

Omicron Persei 8

The Haunting of Hill House: 1x07 Eulogy

Kudos to Mr. Dudley. That was 6 minutes of acting masterclass,and exactly why this show is so good. Even supporting actors kill it.

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The Haunting of Hill House: 1x06 Two Storms

Whole episode was amazing achievement in directing, camerawork and cinematography, but that first 15 minute shot was just brilliant. Great work on all levels. Story wise this was a great collumination of all the plots we've seen so far. Different but as good as the episode before.

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Fleabag: 1x05 Episode 5

This show is so good in showing sad lives of the characters in a way you really feel it, but does it without standard visual or audio queues to ram its point across. Quite refreshing.

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Wednesday: 1x08 A Murder of Woes

Personally I think they needed to push the confrontation with Crackstone to next season and elaborate on it. Feels like all that build up was wasted. Also, what's up with magic staff? I thought Crackstone is all about normal natural burning of the witches, yet he uses witchcraft.
Speaking of wasted potential, confrontation with Thornhill was great with Weems and Wednesday finally working together, only for it to be wasted with a stupid death, so what was the point other than to kill off Weems? She and her dynamic with Wednesday was one of the best aspects of a show, and it seems like her death was just glossed over

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x08 Narkina 5

Reaching new hights. This was just brilliant character work all around.

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Stranger Things: 3x04 Chapter Four: The Sauna Test

For a lesser show sequence like "sauna test" or "Erica kick ass Spy" would be saved for finale, but we got two, and mid-season too.

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Russian Doll: 1x08 Ariadne

Really enjoyable bingewatch. It feels satisfying even though little is explained, but it's clear in the end the show is about "why", and not "how" and it takes that point across very nicely.
I'm actually intrigued by the Horse character. He gave away sinister vibes in the last two episodes. I half expected it that it will be revealed he killed Nadia that night when she thought she froze to death.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x12 Postpartum

They're going to sentence disobedient handmaidens that murdered Gilead officers to colonies, but they're going to execute a young pair of ovaries that is supporter of regime for running away because of love? Even Gilead doesn't seem this ruthless.

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Only Murders in the Building: 3x08 Sitzprobe

This episode sings! I would watch that musical.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x13 Such Sweet Sorrow (1)

Wow, they decided to have a whole episodes filled with just awful parts of the show:overacting, fake drama, bad dialogue. And oh my god, reaction shots. Do we really need to to see every character reacting to every sentence someone else said?

90% of the this episode were emotional speeches and reaction shots.
The actual content would fit in 5 minutes.

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Black Mirror: 4x02 Arkangel

Contrary to the popular belief, this is exactly what Black Mirror is about. Find a futuristic concept that hits closer to home more than is comfortable and makes you think about all the implications. Issues Mcalister was fun, but lacked depth.

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Silicon Valley

Time to kill this show. (They find
some great new way to use their technology - >they f*ck up massively, mostly by just being idiots - > some miracle happens thats saves them) formula was done for like 20 times by now, and it's getting seriously frustrating. I'm done with this show.

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The Good Place: 2x11 The Burrito

Oh god, Michael telling Shaun "Ya basic" had me in stitches. Show has hit a new high with this episode.

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The Man in the High Castle: 1x03 The Illustrated Woman

Marshall is just terribly miscast. It's not actors fault as he just doesn't have physicality or presence that this tipe of role demands. He is supposed to be this intimidating disturbing character and he comes of as caricature wannabe wild west outlaw. I was wondering why someone doesn't just shoot him or beat him, he doesn't look that hard to take down. And the constant chewing... Unnecessary.

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Fargo: 1x04 Eating the Blame

There are no words for how good Billy Bob is. It's not just that he totally sells the creepy and scary Lorne character, he also absolutely nails playing Lorne playing mild mannered pastor in a way that it doesn't feel just as a totally different character. You see Lorne beneath the charade but also see how the police would have bought the rouse. The way the character is written too is superb as he isn't a straight up psychopath but also has some sense of morality and even empathy.

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The Terror: 1x10 We Are Gone

To those wondering how much truth there is in this story, be sure to watch History buffs analysis on YouTube. You'll be surprised.

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The Terror: Season 1

Slow and brooding yet relentless, uncompromising and absolutely savage. It takes it's time to painstakingly build an atmosphere of fear, claustrophobia and despair, but even in those quiet moments it wastes no time building it's characters and their relationships and in the best way possible. Quality of the cast and attention to details while recreating characters and locations effortlessly transport you directly to that era if you allow it. This is not your average horror story, so don't go into it expecting quick thrills. This is story about human condition that's bolstered by real life mystery and historical context that's absolutely perfectly chosen for what it's trying to say and it will take you in directions you never would have imagined. And seriously, it cannot be overstated how fantastic the set design is, it never feels fake or off.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

I'm surprised that this episode has lower rating than the previous one. Last one was utter garbage but they pleasently surprised about progression in this one (except the Euron scene, which was absolutely pointless and unbeliveable).
The rest of it was the most "got" like episode we had this season. And shot absolutely beautifuly.

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Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

It's almost as if they originally intended for Tyrion to be captured by Euron. Then the scene with the mast hitting Tyrion would make sense since it would explain how he found himself being Cersei captive - floating helplessly in the water while others swam to shore and would also explain why we didn't get any scene explaining how and why they captured Missandei.

Also, decapitating her own brother and Deanerises hand would be much stronger statement than killing fairly inconsequential Missandei. Why did they even think Missandei was important in the first place?

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x02 Mid-way to Mid-town

My favourite ep so far! Every storyline was just perfect.

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Money Heist: 1x06 Episode 6

Ok, she flushes the toilet because she hasn't heard them arguing two meters further, and then it turns out she isn't even done? Who thought that makes sense? Other than that very intense.

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Castlevania: Nocturne: 1x01 A Common Enemy in Evil

Somehow animation looks even more beautiful than before. Character eyes are stunning.

I immediately liked all of the characters and story is compelling so far. Crossed fingers they can keep this up.

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The Wheel of Time: 2x07 Daes Dae'Mar

Lanfear is brilliant! She steals every scene she is in. Actually, she's spot on for how I imagined Yennefer from Witcher books.

Most of the female cast is outstanding, Alanna, Min, daughter heir, even Aiel girl and Renna are fun to watch, even with their limited screen time.

As for the show, I was wondering were they rationing the budget in the first half of the season. After watching last 3 episodes, that seems to be right on the money. They really kicked it into top gear since episode 4 in every way. Loving it.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 1x16 Shuttlepod One
Star Trek: Discovery: 1x06 Lethe

Well, this is more like it! This actually felt like good classic Star Trek plot, but without all the ilogicalities and stupidity from last weeks episode (which is good especially when dealing with vulcans). Lorca proves yet again that he's the most complex character maybe in Star Trek history, and we can say that already six episodes in. I can only hope that Michael embracing her human side means she'll develop more from that uptight always right character into something more interesting.

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This show has it all. It's smart,sexy, funny, positive... Netflix doesn't deserve it. Hope it finds someone better.

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The Twilight Zone: 2x06 Eye of the Beholder

This still holds up as one of the greatest tz episodes. Brilliantly shot

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x07 Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor

Robert Rodriguez strikes again! This was nonsensical on every level, but to make things even worse there's no excitement whatsoever. You are left wondering how can so many talented people make something so incompetently. They even came close to ruining Mando.

Boba and Mando use the distraction that Majordomo provides by flying out... and landing right in the clear area without any cover where everyone can shoot at them as they please. Then they waste bunch of their best munition (flamethrower and a rocket) on obviously shielded drones. Then they just stand there, next to the scorpio drone, just discussing their options while scorpio drone gives them a moment to think about it. And rancor? Loved how rancor just f*cks off after defeating one droid because it would be too obvious for him to destroy both of them. Then everybody for some reason starts shooting at the rancor that just saved them, their bosses rancor for no good reason. Where's Boba to stop them? Also loved Fennek is explaining the plan to Boba as he has no say in it, or as if they didn't plan it out beforehand.

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Warrior Nun

It had an OK first season, although it kind of seemed stuck between absurdity of the concept and surprisingly serious tone it tried to struck sometimes, but all that awkwardness is gone in second season.

It kicks ass from the beginning to the end, no saggy parts. It's fun, surprisingly smart, intriguing. Everything is at amazing level - cinematography, directing, acting... In fact, it seems everyone had a good time making it and that good time translates to the viewer as well.

If you're perhaps wondering should you watch second season even though it was canceled - the main plot of the season is wrapped up. There's hints to where the plot will go next (and I really hope we will get to see it as it promises to transform the show completely yet again), but it's not a cliffhanger that will make you mad for wasting time on a show. And when the season is as good as it is, I'd say it's well worth your time.

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The Midnight Club: 1x05 See You Later

Nooo, I wanted to see Sandras reaction on angel porn. :(

Fantastic story though.

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