Enrico Camillieri


Omicron Persei 8

Top Gun: Maverick
The Professor and the Madman

DISCLAIMER: I did not see this movie in its original language(English), but in a dubbed version(Italian). I may have missed some nuances.

I found The Professor and The Madman to be an entertaining movie to watch. Nothing groundbreaking, but it had an interesting, novel (at least for me) story and good acting.

I never thought that the making of the Oxford English Dictionary could be entertaining and not something that puts me to sleep right away, but I was wrong. This movie manages to be very interesting throughout; furthermore, the parts of the movie about the dictionary are by far the most engaging for me, while the rest is a bit drab.

Both Mel Gibson and Sean Penn did a good job portraying their respective characters, while I felt Natalie Dormer’s performance to be a bit of a letdown.

While visually it is nothing special, it is still interesting enough to keep you watching. A shorter runtime would have been really good for this movie, there was much unnecessary stuff. I think a good 20 minutes could have been cut without losing anything. Still, I can recommend it. It won’t blow your mind, but you will be entertained.


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Call Me by Your Name

What a nice, simple movie this was. It was nothing elaborate, but it had a lot of charm to it. Tom Hanks carries the whole movie brilliantly, I thought he was really good in this one.

The plot is linear, but entertaining. After an apocalypse, Finch is a lonely survivor. His only companion is Goodyear, his beloved dog. Feeling his time draw near, Finch builds a robot to protect it after his demise. The movie follows the growth of said robot, as he learns skills and emotions.

Overall, it’s not special, but it is a nice way to spend an evening. You won’t regret watching it, but you probably won’t want to watch it again.


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Memphis Belle
Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Kingsman: The Secret Service
My Neighbor Totoro
Ad Astra
The Tinder Swindler

The Tinder Swindler is a very interesting documentary, following the story of different women who fell for a scam by an Israeli conman.

While the scam in itself is nothing particularly new - it's nothing more than a Ponzi scheme- I found it interesting how this man managed to apply it on Tinder, adding emotions and sentiments in the mix of everything.

The documentary itself is very well shot and it could easily be an Hollywood movie. They managed to tell the story very well, without letting it get too boring.

It's certainly a cautionary tale about online dating (more like about trusting people, really). Worth a watch.


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Blade Runner 2049
The Tomorrow War
OSS 117: Lost in Rio

I've watched this movie in the original language (French) as a way to improve my skills and proficiency in it. But while I understood a lot (thanks, subtitles!), I'm not a native speaker and some jokes clearly flew over my head, so it may affect my feeling towards the movie as a whole.

OSS117 is back with another mission. This time in Brazil!
I don't have much to say about this movie. If you have liked the previous OSS117 movie, chances are that you'll enjoy this one as well. It has that some 60s Bond movie feel, though I have to say the pacing is not as good as OSS 117: Cairo, Le Caire d'espions.

Nevertheless, an enjoyable movie to pass an evening.


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Friends: The Reunion

Really, a missed opportunity. I liked the concept of it, but many things irked me. What was the reason to Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber on this reunion? No offense to them, but they have no relationship with the show. They should have got some of the other people that starred on Friends instead, like Paul Rudd or Cole Sprouse.

Seeing the six protagonists reminisce about the days of the show was very nice and I enjoyed that a lot, even though I didn't particularly like James Corden's contribution to the whole affair. I also really really liked hearing the producers and creators of Friends talk about the behind the scenes, the casting and all that, that was lovely.
But beside those positive aspects, I felt like this reunion was full of filler and unnecessary content. Which is truly a shame, because I'm sure both the actors and the producers would have had enough stories to easily fill a 2 hour runtime or more.

Expected more, but the nostalgia factor barely saves it.


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OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies

I've watched this movie in the original language (French) as a way to improve my skills and proficiency in it. But while I understood a lot (thanks, subtitles!), I'm not a native speaker and some jokes clearly flew over my head, so it may affect my feeling towards the movie as a whole.

OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies is very clearly a spoof of the James Bond movies, especially the first ones from the 60s and 70s. The protagonist has the characteristic of a Bond-like character: he's handsome, physically fit, adept in combat and charming with the ladies. But he's also incredibly tone-deaf in things like race and religion. He's extremely cocky and full of himself, which makes him really fun to watch as he gets involved in these complex plots while he himself seems more interested in love making than resolving the situation.

I liked the cinematography of the movie, it really did capture that early Bond movie feel. Especially in the car scenes!

Overall, it's a very enjoyable parody with good and funny gags (the chicken one was hilarious to me). It really flows well and it's not too long. Worth a watch!


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Howl's Moving Castle
The Wind Rises
The Great Gatsby
The Aeronauts

I’ve read about this movie a lot and heard it recommended countless times on the internet. So maybe I had too high expectations going in. Not a bad movie at all, but nothing as exciting as I was hoping.

The problem lies in the plot. While it starts from a very interesting prospective, it quickly gets itself tangled in a series of twists that are complicated just to be complicated. It seems like they tried to put a plot twist after the other, but the only effect, at least for me, was to make the whole plot predictable.

That aside, the director did a very good job. I appreciated the way the movie looked and felt. Considering there’s a lot of talking, the whole thing felt quite dynamic and upbeat.

Great job by the cast as well, especially Sarah Snook, who delivered the most solid performance of the movie.

In conclusion, I hoped for more. I would still recommend this one to fans of the time travel genre. The cast is great and does a fine job. That plus a short runtime makes Predestination a quite entertaining movie night choice.


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Hotel Mumbai
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Solo: A Star Wars Story