

Orlando, Florida

Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase

A shame not many kids nowadays know about this movie. I fucking loved it as a kid. It's still enjoyable today, as an adult.

What I can never understand is the timeline inconsistencies in these cartoons. The Scooby gang came out in the 60's. They were groovy hip teenagers in the 60's, that's who they were. But now in this movie, here they are in the early 2000's, they're the same age, and they're in the Gameboy and computer age... They jumped forward in time? They don't age?

Same problem with The Simpsons. They came out in the 80's with the NES-like video games, but now in 2017, they're the same age and they're dealing with GPS'... yeah, cartoon characters never age.

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The Ward

The only good scene is the one they used for the poster. Effective scene, but the rest sucks.

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Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

I didn't know Maxmoefoe was in this movie... I mean, look! He's on the poster!

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The Exorcist

I'm not going to bother writing a 10 page essay on why this film has deep meanings or some bullshit like that, but I'll just say, it's pretty damn shocking.

The fact they got a 12 year-old little actress to stab her vagina with a crucifix until it's bloody while yelling, "Fuck me!" is pretty damn ballsy, especially for the time period.

Great performances, haunting music, tense final act with the exorcism, and it leaves you feeling dirty. It's not the scariest movie I've ever seen, but it's one of the most shocking.

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Big Trouble in Little China

With an excellent dash of likable characters, funny jokes, incredibly impressive visual effects, and a couple of genuine WTF moments, John Carpenter's "Big Trouble in Little China" is one of his finest works.

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Meet the Robinsons

"Around here, however, we don't looks backwards for very long.

We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Happy 10th anniversary to one of the greatest animated movies ever put to the silver screen. Everyone on the planet Earth can learn something from this masterpiece, and hopefully, it can inspire them too.

This is a movie that makes you reflect on who you are as a person, where you're from, and where you'll go in the future. Life is short, so live it to the fullest and in the moment. Love you all. Keep moving forward.

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The Iron Giant
Oz the Great and Powerful

As someone who absolutely adores both Sam Raimi and the original The Wizard of Oz film from 1939, it's a shame how painfully average and sometimes cringe-inducing this movie is. It's nowhere near a bad movie, but it could've been so much more. James Franco has no distinct or interesting personality, Mila Kunis was a fucking atrocious choice for the wicked witch of the west, and the CGI sidekicks were annoying at best.

Raimi, I love you. I expect much more from you. I love all your other movies, but this one... dang.

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Fed Up

Still a great documentary that shaped my way I view food. In the past year, I've lost 40 pounds thanks to motivation from this eye-opening movie. Whether it be effective for you or not, it's still worthy of checking out. Well put together with plenty of interesting interviews and well documented verifiable research. Some people will argue the whole "Calories-In Calories-Out" debate, but I say, this movie still delivers a hopeful and positive message.

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The Lost City of Z
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
A Trip to the Moon
Electrocuting an Elephant

Well, uh, that was something.

Why is this even classified as a movie? It's just a 1 minute film about a group of guys electrocuting and killing an elephant. From what I understand, and what the description of the video states:

"Topsy the Elephant belonged to the Forepaugh Circus and spent the last years of her life at Coney Island's Luna Park. Because she killed one trainer (who burned her trunk with a lit cigar), and subsequently became aggressive towards two other keepers who had struck her with a pitchfork, Topsy was deemed a threat to people by her owners and killed by electrocution on January 4, 1903 at the age of 36.

Inventor Thomas Edison oversaw and conducted the electrocution, and he captured the event on film. Edison used the film in his campaign against George Westinghouse and AC technology."

Edison didn't just electrocute the elephant because he felt like it, he just oversaw the execution, which the elephant was going to be hanged originally anyways.


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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well, I finally got around to seeing it... again... for the third time.

However, this time I saw it with my dad, who isn't the biggest superhero fan in the world. Much to my surprise and enjoyment, he actually really liked it. Considering he's never been a big fan of any Marvel or DC properties, he said this was his favorite portrayal of both Superman and Batman, beating out all previous performances. He even liked Jessie Eisenberg, which is what I was worried about. Yes, I only showed him the Ultimate Edition. There's no sense in showing him the butchered mess that was the theatrical cut. Even he wondered what they could've possibly cut and couldn't imagine 30 whole minutes being chopped out. It was fun getting to see it again, and I understood even more things this time around. Now that I knew what was going, I could actually sit back and enjoy the movie for what it is. Still remains one of my favorite superhero movies to date.

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The Wall
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

I've definitely seen worse comedies out there. I think the biggest problem I have with it, and television shows like 'Family Guy', is the over-reliance on reference humor. It's like the film makers are saying, "Hey audience members, we saw Jurassic Park movies. Look, we know memorable scenes from them. Doesn't that just make us so fucking funny?" Every scene, they're just casually listing off a popular movie, thinking that makes their own movie good. It's really gotten old. Reference humor is one of the lowest forms of comedy you can do now.

I admit, I enjoyed Zac Efron and the other actresses in their roles. There were a couple of funny scenes, but nothing really sticks out to me... except one particularly cringe-worthy massage scene in the middle of the movie. It's something straight out of Sacha Baron Cohen production, it's really crude and goes on for too long. You remember that extremely explicit elephant sex scene from 'The Brothers Grimsby'? Yeah, it's a little like that, except it's not as explicit.

A couple funny scenes are ultimately bogged down by some really terrible cringe-worthy moments, making this just another average comedy.

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Train to Busan
Alien: Covenant

Not much I can say about it, but it has quite a number of memorable moments. James Franco is wonderful as always, in any movie he's in. The cast are all first-rate and deliver pretty good performances. The things that bring the movie down for me, are the sometimes terrible visual effects, and the cliche'd elements of the story. It's definitely not very original at times, in terms of presentation, which is interesting, considering it's based on a true story. But there are some visually unique and clever moments that make this an above average period piece.

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Mortal Kombat

This is one of the best video game to movie adaptations ever made. Such a campy classic. I love this movie, even if it has some obvious flaws.

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Sucker Punch
Don't Breathe

What a great thriller. It doesn't go that far beyond it's concept, but it still kept me engaged and on the edge of my seat, guessing what was going to happen next.

From the people behind Evil Dead, and the amazing Sam Raimi, is a very effective horror?/thriller burglar movie. The direction from Fede Álvarez is just as great as he always is. Lots of panning long takes and a vivid color scheme, even for a movie that takes place in a dark, moody house. I wasn't necessarily terrified at what I was watching, but plenty of new scenarios kept coming up that interested me the entire runtime. The night-vision scene in the basement is one of the coolest sequences I've seen executed in quite awhile.

There's plenty of little twists and turns here and there, maybe a little predictable at parts, but nonetheless, still a very exciting and worthwhile suspense feature.

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It Comes at Night
The Onion Movie

The most underrated comedy of all time. I mean that.

This has non-stop hilarious skits every minute and every single one hits their mark (Minus one). Each one tackles a different modern topic, ranging from movie critics, to identity politics, to terrorism, to advertising, to celebrities, black people, white people, etc. No one is left behind in this satire of epic proportions. It seriously had me rolling with laughter throughout the entire movie. Steven Seagal as Cock Puncher needs to be a real movie.

I adore this movie. I love it more than Spaceballs.

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The second the movie falls apart is when the mother turns into a bear.

First half okay, second half garbage.

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Seven Psychopaths
The Secret Life of Pets

Holy crap, I need to make a video comparing this movie to Toy Story, 'cause some of the plot elements and even lines of dialogue are identical to the Toy Story trilogy. That being said, the movie itself is just above average. Decent music, pretty good animation, and some genuinely funny moments that bring this rip-off to enjoyable-enough levels.

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