

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Game of Thrones: 7x01 Dragonstone

The variations on the theme as Daenerys and company make their landing and she returns home. Those long low horns and strings foreshadowing all the epic that's about to be unleashed. Zero dialogue until Dany asks, "Shall we begin?" Absolutely brilliant closing sequence for the season opener.

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Twin Peaks: 3x08 Part 8

Let me just say that, while there have been some moments of brilliance in the early episodes of this return to the Twin Peaks universe, there have been some things and episodes that have had me a bit concerned. That being said, if everything beyond this episode was crap, it could not diminish the absolute brilliance I witnessed tonight. Started out good, but the sequence that kicks off with the a-bomb explosion has to be the most artful piece of television ever produced to date. Those first few minutes are what Kubrick might have done in 2001 if he'd had the technology. I suspect I'll be rewatching this episode several more times in the week to come. So, if you, like me, have been a bit disappointed at moments with the return, I hope that this episode has restored your hope and or faith in the genius that is David Lynch. I know it has for me. Mind. Freaking. Blown.

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I was very enthused about this once I heard it was Lindlehoff at the helm. The Leftovers is one of my all time favorites, and this series promises to be a deep dive thematically with him at the helm. The series opener is as smart and interesting as I expected, but I was happy to see that it delivers on the action elements, as well. Very solid beginning - I'm psyched to see where it goes.

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Watch as though a child and don't let the more annoying performances, lackluster script, and none-too-subtle social justice statements laced throughout get to you and you'll be fine. I'm not going to lie - this movie has some serious issues, but if you can reign in your expectations and just enjoy it for the visual majesty it is (and on the big screen in 3D), then you got a shot enjoying yourself.

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Ozark: 3x08 BFF

Tom Pelphrey's (Ben) character arc - his bioplar swing - in this episode was just an insanely good piece of work. Dude should get a nomination for this episode.

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3 Body Problem
It Comes at Night

I get why the critics gave it the positive reviews they did; the cinematography was outstanding and the direction and performances were all very good. I enjoyed it a great deal for those reasons. However, I also get why much of the viewing audience was less positive about it (like the two friends I went with.) It is most definitely a slow burn, psychological horror film that lacks the in-your-face shock and/or gore moments common in the majority of contemporary horror films. It's also bound to leave you with more questions than answers (as one friend complained, "There's not enough info!") If you want to see an extremely well made film and aren't put off by films with a slower pace that demand a bit of imagination, I highly recommend it. Seriously, some of the camera work is breathtaking.

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True Detective: Season 3

Don't think I'm alone when I say that I was blown away by the first season, but let down by the second. Very happy to say that the third season, while not quite as good as the first (yet), is back on track and I'm enjoying it immensely.

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Overall, I was very impressed with the way all the elements of the production came together and very effectively created an ever-present, brooding tension. Good performances by a very capable cast with the scenes between Julia Roberts and Stephan James being of particular note. Also, I believe Bobby Cannavale is very underappreciated (as was his recent series Vinyl) and his work in this show is solid, as is Shea Whigham's. Sam Esmail, of Mr. Robot fame, does some great things behind the camera – framing, lens choices, and camera movement – and makes some stylistic choices which create additional visual interest without being completely over the top – something he did quite well in the episodes of Mr. Robot he directed. Damned interesting story presented well on all fronts. I highly recommend it, but be forewarned, this is not a show for short attention span viewers. The pace is often slow and deliberate, which for me, just added to the tension and anxiety. As a psychological thriller, it’s supposed to be uncomfortable, and I felt it achieved this very effectively throughout.

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True Detective: Season 1

Not sure how much more perfect a TV series can be. First season is outstanding.

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3 Body Problem: 1x06 The Stars Our Destination

Well, that was a total momentum killer.

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3 Body Problem: 1x05 Judgment Day

Oh, hell yeah. I've been waiting to see how well they pulled off the nanofibers cutting through the ship. Nailed it!

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House of Cards: 5x11 Chapter 63

Language and spoiler warning... "What did you think was going on here, Doug? I'm not fucking you because I like you. I'm fucking you because I hate you." Whoa....

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GLOW: 1x07 Live Studio Audience

I am continually impressed with how well they captured the whole 80's thing with just the right balance of tongue-in-cheek satire and respectful homage to the television and movies of that decade. The montage in this episode is a perfect example. If they'd gone over the top with it in straight mockery, they would have just been doing something that's been done a hundred times already, but they had enough faith in the audience and world they were creating to play it straight and it worked. Like I've seen numerous others comment, I had no idea what to expect from this show, but have been most pleasantly surprised.

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Homecoming: 1x01 Mandatory

I'm only one episode in and typically I try not to judge a series before I've watched a number of episodes first. However, if the rest of this series is as good as the first episode, I think it's going to be a hell of a ride. Sam Esmail of Mr. Robot fame puts together some very interesting shots and there is lots of creative lens use, as well. In fact, the entire production team has done a fantastic job creating an atmosphere that helps to create the ongoing, brooding tension in this psych thriller. The cast's performances are all solid, but I was especially impressed with Stephan James' work. Bonus points in my book for an admirable long shot about 7:45 minutes in which is composed of two tracking shots with a pretty seamless hidden cut. Very much looking forward to the rest of the series.

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Better Call Saul: Season 3

Shout by buddhalou
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-04-18T05:12:27Z— updated 2017-07-01T23:00:04Z

Oh, Jimmy. You train wreck, you. Anyway, loving the way we're really starting to see some of the pieces come together for the future we know will be, and yet, it's none the more fascinating and addictive of a watch.Greatest 'spin-off' in television history? I should say so.

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Some things they did worse than Lynch and some things they did better, but a solid adaptation has yet to be made. Really would like to see someone get it done well.

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Shout by buddhalou
BlockedParent2018-09-11T04:37:54Z— updated 2020-02-24T14:41:04Z

So, two episodes in, I give it a 'good but not great'. I am, however, cautiously optimistic. I think it really all depends on how far they're willing to go with the characters. For instance, I'll be disappointed if Mr. Pickles doesn't continue to spiral towards complete bats**t crazy and they decide to take a more wholesome approach to the story line. Jim Carrey is an amazing resource when tapped properly. The question whether they are able to do that or not with this character remains. The supporting cast is competent, but again, I hope they really let the reigns out on the characters and let this show get as darkly funny and dysfunctional as it can.

Long overdue edit
Things definitely went the way of my hopes in the above spoiler and so much more - including the wholesomeness. Season 1 finished up strong and now, six episodes into season 2, I continue to have my feelers hit in so many ways. So good.

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American Horror Story: Season 12

Just keeps getting worse every season. Anyone that made this show decent, from the acting to the writing, has departed the show. The last few seasons I keep asking why I'm doing this to myself. Maybe it's a morbid fascination to find out just how badly they can drive this once very cool show into the ground. Worst season yet.

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Beauty and the Beast

Well, the production values are high. That being said, it was a completely unnecessary film that offered nothing original or interesting other than the gimmick of being live-action versus animated. Such a blatant money grab from the evil empire. It's like even making the effort at their same old tired formula has become too much work. Instead... take one of your most popular films, point the camera at some trending stars and the token respected name or two, then put the marketing machine in motion.

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The Old Man

Wherein the Dude most definitely does not abide. Bridges and Lithgow both fantastic. Great story thus far.

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Making a Murderer: Season 2

One of the issues I had with the first part of this documentary was that it was overly long. There was a lot of rehashing of things that had already been covered and it could have been more concise. The second half is far worse, however. This easily could have been edited down to half the episodes they released. There is just so little that actually happened in the second half if you boil it down, and with the way it ends, they're set up for another overly long 3rd part as well. It's a fascinating case, to be sure, but I just feel that the series as a whole could have spent a little more time in the editing bay.

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The Leftovers: 3x02 Don't Be Ridiculous

"It's the logo for the Wu Tang Band."
"I think you mean Wu Tang Clan."
"Yeah, big fan."

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Legion: 3x03 Chapter 22

Another work of art from the Legion creative team. Such a well crafted history piece. This show continues to astound and, at times, confound me.

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Project Blue Book

The leader of H.I.V.E. enlists a vampire to recruit and partner with Petyr Baelish to investigate U.F.O. phenomenon for the United States Air Force. Industry rental houses rejoice.

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Drunken Master

One of the best Kung-Fu movies of all time. A young Jackie Chan just killing it with the moves and the comedy in this one.

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The Orville

Is this an homage?
Is it satire gone wrong?
Or just bad sci fi?

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Room 104: 1x06 Voyeurs

Kudos to the creators for doing something risky, having had to know that the reaction was likely to be, largely, like the other comments seen here. I thought it was an interesting watch, if for no other reason than it was unexpected, but it didn't exactly blow me away with it's artistry or anything. Nice attempt that fell a bit short.

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Overall, a textbook case of good, but not great, with the exception of the last episode - bit of a shame the first three weren't on par with it, but it does offer some promise for the second season. Generally though, the animation was well done, but didn't really jump out as exceptional or original. The story and writing were adequate, but pretty boilerplate. I will say that some of the voice acting was very good. I'm likely just a bit disappointed due to some over-hype from Shankar and his quote that the show was going to be "R-rated as f**k." I was hoping that meant they were really going to try to push the envelope for an animated show. Meh... not so much, but as I've said, it's good and definitely worth a watch. One other oddity that I'll join the chorus on - what the hell is up with four, 24 minute episodes? That's a 96 minute movie and I think it probably would have played better that way, although, by releasing them all on one day (as is Netflix's model), that's essentially what they've done.

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Doom Patrol: 3x04 Undead Patrol

So, I was getting a bit put off by the sentimentality of the last few episodes. However, my interest in this show has been renewed by were-ass eating zombies and a fantastic performance from guest star Michelle Gomez.

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