


Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x07 The Viewing
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x06 Dreams in the Witch House

This episode started out okay, almost promising, but towards the end became comically bad. The scene in the church was like something out of a horror parody movie. I have not read the original Lovecraft story, but I doubt this does it any justice.

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Ancient Apocalypse
The Witcher: 3x07 Out of the Fire, Into the Frying Pan

Painfully boring episode. I tuned out completely, no idea if I missed anything of value

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The Last of Us: 1x05 Endure and Survive

Melanie Lynskey (Kathleen as the “leader”) is absolutely not fit for this role lmao. It was already apparent in the previous episode, but this one cements it. Some actors get typecast for a reason, and there’s a reason why Lynskey is usually the awkward goofy lighthearted type.

Other than that, another good episode in a good show.

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Go and watch the 1940 original instead.

Butchered the source material. Another piece of Western heritage mocked and ruined. At this point it would be embarrassing if the nefarious element behind what’s going on wasn’t so blatantly obvious.

I could go on and on about how story elements and crucial symbology are left out for no reason, how superfluous elements and characters have been added, again for no reason, but there’s no need to deeply analyse these things.

Go and watch the 1940 original instead.

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Doctor Who

When you’re so desperate for diversity you have to steal an entire race’s culture while at the same time pretending said race doesn’t have any culture to begin with
lol, lmao

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x01 The Good Ones

The death of a great tv show. Inevitable, but still painful and unexpected. Watched the first 7 seasons on repeat a dozen times, guess I’ll stick to the first 7 seasons. Perhaps season 8 can redeem itself, but ep1 isn’t giving me much hope, if any.

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Joker: Folie à Deux

Lady gaga? Really? Wait and see I guess but I’m not holding my breath.

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Loved this movie and felt like it spoke to me on a deeply personal level, and I suspect I’m not alone in feeling this way. Life can pass you by when you’re stuck living in your head, and although this movie takes “living life” quite to the extreme (I wouldn’t visit ungoverned Afghanistan or get close to an erupting volcano), the message is clear: take the jump, do the thing, life begins outside of your comfort zone.

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Very, very good, even if you don’t particularly enjoy superhero franchises, like me. Action packed, great characters, and perhaps most of all, absolutely hilarious!

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Better Call Saul: 6x07 Plan and Execution

Holy shit
That is all I have to say

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Captain Fall: 1x01 An Unconventional Cruise Line
Fair Trade

Niveau nihil, exactly what you’d expect from VTM fiction. Gone are the days of Matroesjka’s glory.
If this piques your interest because of the good cast, don’t bother, since no amount of AAA actors can salvage this circus. Unfortunate since it looks promising on paper but epicly fails to deliver.

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South Park: 26x01 Cupid Ye

Bad start to a new season

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Special Correspondents

The amount of negative comments is completely unwarranted and makes me think that all these supposed “Ricky Gervais fans” who just really hated the movie are simply pretending to be fans to turn others off from watching the film. This is not a bad movie at all.

Sure, it’s not quite on Gervais’ usual level of comedy, but it’s a fun watch nonetheless. Not a boring moment in the film, compared to many dozens of praised blockbuster films that I struggled to even finish. 8/10 from me.

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War of the Worlds

After reading the comments and checking the scores, I stubbornly decided to give this a watch anyway. Season 1 is ok, season 2 slowly becomes nearly unwatchable. I’d stay away from this, but who am I to tell you not to watch it, when I didn’t listen to others’ warnings either.

All in all a waste of time with very few redeeming qualities, do not recommend.

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Free Guy

Do you enjoy spending 2 hours watching product placements, gringe youtuber cameos and politically correct messaging? Then this is the movie for you!

Absolutely horrendous, there’s not a single funny moment or scene in the entire movie either. You have to be an NPC to actually enjoy this is my guess.

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The Imperfects

Netflix describes this as “The umbrella academy meets The Boys”. Yeah, maybe if those two shows also felt low budget, had poor writing and acting, and were wildly inconsistent in their execution, the comparison would be apt, but it’s not. To try and put this show on the same shelf as the former two, is laughably ambitious.

The show lures you in with a promising idea of “super heroes” that develop “powers”, causing them more harm than good, but eventually bores you to death with poor acting, bad writing and subpar CGI. Swing and a miss.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x04 The Outside

Weird, but not in a good way.

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Alexander: The Making of a God

Netflix try not to blackwash or gayify historical figures challenge: difficulty level impossible

Nothing short of disgraceful

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History of the World, Part II

Mel Brooks in combination with Gene wilder, and later Leslie Nielsen, was absolute gold, the stuff they produced together is still hilarious to this day, and personally, my gold standard when it comes to comedy.

This modern attempt at doing something similar falls completely flat however, and I simply don’t believe there is a modern actor up to par to deliver what guys like Gene Wilder and Leslie Nielsen were capable of doing. The only actor in this show who has any potential to coming close to it, would be Danny DeVito, and he is completely underutilised here, which is a real shame.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 11x07 McPoyle vs. Ponderosa: The Trial of the Century

One of my fav episodes, filled to the brim with absurdity and I love it! Uncle jack’s hands have me dying every damn time, so good

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 6x10 Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats

What is your spaghetti policy here?

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Isle of Dogs

Wow, just… wow. Wes Anderson is absolutely brilliant. This is a visual masterpiece, stunning from start to finish, with a great story to boot. Amazing voice acting cast as well. 10/10, A must watch in my opinion.

Dog lovers, unite!

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Oats Studios: Season 1

So ehh, Netflix has this in their catalog, while the entire Oats Studios collection is available to watch for free on Youtube, so idk wtf Netflix thinks they’re pulling here but it’s ridiculous. The fact that Netflix thought it was a good idea to put this in their catalog with episodes missing (ADAM chapter 1 just straight up isn’t listen on Netflix…) makes it even worse. A paid streaming service that offers it’s viewers content that they could get for free on Youtube, what a world lmao. I hope Oats got a licensing fee for this, but still, seeing how content is missing and I could just watch on Youtube instead, it seems incredibly scummy to put free content on a paying platform lol

As for the actual content: there’s definitely some good stuff in here. It’s kinda hit or miss imo, but some cool concepts and some fantastic visuals for sure! 2 or 3 shorts made me think “damn, this should be a full length movie” so that says a lot.

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Breaking Bad

Binge-watched it 3 times so far, and I’m still not done with Breaking Bad. Simply put, it’s brilliant in every way.

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Medical Police

A modern take on movies like The Naked Gun, and the show that inspired them (Police Squad). I really enjoyed this, it’s mindless comedy with stupid wordplays and slapstick humor. Definitely not for everyone, but if you feel like turning off your brain for a second, and just want to laugh, definitely give this one a try.

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Aunty Donna's Big Ol House of Fun

Really good absurd comedy. Hope a second season is coming!
Also, these guys started on youtube as far as I’m aware and there’s some pretty funny stuff of them on there as well.

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Get woke go broke

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