Review by Enrico Camillieri

Solo: A Star Wars Story 2018

Solo: A Star Wars Story does a lot of things right. The backstory of Han Solo has always been one of the most interesting things in the Star Wars universe for me. This movie manages to provide a nice origin story for one of the most beloved characters of movie history.

Let's start with the cast. Great performances all around, but especially to Ehrenreich, who really captured the essence of the character. I had no problem believing he was a young Han Solo, he really got the mannerism and cockiness of the original trilogy down to a T.
I also really liked Emilia Clarke's character and I hope we will see her again in this universe. Same for Glover and his portrayal of Lando Carlissian.

The visuals were, as you would expect, stunning. Especially the scenes in the Maw or the train heist. Absolutely marvelous.

The story was a bit of a hit and miss. While we got to see a lot of important moments of Han life, such as how he gets the Millenium Falcon or how he meets Chewie, at times I felt the story was dragging itself a bit too much. Certain scenes felt too much like fan service and were kinda ham-fisted and out of place. Plus the ending could leave many people that only watched the movies confused. Having never seen the animated series, seeing Darth Maul alive really threw my understanding of the timeline for a spin. I had to look on the Internet to clear things up. I would have liked more backstory for Chewbacca and less L3-37. That droid was annoying and I was kinda glad when the movie threw it away halfway through.

In conclusion, Solo is a really nice look to the origin of one of the most iconic characters of the Star Wars saga. It's not a perfect movie, but it is an easy watch with great visuals and CGI.


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