

Orlando, Florida

Red Sparrow
Alien: Covenant - Prologue: The Crossing

Why wasn't this in the actual fucking movie? This is better than everything else that was in that trash Ridley Scott wrote.

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Roman J. Israel, Esq.

Walked out fifty minutes in. Roman's like autistic Ben Affleck from The Accountant, only this movie's not good and it sucks and it can go to hell. There's so much wrong with it, I won't bother writing it. It's clear the writer didn't bother either. For any poor souls with time to waste on this shit, take a shot any time Denzel Washington pushes his glasses up and rubs his face. Take three shots of hard liquor every time he eats a peanut butter sandwich. You will die in the first twenty minutes.

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Pacific Rim: Uprising


Not the worst offense of the year, but nothing we haven't seen before. Only this time, thrown in some more lecturing and dated humor. The amount of vulgarity expressed in the movie is to be expected, and it will please some crowds just of how up-front it is, but it wears thin. The biggest compliment I can give Blockers is it really trudges ahead to make likable characters. Ike Barinholtz is a funny dude, Leslie Mann really tries her all, but whenever a "dramatic" moment was happening, I couldn't take it seriously. It's a comedy, yes, but the fake tears and arguments about gender politics just came across as hamfisted and :sleepy::zzz:. At least Kay Cannon has done her research about the internet. To all my 4chan anons reading this, there's a character in this movie named Chad, who wears a fedora, owns a samurai, and eats Cheetos.

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Godzilla vs. Kong
Breaking In

Okay, I survived maybe twenty to thirty minutes before I walked out. That's the quickest I've ever bailed on a piece of shit. My tolerance level is going down sharply after the past few months of unrelenting dreck being thrown at my face. The only positive I can muster up from Breaking In, is it's a great tool for students to use in class. Every single little facet is done wrong, from the piss poor attempts at writing to lack of creativity in the direction. I've read rejected scripts in my Screenwriting class that sounded more interesting than what was approved to be shot here. Also, just a tip for producers now, and specifically Universal, if you are not even going to try creating likable characters, at least show them going out in grotesque ways. If this is a horror movie with shit characters, at least give me something else worthwhile, something I can think about on the drive home. When I see a woman getting her throat slit, and you cut away so you don't show anything, that's when I walk out.

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Hey, you remember that joke when Indiana's son Mutt in Crystal Skull made the joke to him proclaiming, "What are you, like 80?" Well, by the time Dial of Destiny releases in 2023, Harrison Ford will be. What once was a passing jest at the character's long past prime, we've now scraped the bottom of the dig site. Just reboot and get Chris Pratt to play.

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Alien: Covenant

I'm about to save you two hours of run-time, you ready?

The reason the U.S. has more expensive healthcare and insurance is because we choose to have the strongest military on the planet instead of a cheaper alternative.

There you go, just saved you two hours. If you still want to go live in France or Canada for ""better"" healthcare, have fun with terrorist attacks and a much smaller military.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

"Because I need to get off this island, to solve the Map No Man Can Read. Lucky I'm a woman."

This is an actual line of dialogue.

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What the hell is this raceswapped bullshit?

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Let Him Go

So, it's basically a prequel to Man Of Steel.

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Beauty and the Beast

You want to know the best thing about this movie?

Emma Watson turned down "La La Land" to do this...

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A Trip to the Moon
Terminator: Dark Fate
The Invisible Man
The Garfield Movie

I think I finally understand the phrase "made for the iPad generation" now. What a weird f*cking movie.

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Shelby Oaks

This is going to be the greatest comedy of 2024. They will be showing this in arthouse theaters years from now with Stuckmann making appearances like Greg Sestero does for The Room.

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Notes from Melanie

Chris Stuckmann's self-insert gets upset Hollywood doesn't like him for a few minutes. The dude is so desperate to break out and make it like David F. Sandberg or other artists whom have shown their prowess on a larger scale, but repeatedly has shot himself in the foot time and tell with his shorts. I don't see any potential with him. There isn't some genius waiting to burst out when given the right budget and resources. He lashes out and simps up in his YouTube videos as an alternative, saddened by his current state of inadequacy. He's an even more pathetic version of James Rolfe, almost found his calling in life, but realized he wasn't good enough.

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The Flash

Writing out a review is too much for this insult to comics, audiences, and the film industry. Christina Hodson, Geoff Johns, and all the manchildren responsible for this nightmare need to lose their jobs. Easily the worst, most obnoxious film ever released theatrically on this budget. Thank God it's going to lose $300M at the box office. People are rejecting this slop.

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Everyone wants to be David Lynch without putting in the effort. This is the perfect horror film to watch if you're a dyssemic Redditor whose wife's boyfriend is coming over and you need to waste some time.

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Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time

This is honestly pure art. One of the best anime films ever made.

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Redeeming Love

Surprisingly enjoyable, passionate film about redemption of the body through the soul. This isn't a Hallmark film that's cheaply made and thrown out into the market. I haven't read the original book, but the production quality and acting from up-and-coming stars like Logan Marshall-Green and Abigail Cowen steal the show. Sets looks great, cinematography is rich, and the film is paced decently even at it's 2+ hour runtime. Very bleak, taxing story that goes into some dark places; child prostitution, abortion, death, brothels, cheating, and more. It's a rewarding experience though.

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Spiral: From the Book of Saw

Hollywood really is dead and it'll only get worse.

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The Poughkeepsie Tapes

Probably the best found footage movie I've seen. Not the best narrative maybe, but in terms of realism, this is the best you can get. Actually disturbing and chilling, it looks real.

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Scooby-Doo! The Sword and the Scoob

Last five minutes ruin an otherwise fine movie. These writers need to be kicked off Scooby-Doo, especially after Return To Zombie Island. Such a vendetta against the idea that monsters could be real in this universe.

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Willy's Wonderland