

Omicron Persei 8

Castlevania: Nocturne: 1x01 A Common Enemy in Evil

Somehow animation looks even more beautiful than before. Character eyes are stunning.

I immediately liked all of the characters and story is compelling so far. Crossed fingers they can keep this up.

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The Wheel of Time: 2x07 Daes Dae'Mar

Lanfear is brilliant! She steals every scene she is in. Actually, she's spot on for how I imagined Yennefer from Witcher books.

Most of the female cast is outstanding, Alanna, Min, daughter heir, even Aiel girl and Renna are fun to watch, even with their limited screen time.

As for the show, I was wondering were they rationing the budget in the first half of the season. After watching last 3 episodes, that seems to be right on the money. They really kicked it into top gear since episode 4 in every way. Loving it.

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Only Murders in the Building: 3x08 Sitzprobe

This episode sings! I would watch that musical.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x01 Cowboy Gospel

I like it! It seems a lot of effort and love (and money) was put to bring this world to life. Only problem is occasional awkwardness in interactions between characters and Vicious looks ridiculous.

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Futurama: 8x03 How the West Was 1010001

... Or maybe it just isn't for you (anymore).

This is much better than it has the right to be.

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Futurama: 8x01 The Impossible Stream

That was really fun! They pulled all the stops with cameos. Let's go!

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The Grand Tour: 5x02 Eurocrash

First half hour is hilarious, Hammond especially is on point. The rest is business as usual, just fine.

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The Mandalorian: 2x08 Chapter 16: The Rescue

WARNING for those binge watching Mandalorian. After this don't go to season 3, as there are essential 2 episodes of Mando (essentialy season 2.5) hidden in The Book of Boba Fett. These are episodes 5 and 6, and you don't need to watch anything before it as it's extremely bad and also doesn't feature Mando. Those 2 episodes are great. Skip the season finale also, as it features Mando but it doesn't do anything for his story (and is also crap).

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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

If you are confused as we were by this episode and the jump it made from end of the previous season finale - the answers you seek are hidden deep in the steaming pile of junk called Book of Boba Fett. You should skip straight to episode 5 of that show, that's where Mando first makes an appearance, and watch only that and the following episode. Season finale includes Mando, but it doesn't do anyhing for his story.
That's your Mando season 2.5. Disney decided to hide so well in an effort to make you watch that show after they realised they got nothing compelling to do with an actual titular character.
That said, those two episodes are very good.

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The Mandalorian: 3x04 Chapter 20: The Foundling

First filler episode of the show in true sense of the word. Not only didn't it move the story or characters forward in any meaningful way, it sucked as an standonalone adventure. Some VFX are top notch, and that's about it.
Still better than any non Mando episode of Boba Fett.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x07 Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor

Robert Rodriguez strikes again! This was nonsensical on every level, but to make things even worse there's no excitement whatsoever. You are left wondering how can so many talented people make something so incompetently. They even came close to ruining Mando.

Boba and Mando use the distraction that Majordomo provides by flying out... and landing right in the clear area without any cover where everyone can shoot at them as they please. Then they waste bunch of their best munition (flamethrower and a rocket) on obviously shielded drones. Then they just stand there, next to the scorpio drone, just discussing their options while scorpio drone gives them a moment to think about it. And rancor? Loved how rancor just f*cks off after defeating one droid because it would be too obvious for him to destroy both of them. Then everybody for some reason starts shooting at the rancor that just saved them, their bosses rancor for no good reason. Where's Boba to stop them? Also loved Fennek is explaining the plan to Boba as he has no say in it, or as if they didn't plan it out beforehand.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x05 Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian

It's comical really, contrast between this episode and all the previous ones. Acting, directing, dialogue.. everything is few orders of magnitudes better than what we've seen so far, right up there with best episodes of Mandalorian.

They should have put message at the start of the episode: "This episode does not contain Boba Fett", so people can enjoy it completely, and not like me wondering if we will return to the high school production of Boba Fett in the next scene.

Never have I seen a show with so jarring differences in quality of every single element of what makes a show between two episodes.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa

Three of the worst, cringe worthy episodes of Mandalorian and Boba Fett are all directed by Robert Rodriguez. What the hell happened to the man? He was once one of the edgiest coolest directors, spoken of in the same sentence as Tarantino.

That said, this is by far the cringiest one of them all. First episode of the show was just boring. This is almost in "so bad it's good territory", it certainly felt way shorter than "Dances with Tuskens" which felt as long as Avatar. We've moved from Dances with Wolves to something between Spy Kids and Back to the Future in this episode, and you really don't know if you should laugh or cry. I literally covered my eyes and watch the chase scene through my fingers, partly because of cringe, partly because of disbelief that someone thought this is good idea.

So the big question here is which one is cringier - Leia chaise scene from Kenobi or this chase? I think Boba Fett loses this one as well. Leia scene is just infinitely replayable,and every time you notice some new ridiculous detail. This is just ridiculous first time around and dull for the second time.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x02 Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine

Boba gets an upgrade from pyjamas to bathrobe to the beat of some dramatic music is one of the random stuff that happens for no reason.

I was watching this, baffled that this is made by the same team as Mandalorian, riddled by questions why? Why is Boba, infamous bounty jointer that roamed the galaxy and worked for empire and Jabba now helping some random Indian.. I mean Tusken tribe. Why is he suddenly righteous and kind hearted? Why is that train going through the desert randomly shooting at raiders? Why raiders don't move a little so they aren't in the firing range of the train? Why have we wasted two episodes on boring inconsequential flashbacks that could have been boiled down in 10 minutes?Would it be a little bit more tolerable if more charismatic actor was chosen? Are we going to get of Tatooine at all? Why am I watching this?

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The Mandalorian: 3x01 Chapter 17: The Apostate
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x07 The Viewing

It's as captivatiing as Mandy. Absolutely brilliant.

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The Mandalorian: 2x06 Chapter 14: The Tragedy

I wondered half way through the episode who directed this, as it is uncharacteristically bad. Action makes no sense logically or visually, and it all looks unbelievably cheap,like an old star trek episode.
Imagine my shock when Robert Rodriguezes name appeared once the episode was over. What the hell happened? This season was stunning until this point. Previous episode in particular was a true treat. And to have episode like this at the crucial moment in the story... I really don't understand.

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Star Trek: Discovery
Wednesday: 1x08 A Murder of Woes

Personally I think they needed to push the confrontation with Crackstone to next season and elaborate on it. Feels like all that build up was wasted. Also, what's up with magic staff? I thought Crackstone is all about normal natural burning of the witches, yet he uses witchcraft.
Speaking of wasted potential, confrontation with Thornhill was great with Weems and Wednesday finally working together, only for it to be wasted with a stupid death, so what was the point other than to kill off Weems? She and her dynamic with Wednesday was one of the best aspects of a show, and it seems like her death was just glossed over

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Wednesday: Season 1

Unfortunately last episode or two sinks it to your usual YA tropes, which is a shame as almost everything before it was really good and fun, even though twist was predictable. In fact, I would say the main mystery is the weakest part of the show and it's a shame they dedicated so much time to it in the second part of the season. The heart of this show is Wednesdays interactions with everyone around her and I hoped "mystery" would just be a device for fueling that. The other problem is that by the end Nevermore really didn't feel that different than any other high school.
First half (Burton directed) is all great though and the show has good bones, so let's hope they really take quirkiness to next level without conforming to YA form.

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Warrior Nun

It had an OK first season, although it kind of seemed stuck between absurdity of the concept and surprisingly serious tone it tried to struck sometimes, but all that awkwardness is gone in second season.

It kicks ass from the beginning to the end, no saggy parts. It's fun, surprisingly smart, intriguing. Everything is at amazing level - cinematography, directing, acting... In fact, it seems everyone had a good time making it and that good time translates to the viewer as well.

If you're perhaps wondering should you watch second season even though it was canceled - the main plot of the season is wrapped up. There's hints to where the plot will go next (and I really hope we will get to see it as it promises to transform the show completely yet again), but it's not a cliffhanger that will make you mad for wasting time on a show. And when the season is as good as it is, I'd say it's well worth your time.

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The Midnight Club: 1x05 See You Later

Nooo, I wanted to see Sandras reaction on angel porn. :(

Fantastic story though.

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The Midnight Club: 1x04 Gimme a Kiss

Favorite story so far, it felt infused with Sandras character and loved the awkwardness of it.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x08 Narkina 5

Reaching new hights. This was just brilliant character work all around.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x01 Part I

So glad I watched this only for forest chase scene. Can't get enough of it, watched it for 3 times and every time I notice some new hilarious detail.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x05 Partings

This is what I expected the show to be from the begging. Not only has story picked up, it seems writing is much better too. Durin and Elrond scene was fantastic. In fact all the dialogues were interesting and made a point. Hope this level continues to the end of the season.

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Consistently good, interesting and entertaining throughout all 3 seasons. Also, although it was canceled you can hardly tell because everything wrapped up pretty nicely. Actually, it's one of the best series finales in memory and it wasn't even intended to be that.

Fantastic example of how you can do riveting SF with simple premise and small budget.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x24 First Flight

Essential/Worth watching/Watchable/Skip

While not a thriller, it's always interesting to watch these lore expanding episodes.
We get to hear stories of warp engine testing and rivalry between AG Robinson and Archer on a backdrop of a scientific research.
As for the Archers character, we get to see a point where he broke away from "everything by the books" to "everything for a righteous cause" guy.

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True Detective: 3x08 Now Am Found
True Detective