



My ear still ringing from the killer soundtrack and my head still turning from the plot and my heart still swooning over the suits. Can't wait for my second viewing !

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Pain and Glory

It dragged and i had to pause a few times but it was also intense, i'll probably be thinking about that ending for the next couple of days

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Retro Gotham Rocks! Mesmerizing soundtrack and visuals .. helluva performance

Forget the famed stairs scene, the Joker dancing alone in a public restroom is my jam

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Dark Phoenix

Weak story aside, this is a good excuse to see your fav X-Men in action one more time.. Jessica Chastain presence is good enough for me even though I wanted a damn Mexican standoff between her character and James' and I wanted more of this movie but I walked out of the theater with stupid grin on my face.. that's a win I guess!

The Train scene with Magneto being total BADASS :cupid:

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Avengers: Endgame

Shout by Wejdan
BlockedParent2019-04-30T17:19:24Z— updated 2019-05-06T16:49:10Z

It's the perfect better sweet ending, the full circle and a whole range of emotions. I can't think of the last film that i was laughing in one scene and completely shattered in the next ( and both with tears for dramatic effect)

I Love You 3000

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Best DC movie since forever !!

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Never Look Away

So beautiful i did not want to look away for the whole three hours, and by the rolling credits i was clapping enthusiastically in my head!

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Yet another great film from Nadine Labaki. Deeply moved by Zain's relation with his sister Sahar, a child trying to protect another child from getting married, well that speaks volumes!
And boy do Lebanese dictionary just filled with creative swears

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Shout by Wejdan
BlockedParent2019-03-24T18:12:03Z— updated 2019-04-07T04:51:59Z

It seems like a simple story from the get going, but the more you think/ read about it the more you unravel something. Layering as tool that Peels certainly likes to play with. Dark comedy/ horror mixed pretty well together here

Lupita gave an extraordinary performance, hate to see it go unappreciated throughout the year. Elisabeth added A LOT with just a few scenes.

SPOILERS why didn't Ade get back up sooner instead of pulling a full on revenge on the whole world ?!

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Triple Frontier

Slow paced heist with great action and A class cast .. Candor did it again! ( yes i'm referring to A Most Violent Year )

" You did everything right, you deserve this."

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If Beale Street Could Talk

The women of this film are extremely remarkable.. they are the ones doing miracles in this story. Filmmakers should take notes !

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Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel is here to pull the rug from under 'em all MCUs !!

The plot, the action, the friendship "instead of the usual romantic interest" the OTP of Carol and Fury, the cat! the 90's references, I just can't wait to see it again.. and again

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Green Book

I'm here for Linda Cardellini and Mahershala Ali the rest is baloney... said Viggo Mortensen overdoing an Italian accent

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Sea of Love
  • You still drink coffee?
  • Like it's going out of style.
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My head is still spinning and i don't know what to make of this

but just in case... All hail Tilda !

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A Star Is Born

I think Bradley made a pretty solid remake , glamorous yet grounded and realistic

**** Lady Gaga is A FORCE OF NATURE ****

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Gosford Park

So rich of characters and full of subplots and gossip, quite the fix for Downton Abbey's nostalgia indeed

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Crazy Rich Asians

Cute but overrated don't @ me

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First Reformed

well to be honest i wasn't ready for a heavy film, what a way to deliver such message!

P.s. was the ending supposed to feel like an alternative shot?

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Everybody Knows

The unspoken emotions, the unsaid words and the undone actions deliver such powerful plot with rewording climax joined with mesmerizing performances from Penelope and Javier

It has Farhadi’ signature all over it, it's brilliant how he captures the messiness that bound to come with families and people’s irrational behavior to cope with their cultural values or boundaries

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Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

Lily James absolutely shines in this role

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Tale of Cinema

" I don't think you really understood the film "

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Marvel's Daredevil

Daredevil sets an example of how a comic hero show should be handled, give the fandom something grounded and deep, character development without exposing it to ridicule, and their hearts will be bursting with joy with each scene.
i have to praise the performances too, as i cant imagine daredevil without Charlie Cox, or Karen Page without the terrified look in Deb' eyes or any of them without leaning on Foggybear!

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Solid political thriller, superb performances, especially pleased with the Arab cast. Bonus : Jon Hamm speaks broken Lebanese in almost every other scene

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Whit Stillman is the best when it comes to capturing early adulthood anxieties

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Phantom Thread

Poetic cinema, and It was shot without a DP yet every frame is a painting !!

Relationship between main characters is pure mommy issues, Reynolds Woodcock is lacking the mother figure so the role alternate between his sister Cyril ( fearless strong exercises authority ) and Lover/ Muse Alma (loving caring possessive)

So in conclusion, phantom thread is about mother-child relationship and it should be right up there with I, Tonya and Lady Bird

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So psyched to see Carey Mulligan play a badass pregnant crime deductive! and casting Ahd is the BEST having an Arab playing an Arab is finally done right, the whole show was done right

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Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool

Annette and Jamie act the heart break and the bittersweet romance in this real life story of the love affair between Gloria Grahame after her hollywood prime and some rocky theater actor. Sadly this film got lost among the competition of last year

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My Night at Maud's

The most intellectual script, Maud's character is very interesting even though she had very little to work with

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Thor: Ragnarok

It's a Tie, between Thor Ragnarok and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 !

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