really are with them. Honestly, I don’t see a need for a second season. This is about as fitting an ending as I could imagine for this show.

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Leverage: Redemption: 2x11 The Belly of the Beast Job

It's really a treat to get a bird's eye zoomed out view of the Leverage crew and a personal reaffirming story of how even ordinary good people can make a difference

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Full of ups and downs but never boring, Atlanta was one of a kind

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x09 Nobody's Listening!

This show is unmatched. The rising tension. The fact that after Star Wars doing interrogation and torture so much it's become rote they made it terrifying and horrific again. The mini character arc for Kino in one episode. The family revelation that makes it so much richer. The last line!!! The acting!!! Especially Serkis as he processes and comes to grip with his lifeline and salvation being a cruel lie! And Gough's indignation and cruelty, the trembling snarl of her lip! And poor poor Arjona selling the trauma Bix is going through! This is television baby!

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Primal: 2x10 Echoes of Eternity
Bob's Burgers: 12x21 Some Like It Bot: Eighth Grade Runner (1)

Listen, this is BB in peak form. Funny, clever, oddly ambitious, and surprisingly hitting. The Blade Runner parody homages a classic while doing its own thing, and that musical number is up there with the show’s best. Got me teary eyed. Especially putting Tina and Bob side by side, highlighting where Tina’s anxiety and insecurity comes from. She’s her father’s daughter, and they’re both total and earnest weirdos that the world loves to tread on. The show doesn’t belabor the point, but it hits just right.

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The Sopranos: 2x10 Bust Out

Gandolfini deserves every bit of praise he got and continues to get as Tony.

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Tuca & Bertie: 2x10 The Flood

That ending left me grinning from ear to ear. Tuca and Bertie, still together, even through rocky waters. The two of them still on that balcony, skipping those damn pins across the water, was such a homey and comfortable vibe, one the ending narration reinforced. Tuca and Bertie season 2 doesn't end on a joke, it ends with gentle, loving tones, bidding us goodbye... but only for now. The gratitude and love radiating from the screen. Tuca and Bertie got a season 2 (and season 3!!!) thanks to the crew behind it first and foremost, but also because of us. Our love and connection with it helped it get picked up by AS, and while the show's always been empathetic, it's only increased this season. We were right there with Tuca and Bertie, and we'll be there again, like old friends. I'm so glad this show still exists and is still going strong.

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Stop Making Sense

Utter joy. It doesn't need interviews of talking heads (in multiple sense of the words) to convey the band's artistry, talent, and passion. It lets the performance speak for itself. The shots, both intimate and sweeping, are masterfully composed. Everyone on stage looks like the music is possessing them, most of all David Byrne. There's no self consciousness, no pretension. They'll dance with abandon, with endearing energy, with jerky motions and long jogs. The set and the effects on the other hand are filled with thought. And of course, the songs themselves are classic. I loved how with each song in the beginning more and more people would come on stage, giving things a sense of progression and community. All together, it's not hard to see why Stop Making Sense is viewed as one of the best concert films around.

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The Wicker Man
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

A fresh, innovative show that shows everything a reboot should be. It doesn't rehash its source material, but redefines it, and in the process, eclipses it. In every way, it is adapted for today, with a diverse cast, sharp writing, and emotional and passionate writing. So many kids will watch this and be not only engrossed, but seen. It'll always be dear to my heart.

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Hilda: 3x06 Chapter 6: The Forgotten Lake

My favorite part of the show has always been Hilda’s and Johanna’s relationship, so this episode really hit the spot. Johanna tries so hard to cheer Hilda up and connect with her when Hilda mentions she can be overprotective, perhaps learning from the past. The first half is so sweet and soft, making the sudden shift into tense cat and mouse horror all the more jarring and effective. Johanna’s voice work and expressions go hand in hand in showing a mother desperate and determined to protect her child, and her declaration to never let Hilda go really hit me. On top of that the thing is performed with this horrible majesty, of unknowable age, making it both scary and oddly engrossing. Its rumination of what it is sticks with me. And Hilda saying she’ll gladly remember this trip with her mom is the capper to an excellent episode.

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Bob's Burgers: 14x01 Fight at the Not Okay Chore-ral
FLCL: 4x01 Shinpachi
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake: 1x01 Fionna Campbell

An interesting set up that could go either way. I don’t know if I need Adventure Time to tell me work sucks. I know. But there’s enough hints planted here of Fionna being a part of her problem, like rejecting a roller derby invitation that could be exactly the excitement she’s looking for right after saying the universe is sending her signs that I could see this being about how the magic we fantasize about is around us in ways we wouldn’t expect. Either way, I’m intrigued for more, and that’s the job of a first episode.

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