

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Dexter: New Blood

Shout by Gloom8
BlockedParent2021-11-03T21:13:23Z— updated 2022-01-10T10:17:53Z

Can't wait to see this train wreck.

It wasn't a train wreck. It was a decent solid one-shot series. Especially comparatively to the original series. There was one pretty big forced "meet up" in order to connect two shows let just put it this way. But other than that the longer it went the more Dexter and an idea of him would clash with realistic reactions from normal human beings around him.

I always hoped that OG series would one day go there. It never actually did. This one delivered.

p.s. Do not click on replies unless you saw the show.

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Attack on Titan: 4x20 Memories of the Future
Rick and Morty: 5x10 Rickmurai Jack

Well, Canon was definitely delivered. Damn.

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The Tomorrow War

Edge of Tomorrow surprisingly worked. The Tomorrow War unsurprisingly didn't.

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Attack on Titan: 4x14 Savagery
Squid Game: 1x09 One Lucky Day

Well... PTSD is a bitch.

Some people do love their happy ending)
Ending made perfect sense. First of all, the old guy was right. Second of all, our main character is a bit selfish if he cared about his mother first thing that would actually came to his mind would be medical treatment, not buying her a shop. If he would actually cared about his daughter, he would have met with her during that first year. If he would actually cared about fulfillment of his promise he would have helped her brother in the first year and also wouldn't just push his responsibilities on Sangwoo's mother.
And to top it all off, he is lying to himself about the reasons why he is coming back. He is coming back for himself, for his pride and for the feel of being alive. Not to topple old aholes club.

It was an ok series. Acting was over the top in too many scenes. I mean it was a decent allegory for capitalism I will give creators that.

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Such a weird combination. Not scary or disgusting enough to be a horror; Not original enough to be interesting sci-fi. Not clever enough to be considered social commentary. And doesn't care enough about it's own characters to be good personal drama.

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Attack on Titan: 4x28 The Dawn of Humanity

That damn soundtrack choice at the end. Ooh boy.
No such thing exist as a noble goal for war. Just pointless deaths and crimes.

1st half and 2nd half of episode worked really well on it's own. Second one was better drawn for sure. Anime made Rumbling ten times more horrifying with their movements and vaporizing heat.
But I'm still kinda in favor of leaving ch. 123 where it was in timeline. Lightheartedness of it worked better when future atrocities at the end of the chapter were implied, but not yet committed by Eren.

Won't probably see how Mappa will end it all in 2023...
I'm happy for people of freeworld that going to see this antiwar masterpiece of a saga coming to an end. Хуй войне!

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Harley Quinn: 3x03 The 83rd Annual Villy Awards

For those who don't know about hilarious censorship that happened to the scene between Batman and Catwoman.

Speaking on the creative freedom that comes with writing villains rather than heroes, Halpern gave the example of a moment in the upcoming third season of the animated series where Batman was originally meant to be "going down" on Catwoman. Unfortunately, the higher ups at DC were having none of it.

"They're like, 'Heroes don't do that,'" said Halpern. "So we said, 'Are you saying heroes are just selfish lovers?' They were like, 'No, it's that we sell consumer toys for heroes. It's hard to sell a toy if Batman is also going down on someone.'"

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Attack on Titan: 4x22 Thaw

Thank you, Mappa! So many great shots. That was amazing! Brought back memories of simple days of AoT for a second there.

"Someone tries to talk to me
And signpost the righteous road
My animal inside
Can now be tamed to go
Over the wall
We're gonna let it
Get back, get back
But is it worth the price of our soul?
You know you had to
Kill her, kill her!
And if we get out, get out
We've got to learn to live free, live free
We'll live a life without barricades"

Oh, that damn song, with those damn lyrics. Still so good!

Lovely parallels between Gabi and Eren with that mirror scene. One particular titan's cameo were more noticeable in manga, through lol

I can't believe that half of my crackship just realised that hardening no longer the main issue :smirk:

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Attack on Titan: 4x21 From You, 2,000 Years Ago

After this episode, end credits of season 2 (!) are finally spoiler free!
It only took us 43 episodes to get here.
Worldbuilding in AoT is insane.

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Attack on Titan: 4x13 Children of the Forest

Perfect set up for the next episode.

"That's all you ever talk about, huh? Kill, kill, kill... You remind me of a certain someone..."
Hell yeah! Can't wait for "the talk" scene.

I was surprised where they chose to cut Levi's storyline. But oh well, I can wait a week)

For any manga readers out here:
No spoilers, just... Doesn't it often feels like anime mocking us? Like when episode with Ymir safely running away came out in the manga we got chapter with the Letter. And now this? Damn.

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Attack on Titan: 4x27 Retrospective

Shout by Gloom8

So many deaths. Connie and Jean killing people they know is somehow especially hard to watch. Annie breakdown at the end. She doesn't want to kill Eren. Even after knowing what he started.
SnK always excelled at showing cost of taking human life from a different perspective. Flipping heroes and enemies once again. Allowing Yeagerists to take a role of horrified soldiers that fight "for what is right and their families" against ruthless enemies. I love reference to Opening of season 2, with Mikasa instead of Armin, for that reason specifically. But also Armin simultaneously has the highest killcount as a titan and lowest as a human, huh.

There are a couple of plotpoints that feel better like Shadis's sacrifice and the whole plan weirdly enough. Falco's form not so much... I never got used to it in the manga and it still looking freaking weird. Mappa almost made me sympathetic towards Floch's demise in a body of bloody water. Almost. Rot in hell, Floch!

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Attack on Titan: 4x09 Brave Volunteers

Shout by Gloom8
BlockedParent2021-02-07T19:50:43Z— updated 2021-03-24T22:31:11Z

I keep forgetting how often perception of the most innocent scenes can quickly change in SnK. Oh boy!

The pace felt just right. Voice-acting added alot to the familiar scenes. Marvelous work all around
p.s. if only they would stop cutting small lore details for attentive viewers

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BoJack Horseman: 6x14 Angela

This is getting harder and harder to watch.

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Rick and Morty: 6x01 Solaricks

"I thought I was better than this. Dramatic voice over while stranded in space? I-I guess when you're dying, the first thing to go is your creativity."
Me: Nice reference to "Final Space"...
Them: Avengers: Endgame

Oh, well.

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Attack on Titan: 4x23 Sunset

Red sky for the Rumbling - gift that keeps on given. It allowed flashback and Marley's part of the episode to standout in particular. I love how much they focused on destruction and casualties. I liked Armin's outburst, Annie spilling her guts and of course comeback of a Harmless man.

Boy, does Floch have a way with words. The moment he encourage someone to go in the direction they were already going, it always works out as final wake-up call.

Btw, Mappa adapted ch. 125 panel to panel. Only 5 episodes left. Damn, what a choice of a chapter for cliffhanger:bangbang:
I hope movie is already in the works. In the pandemic years are flying by anyway..

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Attack on Titan: 4x20 Memories of the Future
Rick and Morty: 5x02 Mortyplicity

Post credit scene was so good.

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Attack on Titan: 4x16 Above and Below
Attack on Titan: 4x03 The Door of Hope

Shout by Gloom8
BlockedParent2020-12-21T21:41:27Z— updated 2022-03-06T13:38:20Z

Would have been perfect, if it wasn't for breakneck pacing. Bertholdt's dream and Annie's meeting suffered the most.
I don't understand why they skipped Annie's part in taking the Wall... Different viewpoint should have brought additional info on the table. I mean it's not important, they still show Colossal Titan exhausted and on it knees nice juxtaposition to the iconic moment and also explanation for weird footprints from season 1 and Dina walking by thanks Annie It just odd and felt more impactful in the manga.
If anyone interested in the panels with Annie's part in the plan:

Also kinda surprised that they didn't emphasized on trio first and changed focus to warriors here:
But oh well. At least Mappa didn't f**ed up anything important, yet. Unlike the whole Uprising Arc... so I'm happy as hell. Great episode.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 3x08 A Jewish Girl Walks Into the Apollo…

Amazing finale episode! What a season for characters up and downs. It was great, hilarious and heartbroken. Funny at first I thought that her jokes crossed the line, especially in that day and age. And that they gonna hint at it in Shy's performance, but they didn't and I thought "oh well apparently I overthink it". Nevermind...
Reggie stand out character of the season for me, mannerisms, movement even. Casting, definitely, is the show best part.

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Attack on Titan: 3x20 That Day

We are finally here! I'm happy for anime-only watchers I hope they would stick around cause that just a tip of an iceberg for the real story of AoT: worldbuilding, plot, and character development it's all just started basically.

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Attack on Titan: Special 36 The Final Chapters Special (1)

First half (The Rumbling) was perfect. Ramzi, hell everything manage to hit the right note and went beyond my expectation.
Second half (Sinners) was on par with the manga.
R.I.P. Hange.

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Attack on Titan: 4x17 Judgment

How many spoilers do you want?
Mappa: Yes!

Hey, when "My war" opening came out I saw alot of people complaining that it showed "nothing" even through it did showed/mentioned a couple of key elements of the story, mostly from the current part for some reason now you guys saw... alot.

Poor Levi, that was rough to see, with the close up on the fingers and his face. And also Hi manga-spoiler Ymir it's being a minute I mean it's truely beautifully directed. There are so many stuff added in between the panels. I truly admire the way Mappa sets the scene and mood. I don't know what to say, it's pretty much perfect.

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Superstore: 3x06 Health Fund

I will never understand how one country can spend the most out of all and yet be so inefficient with it comparably to half if not more of EU members. The punchline of the joke is all about how unachievable and naive it was. Where previously it focused on how ridiculous that this basic human right is not a thing. Weird angle.

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The Witcher: 2x06 Dear Friend...

Did they kill Плотву?! For real? Damn..

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Doom Patrol: 3x02 Vacay Patrol

How the hell this show keeps it characters to behave in such a specific human way among completely batshit insane plotlines and props?! Why the hell is so believable?
Man, Garguax... I felt it. What a guy.

Part of me wonders was that a wink and a nod to Umbrella academy?

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Rick and Morty: 5x04 Rickdependence Spray

Damn, how much work went into building up ridiculous plot points and characters in order to make fun of "pro life" agenda in the end...
I love it. Could be less disgusting although I appreciate the restrain on the details unlike in dragon's episode

"You became a woman today" punchline that caught me off guard. So good.

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Attack on Titan: 4x15 Sole Salvation