

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

The Master and Margarita

I'm curious would anyone, who didn't read the book, understand anything besides love affair between Master and Margarita? I'm not sure. Wild story. Interesting interpretation of Bulgakov's life.

Palpable critique of USSR (as was in the book), current Russia and allusions to Nazi Germany and surprisingly to trials of McCarthyism era;

Should have left out Satan's Ball and shootout between the Cat and NKVD's officers... Just because those scenes were memorable and important parts of the book doesn't mean they should have stayed untouched.

p.s. How the hell this film got past censorship and ended up coming to theaters I don't understand. I just assumed it was toothless that's why it got greenlight. I was wrong.

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X-Men '97

Believe the hype.
So many memorable lines and scenes. Great dialogue, iconic imagery, clear themes and, yet, writers managed not to make their world black & white.

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X-Men '97: 1x10 Tolerance Is Extinction (3)

"Oh, dear" you can say that again, Hank.

After Phoenix Saga and Spider-man's clones shenanigans none of this seems far fetched or too comicbooky lol
So sure, why not throw Apocalypse into alternative past, present and maybe future with X-Men. For some reason, I'm very glad that none of them caught up to a present day.

Two questions:
- Why daughter of Magneto is currently "off world"?!
- Is that a hint that Peter finally found the real Mary Jane after cruel cliffhanger that we got? Oh, yeah she and Jean can share some stories

p.s. can we, please, get real Colossus in season 2? Kurt was the best "new" addition to the team.
Overall, X-Men'97 were awesome.

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X-Men '97: 1x09 Tolerance Is Extinction (2)

Goddammit... This show just doesn't stop. Everybody wrong, everybody right. I understand motivation of every single character here.

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X-Men '97: 1x08 Tolerance Is Extinction (1)

Shout by Gloom8

Dialogue is the key.

I'm not talking about the conflict in X-men, but why so many episodes of the series felt impactful, fresh, poignant.
Visuals are incredibly creative, be it fight (any), ability (Kurt's teleporting) or contemplation (Auschwitz's shadow). Its both cinematic and faithfully limited to the movement of the OG series.

But, in my opinion, only in combination with handful of lines, one sentence sometimes, do those scenes feel heavy, very character focused and forever relatable. Sadly, even "Never again" feels beyond tainted

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Fallout: 1x04 The Ghouls

Shout by Gloom8

Was it so necessary for the plot to turn every ghoul into an addict timebomb in the show? Some people can overcome psychological damage and some don't. Same with ghouls some are feral, some just don't.

More importantly it makes the supposedly "cool guy" into a blameless victim that forced to do ugly things in order to survive. That's cheap. Vault's part was better, but at the same time both storylines were too predictable to be satisfying.

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X-Men '97: 1x07 Bright Eyes

I don't know where that road would lead us, but for now, once again, amazing.
All odd number episodes were near perfect or perfect.

p.s. I'm surprised they didn't used Total eclipse of the Heart with that title. Creators have iron will ;)

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Fallout: 1x03 The Head

I can't remember single item that costs 5c in either F3 or F4. Between this one and shoprunner willing to risk their life for 1000 caps, I think show created it's own economy or Wasteland gone through redenomination. Or even timeline with lack of mentioning of China.

Show doesn't getting better, but my expectation starting to adjust to pure nostalgia level of soundtrack, low level jokes/gore and other stupid bs. I honestly don't get the high praise.

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Fallout: 1x02 The Target

Grandma carried the whole exchange there. She was awesome.

Did they replaced China with USSR in the show? Shame. It was an unique part of the lore.

It just occurred to me that they never said who dropped the bombs. If it's done purely to not piss off Chinese government that would be hilarious.

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Fallout: 1x01 The End

idk setting felt very fan made. Not in a good way. Dear lord that slow-mo fight... almost killed any desire to watch further. Maybe if it was done as clear V.A.T.S. node and wink it could have worked for me. At least keep it around main character pov so you get a nice mix of both.

- Naive vault dweller - she nailed the combo of satire, absurd comedy and brutal violence in her acting. Works.
- Fan of Brotherhood of Steel - I care as much about him, as I did about all of those fanatics in the games. "This is unfair" scene felt like utter bs. Injured person was more interesting than him.
- The Ghoul supposedly to be the cool character. His scene dragged on, felt like a parody. Make up/effects on him look good. That's about it.

And most importantly it felt very boring. Not necessary the show problem. I feel like being familiar with the world worked against the narrative.

I heard so much praise... maybe it will get better in a couple of episodes, hopefully?

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X-Men '97: 1x06 Lifedeath (2)

If 4th episode covered only Lifedeath it would have been more cohesive and felt earned. On solid 8 or even more thanks to the visuals. You can even tease next episode with Storm reacting to news just not showing audience what did she saw. So timeline would be still intact.

Jubilee didn't need that arc, she gone through it already in the series. Don't get me wrong visuals were amazing, resolution not so much. And it would allowed Xavier's storyline some needed time for me to believe that he is gonna do it.

Main concern for the future episodes... Unlike with the first half of the series, where each episode changed status quo in some way, with masterfully done final nail, second half feels like a promise of rapid return to status quo.
Part of me hopes it's a false one. At least for season 1.

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X-Men '97: 1x05 Remember It

This has no right to be so good. Happy nation, huh... who would have thought.

I love how they are using dialogue is this revival. Every character is communicating in it's own specific way, solely from their perspective. It should have being obvious and default approach for any media, but it's so often neglected. I'm looking at you Invincible's writers.

I love they approach to Magneto costume aside one panel is all you need. Using train, speaking his native German. So simple, so effective.
Part of me really wants for disruption of status quo to stick with Gambit, Magneto, Storm etc. New reality the rest of the characters would have to live in. But with return of Cable it's probably gonna be reset.

p.s. Hearing Gambit and Rogue real speech is still pretty trippy, not gonna lie. That's why subs are superior they don't change big part of characters identity, culture for no good reason.

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X-Men '97: 1x01 To Me, My X-Men

Shout by Gloom8

Happy nation sounds positively haunting in that rendition.

Kudos, they kept themes, values and characters all intakt. This series always felt ahead of it's time... and product of it's time. So, X-men being corny is actually spot-on thing. Honestly feels like seamless transition, to how I remember X-men at least, including plot continuation.

I only wish my child self would remember what happened to Charles exactly. I think he was somehow trapped inside Jean's mind... maybe kid's drawings are hint to Jean's childhood? So, maybe Phoenix is in the cards, heh. I like slight adjustment with FOH treatment.

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The Expanse: 4x03 Subduction
The Expanse: 3x13 Abaddon's Gate

I can't believe they, for the first time ever, did a proper final at the last episode of the season. Crazy.
2nd part of Season 3 was incredible and everything I was hoping the series would be since very promising 1st half of season 1.
Finally, Bobbie grew on me. For some reason Mao's daughter did it instantly. Not as a person, but fascinating character to watch.

Drummer alive and the show is better for it.

On thematic level it's kinda messy. So the lesson here is that unethical sacrifices of thousands of people paves the way for progress. Once again. Who would have thought...
No, but seriously. After crusade against "von Braun", his work and his benefactor. Turned out that Eros was anthill, but simultaneously "let's finally work together and not fire at the problem as a solution".

Let's keep the maniacs who painted the world red in prison, but also let's not worry ourselves with the ethics of sharing fruits of their labour and trust ancient civilization that didn't find ethical way to obtain "building material for the road".

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The Expanse: 3x07 Delta-V

What a start to a new season... in episode 7. Damn. From now on I assuming that midseason is where an actual final happening.

Are we doing Stargate?! That's awesome! That would be one hell of expansion.
After season 1 I thought time shenanigans would be part of the package, but the writers shifted attention from 2 instances of protomolecule knowing what gonna happened before hand. Now it's some sort of a record of a random phrase. Why Holden, through?

I think that premonitions is some kind of form of Arrival plot point. Past/Present/Future all happening simultaneously for people that gonna be infected with protomolecule. So next one gonna be Holden.

As for Stargate, I think it won't be:
1) about Invasion. Maybe aliens wanted to conquer all, millions of years ago, but simply grow out of it.
2) Maybe it's technological help for less advanced civilization and the show gonna turn into Star Trek which would be kinda fun. More realistic, cynical version of Star Trek.
3) My money is on time travel paradox of us, humanity, at the end of the series sending this thing back in order to start the cycle.

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The Expanse: 3x02 IFF

Shout by Gloom8

Second Russian character. Cool.
I'm gonna pretend that she was born in the States to explain away misgendering in her last name.
But the choice of her last name is a bit funny. Safe for kids version of expression "вола водить" (vola vodit') basically means "to bullshit someone". Professional bullshitter as a last name for speechwriter is quite fitting)
I was wondering how did they legally justified going after Mao's relatives... turned out they simply didn't give a damn.

Please, can we not go with the angle of Mao suddenly feeling bad for ordering experiments on kids? How many kids did he killed on Eros? It won't humanize him, it would just turn him into indecisive executioner.

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The Expanse: 2x04 Godspeed

Shout by Gloom8

Hey, Holden symbolically killed himself by killing off truth teller.
Finally made a conscious choice with a heavy price. I hope writers not gonna brush it off.

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The Expanse: 2x03 Static

Shout by Gloom8

I'm on "evil" scientists side. No point in stopping now or destroying unethically obtained data. If we did it irl, 2 countries wouldn't have had space programs in the 60s.

Martians would be perfectly fine trope, except that they all overacting I don't by their nationalism or comradery.
Water thief overacted, but it works for his character. Same with the scientist that actually did great job selling his obsession. Martians just time bomb at this point. I got used to odd scene or two from Holden and Miller.

Amos is my favorite character and I usually hate those type of characters. Cudos to writers and actor on making it work. They sidelined Naomi hard this season, sadly.

Are they hinting on Julie being alive in some form? Let me guess, stupidly emotional, Miller gonna abort his plan of destruction the moment he will see some form of Julie on Eros, right?

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The Expanse: 2x01 Safe

I have a feeling this series goes in all the wrong directions last couple of episodes. Animosity felt forced and assassination attempt just plain old weird. I'm hoping that it won't switch genres or quality in character writing.
Season 1 was great, if they will manage to do something interesting with "Leviathan" later, it would make season 1 perfect retroactively.

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The Expanse: 1x10 Leviathan Wakes

Shout by Gloom8

I'm of two minds about the Reveal. Characterwise the last 3 episodes are everything I was asking for. Execution was pretty close to being perfect. Characters weren't allowed to do the dumb trope thing either by themselves or thanks to Amos or Miller's friend. Naomi becomes idealistic at the worst possible time is fair character evolution.

"Leviathan" itself was pretty much what I was afraid it's gonna be since episode 1. Thematically it doesn't work for me at all.
Class conflict and environmental issues were such a strong, grounded part of the show that it was enough for me without some sort of premonition (Julie last vision before death, presumably) and that level of bioweapon (probably not a weapon at all).

With the whole shtick of "this thing will save us all"... I kinda at lose what could this thing possibly solve? Wars (hivemind type of solution)? Diseases? Death? Terraforming? Fast-travel? Time travel?
So far, it cheapen overall impression of worldbuilding and themes that first half of the season set up.

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The Expanse: 1x07 Windmills

Shout by Gloom8

I hope that adventure like lightheartedness that crew is having right now is intentional storytelling point. Including Miller conversation with Amos along side with "not seeing tragedy behind the comedy of Don Quixote" comment is a giant hint that current stand-in for main character gonna get reality check or pay the price personally. I don't mean Holden's death, I mean having his hands get abit red.

Because so far, majority of characters and factions felt morally gray. And Holden doesn't belong in that sort of story, yet.
Amos on the other hand has a potential to become very interesting character with viewpoint that is usually badly done and I, usually, don't give a shit about.

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The Expanse: 1x05 Back to the Butcher

Shout by Gloom8

The best one so far.
They finally made Miller interesting to follow. Thanks to him not buying into bribe (that was probably just set up anyway) and not giving a shit about New Guy apparently his name is Dimitri, how curious. I can't quite read the roots of his obsession with solving the case. Did they imply that it's about pride more than anything else or maybe I'm reading to much into his remark about his own abilities. Either way he doesn't feel like walking cliche now.

That the first time where I felt that Naomi wasn't reasonable. The easiest answer would be that Johnson killed (or took a fall for) somebody she cared for or that he is her father. And she hates that now he is more Catholic than the pope. I like that they do something different with her character. So far Holden is the least interesting out of all of them.

Such a fitting name for the ship. Would not called it "work horse" perse or maybe our translation was far off from Cervantes's idea.

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The Expanse: 1x04 CQB

Shout by Gloom8

Called it! Policeman is alive.
On the other hand, I did not expected that they would kill comedic relief after saving him for some odd reason a couple of episodes ago. You win some, you lose some.

I love almost everything and everyone in this show, but I'm afraid that it gonna turn into Aliens. Could it be time travel or wormhole to some 3rd power force or something like that? I would prefer that big time.

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The Expanse: 1x03 Remember the Cant

Shout by Gloom8

Damn, quite impressive and consistent approach to every faction: they all kinda right, they all doing shitty things to keep their head above the water. And everyone afraid of one another.

That freaking language is killing me. It sounds Jamaican, Slavic, French, Spanish, German depending on the person who speaks it.
I'm wondering if anybody turn it into a real thing after so many seasons.

With established high level of medicine on Earth, I'm kinda assuming that the new guy going to be alive.

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Rick and Morty: Season 7

The most uneven season so far. The highs were high and the lows were very low. No middle ground.
I forgot what original voice even sounded like by the 4th episode.

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Rick and Morty: 7x09 Mort: Ragnarick

I guess the goal was to reference videogames - battle royals in general and Assassin's Creed for some odd reason instead of doing anything funny or satirical with religions. Hey, it was better than the last one anything would be better than the last one.
The good ones this season all revolved around characters interactions in any meaningful by this show standards way.

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Better Call Saul: 1x10 Marco

Shout by Gloom8

I was so sure that cough that usually means death flag in TV land was just a red herring, maybe indicator of Jimmy assuming the worst when in reality nothing ever changes in the life of Marco and Slippin Jimmy.

I don't know something feels off with the show. I can't put my finger on what's missing. All new characters are solid so far.

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Rick and Morty: 7x08 Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie

Of course it sucked, it based on Star Wars mocks generic plotlines in a very uninspiring fashion.

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Rick and Morty: 7x05 Unmortricken

Oh, thank god it's over. And in just one episode! Wonderful.

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