


Steve Jobs

That's it world you don't need another flick about Jobs.. this is IT.
I'm telling you i've never loved a biopic as much as this before

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The Wire: 3x11 Middle Ground

there goes the saddest bromance ever

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It got this documentary feel in a way that emphasize the story credibility like those are real reporters and real victims notnot some reenactment of event. That's what makes spotlight special also the incredible cast obviously

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20 minutes in and i'm already in love with Humphrey Bogart

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Now i've managed to see the finale and say goodbye to one of the best shows i've ever lived through, i can gather my thoughts:
I said lived through and i really mean it, as I saw myself in Amantha a lot of times and wished for more of her strength and heroism. Amantha's role in the show always resembled a strong link that binds the story together.

One thing was perfectly highlighted this season, is the clinically depressed mother and how it was affecting her children all along and how they can never unburden themselves from it. Another thing worth mentioning here is the soft jokes that slipped in this season and drew a smile on our faces without any forcing.

All in all, we leave the characters at a good place despite all the hurt they've endured and all the subtle farewells in their last lines.
So Farewell Rectify i hope TV will create something like you one day.

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Slow West

Turns out channeling Wes Anderson in a Western can be quite amusing

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Top Gun

i'll never get tired of it

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Never Look Away

So beautiful i did not want to look away for the whole three hours, and by the rolling credits i was clapping enthusiastically in my head!

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Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel is here to pull the rug from under 'em all MCUs !!

The plot, the action, the friendship "instead of the usual romantic interest" the OTP of Carol and Fury, the cat! the 90's references, I just can't wait to see it again.. and again

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a testament from old hollywood that movies are the most powerful influence ever created

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Great mastery/supernatural story that's in the core of it, it's only about a girl finding her strength to be herself in world that is trying to suppress her.
The lead Eili Harboe, the overall visuals are beautifully haunting. Joachim trier never disappoints

i loooooved the ending!! killing her father with the one thing that he tried to scare her with, and healing her mother because she accidentally caused her pain when she was little and had no control over her powers

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Battle of the Sexes

Smartly done writing kept the irony subtle in a event where all arguments and discussions are still relevant, sadly. Brilliant cast brought color to the story and made me watch and laugh at the stupidity of the chauvinists rather than getting infuriated

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The Zookeeper's Wife

Bless Jessica Chastain we don't deserve her

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Nocturnal Animals

Nocturnal Animals is your favorite worst nightmare. Dark twisted semi-violent story keeps u on edge, with top notch acting.
All those vivid visuals plus somewhat kubrick-ish scenes makes me wish my eyes would stop blinking for a whole two hours just so i don't miss a thing

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i don't know much about the technicality of animation all i know is that i want to swim in their ocean and lay under their sky is that too much to ask ?

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brilliant documentary reflects the soul and heart of the greatest band of my generation, what sets this apart is having them tell the story in their own words sweat & tears..the Oasis story not the media version of it .

They're made out of things that lasts forever.

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Louder Than Bombs

Felt like reading a good book, the characters narrate their stories in 3rd person as if they're somewhere outside their lives

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by the closing credit i burst into tears even though it's a happy ending but something about the little girl POV made it different

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Sea of Love
  • You still drink coffee?
  • Like it's going out of style.
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The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Too weird for my liking, for me i think Yorgos style works better in syfi like The Lobster. The good thing about this is Nicole Kidman finally paying homage to her character in Eyes Wide Shut

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Collateral Beauty

wipes a tear and slow clap

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Hidden Figures

The Badass film of the year, enough said.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

i'm a mess and you're a disaster

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Knight of Cups

the meditation of Terrence Malick where in you're bound to get lost with the character and his rigorous search for meaning

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Carey Mulligan owning each moment while turning from passive working class women into a fighter for the cause. Honestly i expected more but still worth the watch

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My ear still ringing from the killer soundtrack and my head still turning from the plot and my heart still swooning over the suits. Can't wait for my second viewing !

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Pain and Glory

It dragged and i had to pause a few times but it was also intense, i'll probably be thinking about that ending for the next couple of days

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Best DC movie since forever !!

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Yet another great film from Nadine Labaki. Deeply moved by Zain's relation with his sister Sahar, a child trying to protect another child from getting married, well that speaks volumes!
And boy do Lebanese dictionary just filled with creative swears

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My head is still spinning and i don't know what to make of this

but just in case... All hail Tilda !

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