Daniel C. Noble


Omicron Persei 8

The Matrix Resurrections

This is a two and a half hour joke that basically summarises the first three films in one lacklustre fan remake. Act 1 feels like a parody skit you'd see during the Oscars awards show. There is so much less here compared to the previous Matrix films; less adventure, less captivating action, less music, less locations, less characters, less expansiveness, less wonder, less lore, less threat, less grit. So much is either missing or undone from what was already established and they chose to bring back all the wrong parts and tainted them. It feels like playing through a video game again on New Game+, with a new goofy costume unlocked for each character, and only doing the main story missions as fast as possible. I was obsessed with the original Matrix trilogy, this is extremely disappointing.

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5 episodes in and I'm finding it hard to stay engaged. The movies were pretty amazing, even the bad ones, due to embracing their outlandish cheesiness... but this show is feeling far too sanitised and formulaic to the point of extreme boredom.

It's not nearly as creative as the movies and the single kill per episode is so "normal" and repetitive that it's underwhelming. We know they can do more. The story is akin to watching paint dry and the characters are completely wooden. Impossible situations start to happen around episode 3, requiring too much suspension of disbelief that I'm yet to recover from by episode 5.

With this show's bland tone, 'Chucky' has basically turned into another 'Stranger Things' but with a smidge more violence and less promise. I don't know how I can remain interested in another 5 episodes if this is the best they can do... maybe the fanservice and throwbacks will help some.

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An origin story about a female serial killer, whose trauma is NOT based on being raped this time, hooray! There's not many of these.

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I thought there was going to be another 10-15 minutes at the point where the movie ends. You can only watch 'Barbarian' the first time so be careful about how much you know going in. Anyone who unironically calls this "woke" is a dumbass.

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ThanksKilling 3

The first 'Thankskilling' had a nice low budget charm about it and was a decent slasher parody. This sequel is absolutely fetid dogshit. Bigger budget doesn't mean better.

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His House

Best horror movie of 2020 for me. Amazing visuals and a genuine sense of pain explored.

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One Cut of the Dead

Best post-credits scene ever made.

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Evil Dead Rise

Help, I need an adult.

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The Empty Man

The first 25 minutes and last 25 minutes were excellent. The rest was just alright. Left too ambiguous with too many plot holes when you start thinking about it.

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Jeepers Creepers 3

It's impossible to justify this movie's existence. My god, is it terrible.

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Last Night in Soho

This show has become a chore to get through ever since they went from a 60-minute episode split between two homes, to a 90-minute (or more) episode for a single home. The first dozen seasons were great and therapeutic/motivational to watch but there's no need for every recent episode to be feature film length with the exact same structure and outcomes.

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Did Tommy Wiseau accidentally write and direct this movie? The dialogue and acting is so unnatural and incoherent in its flow, it reminds me of that scene in 'The Room' where Johnny picks up a dozen red roses. Sometimes the camera angles are so bizarre that only a portion of someone's face will be on-screen as they deliver dialogue and will be constantly moving around. Was this intentional? Even 'The Room' wasn't this incompetent.

'Old' is one of the strangest, dumbest, unlikeable, and most terrible movies I've ever experienced, which is just baffling considering the expertise of someone like M. Night Shyamalan. I'd expect something like this from a filmmaking graduate's first big budget project with unknown actors. But everyone here has proven themselves competent in other films/television shows, so how did this happen and why did it happen this way?

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Dirty Work

This movie is certainly a 1998 type movie. Not 1997. Not 1999. Only 1998.

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Escape Room: Tournament of Champions

Shout by Daniel C. Noble
BlockedParent2021-08-27T10:50:21Z— updated 2021-08-28T12:55:12Z

This is the weirdest horror movie I've ever seen. It's like if David Lynch teamed up with Danny Elfman to make the worst fever dream with the shallowest song lyrics possible. The baby would terrify even Chucky.

After a night of thinking about 'Annette' I realise I hate this movie? Not because it's really bad (it is) but because it has such wasted potential. It's like being served the foam scum that floats on top of a really nice soup, inside a very intricately decorated bowl, while a bunch of strangers sing 'Happy Birthday to You' in the style of Wesley Willis. They didn't bother collecting any of the depth or flavour that obviously laid within their grasp when we know it wouldn't have taken much more effort to do so.

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Dark Waters

I don't want to live on this planet anymore :pensive:

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Wolf Creek: Season 1

I was under the impression that this would be an anthology series, maybe that's for season 2, but season 1 focuses on a single person "cat and mouse game" type situation that already overstayed its welcome by the second half of the first episode. The impact of the movies are lost in translation to this television series, where there's less grit and gore, more comedy and cartoonish escapades. It's essentially a very boring 5 hour movie that forgets all that was interesting with the 'Wolf Creek' films: Mick Taylor's imposing presence and frightening antics.

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Leprechaun: Origins

This is very boring and annoying to watch. What part of this justifies the "Origins" label? We were already told the origins of the Leprechaun in previous films and this doesn't match up at all. I have to assume they completely changed the character of the Leprechaun so they didn't have to credit or pay royalties to Mark Jones.

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Leprechaun in the Hood

Man, what the fuck is this shit? What a weird movie. There's hardly any gore, most deaths are off-screen, the majority of shots are out of focus, many shots linger too long, things just happens as if there's missing scenes, the acting is disgustingly terrible, and the leprechaun is just doing the same stuff that's already been done in the previous films. Would have been better if there was no leprechaun at all, or if the leprechaun was the one who joined a gang and became a hip-hop legend with his "sick" rhyming skills. Why does it always have to be the same fucking story with this franchise.

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John and the Hole

More like 'John and the Hole Lotta Nothing'...

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Broadcast Signal Intrusion

I don't think I've seen a psychological horror with a vibe as deliberately goofy as this one (especially considering the subject matter), and the soundtrack really heightens the goofiness, but it pulls it off much better than James Wan's 'Malignant' did. I appreciated the fake TV shows inserted throughout, based on 'Doctor Who' and the other wacky sitcoms (as this movie is inspired by that 'Max Headroom' signal highjacking incident).

The main issue I have is the sloppy editing - sometimes cutting between locations or skipping ahead in time, without establishing that we've jumped forward a few hours or switched to a new character - it's mildly disorienting. Meanwhile the sound design was great, a lot of subtle and gradual changes that made me question the film's reality. The main character, James, is also either a bad actor or acting bad, I can't tell which but it's off-putting how emotionless his emotions come through. 'Broadcast Signal Intrusion' is a fun, quaint, little mystery to follow as it unravels.

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The Green Knight

If anyone was gonna adapt 'Dark Souls' to film, this would be the team to do it.

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The Woman

A pretty harrowing yet interesting take on toxic masculinity and its perpetual cycle of abuse (that is portrayed quite realistically here, probably the most realistic element of the whole movie). The film is shot really well and the sound design is great. Some of the characters aren't exactly dumb but extremely naive. The ending is fairly satisfying, if a bit outlandish. Still, if you like a good comeuppance in your revenge flicks then give 'The Woman' a try, although don't expect a relatively happy ending.

After watching I found out this is part of a loose trilogy, the first is called 'Offspring' from 2009 and the last is 'Darlin'' from 2019. Keen to watch these to further explain wtf is going on with the extremely vague backstory here.

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The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

Wow, what a step down, almost feels like they slapped the 'Fast and Furious' name onto a completely unrelated movie that was written by Joss Whedon. Falls into the racist "white saviour complex" where some dumb white guy with a Forrest Gump accent is sent to Tokyo for no good reason, gets a non-Asian girlfriend, joins a group of car enthusiasts who never speak Japanese (even when the white guy isn't present), and saves Tokyo from the Yakuza. It's such dumb garbage... sexist, racist garbage. Even the soundtrack sucks, other than that one song with the chimes.

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I can't believe a movie with Nicolas Cage made me cry wtf

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Honestly better, and more fun, than John Wick 2 or 3.

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Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn

20 minutes in and this feels like military propaganda. Too slow paced and all the marines are incredibly dorky, like they all came from failed sitcoms. I'll probably fall asleep by the middle of it :sleeping:...

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Now I have that image in my head forever haha thanks very cool :sunglasses:

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