Eliott Robson


United Kingdom

Three Thousand Years of Longing

A boring, glorified love story that never really delivers anything. There are some interesting scenes, but they are few and far between and last for 10 seconds in a nearly 2 hour film. The story is interesting, but sadly has about as much substance as wafer thin ham. This is one for you to stream at home, so you can turn it off after 10 minutes and watch something more enjoyable.

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Dream Scenario

I have no idea what I just watched.

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Shout by Eliott Robson
BlockedParent2022-08-17T23:20:39Z— updated 2022-09-02T07:52:25Z

A remarkably average, slow and boring film with a few dystopian elements. The plot doesn’t go anywhere but somehow the movie keeps going on and on. Once it ends your left with absolutely no idea what any of it meant, unless you look deep within and decide it was some metaphor. I can’t think of anyone I’d recommend this to. It wasn’t scary enough to be a horror, weird enough to be dystopian, interesting enough to be sci-fi.

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Ad Astra

A slow and painful movie that starts off impressive, but the novelty soon wears off. The cast is good and the special effects are very immersive, however the whole movie is just a series of random scenes with a very loose connection. With Interstellar we got an epic space adventure, the martian gave us a bit of humour and hope for survival. I honestly don't even know what the subtext for this story is about. What I can tell you is this: Brad Pitt is an astronaut. He goes to space to discover something ridiculously obvious. Some bad things happen for absolutely no reason with no explanation and no follow up. The film ends. Wouldn't recommend even if it lands on a streaming site.

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Angel Has Fallen

A high octane action movie with plenty of explosions, gunshots and the classic "has fallen" vibe. Gerald Butler reprises his role once again as the elite Secret Service agent, and he makes it work all the same! The story is relatively predictable, but that doesn't distract from the fact this is a fantastic movie. Loved it and recommend it - a must see!

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Hunter Killer

This is an exciting, thrilling movie with some fantastic acting and a compelling story. We see the conflict between being right and being alive throughout the film with some very tense action moments. If you enjoyed Butler's previous films; London / Olmypus has fallen then this will be enjoyable for you too. It's got a similar style while remaining plausible and masterfully crafted. Definitely worth a watch if you haven't already!

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Cocaine Bear

A surprisingly enjoyable, funny, short movie. A film called "Cocaine Bear" isn't going to give you the biggest expectations, so I was pleasantly surprised when I found myself chuckling away with a huge grin on my face throughout. Some wonderfully gory moments with enough of a plot to keep you entertained!

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Rambo: Last Blood

This is a fantastic, brutal action movie with explosions, gore and Rambo being Rambo. The cinematography takes vibes from Taken, Death Wish and Sicario, and it works well. The pacing is decent and at only 90 minutes it doesn't drag which can happen in these films. If you like action, a little bit of plot and everyone getting brutally murdered - this is the film for you. Definitely worth a watch on the big screen!

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I really enjoyed this movie. Good cinematography and special effects. The whole movie has a nice level of tension about it. Bérénice is damn fine and worth watching for.

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A Quiet Place

I loved this movie. It has a very "zombie-esque" feel with some very intense and thrilling scenes. Fortunately, it doesn't try to jump scare all the time and instead focuses on the story. I love how this is a post-apocalypse movie, but with actually intelligent characters. Nobody doing stupid things to get themselves killed, instead we saw a family who had planned to survive. We see the struggles and plans for the family, who change how they live - but never give up on why. This is a really well made movie and definitely worth a watch.

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The First Purge

It's got action, violence and the usual story line. Just a shame they don't make it an 18 rating and make it really gory!

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How It Ends

Slow, clunky and doesn't really go anywhere. It's an "alright" movie with a lot of promise that never really delivers. The problem is that it's too focused on the journey without ever explaining what is happening. This continues all the way until the credits, leaving the film with a shoddy ending. Don't get me wrong, it's well made - just not very exciting or worth watching.

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Black Panther

This was a fun movie, a slower pace than usual but masterfully made. The action was designed nicely without the usual mashup of non stop explosions we have come to expect. The story evolves naturally and introduces the character we only briefly saw in Civil War. Unlike most Marvel movies this told the story of many battles; the outside world, Wakanda tradition and inner necessities for the greater good. I'm eager to see what Tony Stark will do with the Vibranium if he manages to get his hands on it in a future movie!

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Blue Streak

This was actually not that bad. Had some funny moments and very watchable. Not going to be very memorable, but good to chill out to without much thought required.

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This is a fantastic adaptation of Uncharted. A truly cinematic experience that stays, for the most part, true to the games.

The cinematography of the opening intro, sequential flash-back and continuation of the film is particularly brilliant. This is a true homage to the structure of the games and captures it particularly well.

The action sequences are fun and sometimes ridiculous, but the soundtrack and Nolan North’s cameo really seal the deal for me.

There are, however, some divergencies from the games which will harm the reception received from fans.

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Absolutely ridiculous but absolutely brilliant.

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Shout by Eliott Robson
BlockedParent2019-10-09T07:57:30Z— updated 2021-08-23T15:17:30Z

This was a pretty rubbish movie, I would not watch it again. However, given the fact that it's DC, I didn't have high hopes anyway. Don't get me wrong, the cinematography and score are brilliant and bring this movie to life. But unfortunately, the DC writers still haven't figured out how to make a decent film. It seems to drag on a bit long and doesn't really go anywhere until the end, which is a shame because the character has a lot of potential for development. Instead, we get the same person who doesn't really change and instead becomes exactly what we already know. It's a shame really, because the acting, setting and idea was fantastic just let down by DCs lack of direction and imagination.

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Mile 22

An average, high octane thriller that falls a bit short. The premise is actually quite good, however the fast pace of the filming is a heavy distraction. We have absolutely no chance to try and understand who "Overwatch" is or what they exactly do. There is no emotional connection with any of the characters, which is a shame because it makes the plot twist at the end fall flat. The action, however, is intense and gritty which is awesome. It's just a shame it was rushed into an hour and a half because honestly the same film with a bit more story could have been very good.

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Sicario: Day of the Soldado

This isn’t a bad movie by any means but it is quite slow. The tension and cinematography is excellent and composes the majority of the film. However, the ending is unjust and fails to explain or conclude the events. Overall, it’s a decent watch but distinctly fails to live up to the original.

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I quite enjoyed this movie. Having never played any of the games it didn't feel like it was necessary to. The characters had some nice development and the cinematography was well produced. It was good fun and worth watching, but probably not going to re-watch it any time soon.

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Mind Field

There are some really interesting concepts explored. Each episode is only 30 minutes long, which keeps it fresh and interesting.

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Assassin's Creed

It was almost a good movie. But the lack of character development and abrupt ending made it feel like it was rushed towards the end. There's no real ending which leaves a sour taste in the mouth. However, the little action we do get is quite satisfying.

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Quite an interesting idea, with a modern spin-off TV series. There are a few plot holes, but the good acting and tense moments make for a surprisingly decent watch.

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Justice League

The action was great. Gal Gadot was awesome. Soundtrack fantastic. Story? Needed work.

It's good, worth watching. Plenty of action and eye candy to keep you busy.

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Really surprised this isn't a straight to streaming movie, however; it has a fantastic cast, decent premise and mediocre budget. Worth watching, but don't expect too much.

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Absolutely enthralling! A superbly well made, interesting and fantastic movie that brings such an unknown story to life.

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What did I just watch? Literally no idea what the plot was. But it was pretty to the eyes and the music was surprisingly catchy.

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The best comedy film that you'll ever watch.

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Bullet Train

A fun thriller with interesting twists and a solid cast. It's a solid entertaining way to spend a couple of hours but probably not worth a re-watch in the future.

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