Daniel C. Noble


Omicron Persei 8

Evil Dead

Eric is a school teacher and doesn't seem to be able to read or even have an inside voice. I was expecting him to have ulterior motives and already know the book was there in order to explain why he was so eager to be a massive dumbass; it felt like a very unnatural way to start the chaos. It sucks that the drug withdrawals went nowhere, would've been cool to see a demon actually struggle in a human body with its own "demons" so that was some wasted potential. There's no story here, I guess it's about family or something... :rolling_eyes:

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Evil Dead Rise

Help, I need an adult.

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Dark Waters

I don't want to live on this planet anymore :pensive:

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Straight up stops making any consistent sense after the halfway mark just to create some easily preventable stakes. Some of the most dull side characters to put next to a super hero. Weird mix of comedy and sad dramatic tension.

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If Resident Evil 7 was a Twitch stream.

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Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn

20 minutes in and this feels like military propaganda. Too slow paced and all the marines are incredibly dorky, like they all came from failed sitcoms. I'll probably fall asleep by the middle of it :sleeping:...

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More mysteries than 10 M. Night Shyamalan movies and they actually pay off here :sunglasses:

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My dyslexic ass thought this movie was gonna be about limes. What the hell...

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I thought there was going to be another 10-15 minutes at the point where the movie ends. You can only watch 'Barbarian' the first time so be careful about how much you know going in. Anyone who unironically calls this "woke" is a dumbass.

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Now I have that image in my head forever haha thanks very cool :sunglasses:

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Jeepers Creepers: Reborn

It's been 15 minutes and I already hate it. Feels like a point and click FMV game from the '90s. Even the furniture in some scenes is a fake still image. Did Neil Breen make this?

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The movie ends with a male student at school getting rejected by a woman and in retaliation he pull out a gun and shoots her... with a tranquilizer. Hahahahahahahah, Jesus Christ, what the fuck. That's the only part of the movie that's actually relevant today, sadly.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Squish, Pop, Snap. My new favourite cereal.

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Roar: 1x05 The Woman Who Was Fed By A Duck

I wanted interesting and insightful feminist metaphors not whatever the fuck this weird bestiality shit is...

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Everything Everywhere All at Once

This is the funniest horror movie I've ever seen. Just wack. Loved every second.

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The continuity of this movie is COMPLETELY FUCKED; characters will be sitting in one shot then laying down the next and back to sitting while still speaking the same sentence. Important details are important until they're not. Everyone teleports and suddenly knows everything about anyone but the audience doesn't know what's going on. Characters are named but we're never introduced to them. The editing is so fucking janky that my head is spinning, it's as if the movie was edited in reverse and then shuffled like a deck of cards. There's tonnes of missing context where I imagine the original cut was at least 2 hours and 30 minutes long. Here we get no idea of anyone's relationship, motives, or history. The composition of CGI sequences feels right out of a 2003 superhero movie. Everything about this movie is confusing and disgusting. It could absolutely make people angry for legitimate reasons. The only good part is knowing Jared Leto failed again and failed hard.

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Pretty entertaining up until Johnny Depp's character appears. Kevin Smith shouldn't edit his own movies, he's way too far up his own arse to cut the fat.

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The Bubble

There's no story or humour, just celebrities smelling their own farts.

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Fighting with My Family

This is terrible. I'm not even going to explain why, it's that bad.

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The Signal

This is an unusually cool movie. I usually take issue with films that leave too many questions unanswered but that's not an issue I have with 'The Signal' since the questions are presented in an entirely creative and captivating way. The answers are there for some of these questions - you just need to dig deep and pause on "blink and you'll miss it" type frames - while there are satisfying theories to other questions that still fit the internal logic of this film's universe. Very fun to think about and dig through the mysteries here. The cinematography is also better than most big budget spectacles and the way "powers" are portrayed are far more grounded in realism. It doesn't feel like a greenscreen is wrapped around everything and doing most of the work (e.g. Marvel / DC movies).

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The Jack in the Box: Awakening

Well, it's higher quality than the original 'JitB' but somehow it's far more boring...

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The Jack in the Box

This accent is fucking distracting

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife

They remade Ghostbusters 1 again, and Ghostbusters 2 is just a remake of Ghostbusters 1... so they made the same film a third time lmao

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The Empty Man

The first 25 minutes and last 25 minutes were excellent. The rest was just alright. Left too ambiguous with too many plot holes when you start thinking about it.

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The Alchemist Cookbook

This was so fucking boring.

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Pretty cool, kinda creepy at times. Gives off vibes similar to Silent Hill / Resident Evil, considering how it appears these people are trapped in their own personal purgatory.

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Wolf Creek: Season 1

I was under the impression that this would be an anthology series, maybe that's for season 2, but season 1 focuses on a single person "cat and mouse game" type situation that already overstayed its welcome by the second half of the first episode. The impact of the movies are lost in translation to this television series, where there's less grit and gore, more comedy and cartoonish escapades. It's essentially a very boring 5 hour movie that forgets all that was interesting with the 'Wolf Creek' films: Mick Taylor's imposing presence and frightening antics.

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Absolute chaos in terms of acting, filmmaking, editing, special effects, sound design, story. So bad that it's good.

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The Matrix Resurrections

This is a two and a half hour joke that basically summarises the first three films in one lacklustre fan remake. Act 1 feels like a parody skit you'd see during the Oscars awards show. There is so much less here compared to the previous Matrix films; less adventure, less captivating action, less music, less locations, less characters, less expansiveness, less wonder, less lore, less threat, less grit. So much is either missing or undone from what was already established and they chose to bring back all the wrong parts and tainted them. It feels like playing through a video game again on New Game+, with a new goofy costume unlocked for each character, and only doing the main story missions as fast as possible. I was obsessed with the original Matrix trilogy, this is extremely disappointing.

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Jeepers Creepers 3

It's impossible to justify this movie's existence. My god, is it terrible.

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